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So, you know, there's a number of things that happened in 1989. But those diseases, all these autoimmune diseases suddenly appeared. I never knew anybody with juvenile diabetes. When I was a kid, a typical pediatrician would see one case of juvenile diabetes in his career.
Today, one out of every three kids who walks through his office door has something happen. Why isn't anybody talking about this? Rheumatoid arthritis suddenly exploded, lupus, all these autoimmune diseases, you know, Crohn's disease, these exotic diseases. Nobody ever heard of when I was a kid. Now they're everywhere. And so you have...
disease and autoimmune diseases and obesity suddenly appear around 1989. And so there's a number of things that could be blamed for it. Well, the CDC thought it may be the vaccine schedule. Let's check. So they looked at one vaccine, which is the hepatitis B vaccine. They looked at kids who had gotten it in the first 30 days,
RFK Jr - Autism and Hepatitis B Vaccine within 30 days
Nov 18, 2024
One lady asked why her baby should get a Sexual Disease Vaccine, a Heb. B injection?
The reply was, "Just in case her child was raped at the Child Day Center." A relative risk.
The Mother snatched up her baby and never returned for any future scheduled injections.
The healthier children are not vaxxed and had received their full placental/cord blood infusion. Their parents rejected the birthing policy of Active Management that facilitates premature umbilical cord clamping.
The baby's trapped placental/cord blood is drained off and sent to private and public blood banks such as the Canadian Blood Services and the USA Red Cross Blood Services, and to private research labs for stem cell infusions.
Human blood is worth more than gold. The baby's stem cells, deprived the baby, particularly, the premature infants, can sell for more than $30,000 US, but is only paid to a medical person, not to the parents, who should not profit if harvesting their newborn's placental/cord blood by allowing early umbilical cord compression/clamping.
HUMAN BLOOD Collection and now the seeking DNA from most all babies born today, is a very large profiteering business.
Children get injected with formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, bovine serum, monosodium glutamate, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, porcine circovirus Type 1 and MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein during a WELLNESS visit to their pediatrician. HARD PASS!
I agree. You forgot one additive, the Monkey virus stuff, SV40. Canada Health covered this up. There was no true consent to get that stuff in their Covid-19 injection (s). Sadly, 90% of Canadians took the Cool Aid.
When I want a good sleep, I eat something with MSG in it. I am asleep in 15 minutes. Others may get headaches.
This must stop:
Like how in the H are these poisons suppose to help a healty body?
They're not. They are designed that way. Big Pharma is full of Satanists.
What???!!! If the child was raped at the day care centre!!??? That’s a whole other issue. Omg.
Sadly, some children have been molested at Day Care Services.
Yes, sadly, which is a whole other matter, not a reason to get jabbed "just in case" it happens.
The cure has to cause less harm than the disease. Not true with vaccines.
"Dracula" is a documentary, not a work of fiction.
These people are vampires.
Both my niece and nephew were C-section Millennia's. Both sick all the time, bad acne. No microbiome, I'm sure. Fast food, pizza from the gas station. Pop Tarts. Soda pop. Mountain Dew. Hot Pockets.
Idk if they ever even eat a banana.
They might like to know that high dose zinc can clear acne. I sure wish someone had told me.
You can get 40% Zinc cream or in a tube in the baby supplies used for diaper rash.
It is Good for insect bites too or minor cuts.
Zinc cream is fine but it's an internal problem so you need to take it.
Yes, supplements and nuts and grains with Zinc are great to take. Read nutrient labels on your products purchased, rice, cereals, etc.
I will tell them. They r both on scads of Big Pharma drugs for it. My niece's cortisol is off the charts.
Thank you
You're welcome. Of course cutting sugar makes a great difference too but if they're addicted it will be easier in the short term to take a tablet. If you search for the effects of sugar on zinc you'll see that high sugar causes low zinc. High zinc also lowers blood sugar. I was so deficient I needed more than 100mg/day which is incredibly high. 40 or 50mg/day should work but it might take longer. I hope they can get better and not just their skin.
I will tell them
Sugar addicts. TRY to give up sugar, even for a day, some cannot do it.
It is just a guess, but maybe alcoholics need sugar. Maybe they should reach for a piece of "dark chocolate" instead of the bottle. Look for the most iron in the unsweetened dark chocolate that is over 70%.
My brother stopped drinking once. Once
He said he couldn't eat enough cookies...
Yes, that, too.
Both C-srctions, and have health issues. They both were likeky held high above the Mother's tummy, and their blood drained back into their placenta yet in the womb, then they clamped of the quality of life line near their belly button. They would be sent to revival care of oxygen, and maybe fluid or a blood top up, maybe oxygen and tube feeding if they were premature infants. The policy to do premature unbilical cord clamping is called, Active Management. The trapped placental/cord blood is called a waste product and some parents pay to store it in a private cord blood bank. Others donate it to the public blood banks in Canada and the USA. This baby's placental/cord blood is said not to important to the baby, in most instances.
The babies are not being killed, they are just weakened and develop many blood anemic disorders.
At this time RFK.Jr. is not being shared one of the causes of chronic illness in USA youth, the Autism and ADHD and Cerebral Palsy disorders. Share if you like to whom it may concern. It may be a National Defense issues for all USA babies were to be instantly clamped. In Canada routinely instantly clamp babies. The wicked evil policy is set by ACOG, SOGC and supported by most all Pediatricians. They get big money in harvesting newborn’s placental/cord blood imposed on babies born anywhere on Earth, too. Parents are not educated they can have a witnessed and signed Birth Contact to revive their baby intact of what I call, a “biological, reciprocal, and sealed unit.” Sounds gross, but the babies are stronger if not being caused a blood anemic condition. The clamped off babies are then injected with stuff, soon after birth and baby boys are yet circumcised before their 8th day of life. Their entire penis skin is removed exposing their sex organs. Some Male'smay play with themselves, thereafter.
Strange imposed maternity issues were written about before and since 1801, this is including too soon umbilical cord tying.
Check it out. I am volunteer birth policy reviewer. Merck's policy allowed one breath, then to clamp off the quality of life line. Poor babies, some die of low blood volume shock within 12 minutes. The premature babies with undeveloped stem cells are targeted the most for 30 second cord clamping. Full term babies may get 90 second cord delayed clamping. Few babies are left intact, except for the accidental births who are the stronger babies because no one quickly tied off their umbilical cord.
Think about the value of free blood taken trapped in the placental and cord. It is medical assault but the parents are not advised in all maternity policy truth.
That's medical assault, for no true informed consent. Some doctors will lie, and midwives and medics why they clamped the cord, then cut it.
The babies taken home are weaker babies.
Some early clamped babies do die before they are two years old.
So why is no one talking about this? Can we bring this out? We must. Who is in charge of ordering this procedure? Seriously, where does the buck stop? The shareholders? Trump owns Pfizer stock, so does Dolly Parton. The enemy is us.
And they do the same thing to calves. They clamp the cord and harvest the Colostrum as well. My mom takes a probiotic with Colostrum.
I'm sure the stem cell cord blood is sold to the highest bidder, like actors and CEOs and people of that ilk. King Charles... Will this ever stop?
Because they cannot be held responsible by law
I think RFK.Jr., will attempt to fix that as the manufacturers of the vaccines have become negligent in what they put in them and with no true disclosures.
Latest in Canada was the Monkey stuff, SV40 was not disclosed in mRNA Covid-19 vaccines.
We do not know if it caused sickness or death and if the Vial's labels were coded which vials contained it, for comparisons which vial's labels did not. Secrets known just to the manufacturers if the Digital labels were sent in with any adverse reactions.
I do not understand why some people (including RFK jr) say that taking a vaccine should be a personal choice. There is NO CHOICE when there is NO TRUE INFORMED CONSENT. Some ingredients do not need to be revealed because of PROPRIETARY AND COMMERCIAL
INTERESTS. How can this be acceptable to anyone? The manufacturers do not have liability. How can this be acceptable to anyone?
How could so-called Covid vaccines have been issued without information about side effects (by claiming it is emergency use) and yet getting people to sign a consent form? The strategy is pure evil but it is brilliant because "they" know how easy it is to manipulate people.
Big Pharma has been given a license to dupe, injure and kill people all over the world. This evil is being performed under the guise health and right under our noses. Covid has helped to reveal this corruption and to lead us to question everything we have ever been told about anything, including history and our institutions. The population has been dumbed down and unless people step up and do something I do not have hope for humanity (depopulation agenda, 15 minutes cities, biometrics, digital ID, digital currencies, surveillance, low orbit satellites, transhumanism, technocracy, iatrogenic deaths, etc.). It is corporate control of humanity and it is evil. Is it too late to wake up?
Thank you Dr. Makis for leading the way. We are so grateful to you and your family.
Om ..yes Covid has 1 thing good, you're absolutely right, it revealed this corruption and to question everything we've ever been told!
Exactly, you can't make a decision on something that you don't know enough about. The vaccinating clinic definitely won't tell you what you need to know. The only way I'd to research yourself. If you use mainstream outlets and read pharma-financed studies, you might decide to take it but you still won't be properly informed. If you know where to find the real data, your decision will no doubt be a big fat NO.
I hate to admit that my baby daughter got autism and she was born in 89. Her husband was born the same year but a month earlier and has autism too. Along with my daughters autism of course she struggled in school growing up but is being treated for Crohn’s disease. And now both getting the bioweapons he has heart problems. I feel so mad and so sad for them to. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I am SO sorry to read this !
I have friends who experienced the same.
Dr Makis,
While I fully agree with RFK Jr on the subject of autism related to childhood vaccines, I am not very hopeful he will speak out on the c19 killer jabs.
One of my own children ,who spoke very early, shut down completely after receiving the 18 mth childhood vaccine. I was told to just give her Tylenol while she screamed on her back on the floor for hour afterward.
It was only a little later that I realized the correlation and home schooled her and employed therapeutic device for years , ( listening to herself on tape recordings and having her repeats lists etc) to actually get her back on track.
The same Pediatrician asked if we would enter her in a study out of the U of Penn to "....shorten her final height since my husband and I were both tall " by injecting some time of growth hormone into the ends of her long bones in her legs That way he could be named as part of the Study !!
I ditched the Pediatrician and just took her to a GP I trusted.
He dubbed that Pediatrician ,"Mengele of Medford NJ".
Now as far as supporting you to work under RFK Jr, I was VERY disappointed to hear Ainsley Airhead , a reporter on Fox News announce, "Young people are getting turbo cancers BECAUSE OF THE FOOD !",
and RFK has plans to change that and make America healthy again.
I recently heard a Dr on her podcast state that neither RFK or Trump will say anything about the bio weapon shots, because Vance started and owns an mRNA and ,"Pharmaswammy is also invested in this failed technology. "
I think you should move to Florida, since the Surgeon General there and the Health Department has announced no one should take these covid shots, and Physicians are NOT being punished for telling the truth now by having their Licenses taken away.
correction.........MY child screamed for HOURS post vaccine at 18 months of age.
My son got Crohns at 16 years old after his father took him for the H1N1 jab without my knowledge or consent. He was very sick. My son (now a chiropractor) knows he got it from that shot.
Speaking of vaccines & autism, Steve Kirsch sent this substack out to his subscribers this morning....
A Midwestern Doctor posted an executive summary and an analysis of it.
In the late '90s, my son was given the HepB and was supposed to get another vaccine at the same time, and the nurse "accidentally" gave him a second HepB vaccine. They told me it was not a problem. I was furious and never went back to that doctor. My sister's son, the same age as mine, was diagnosed with autism (Asperger) at 18 months old. When my son was growing up, he would always say to me, "Something is wrong with my brain, I think I have autism (like his cousin)." He was eventually diagnosed with ADHD, as were my other two children, and they tried to make us believe it was genetic. I think all these "genetic testing" companies are to make people believe their diseases are coming from poor genetics to distract them from finding out they come from the vaccines.
I was reading a comment from a reader below regarding RFK and the Covid 19 jabs and couldn’t agree more and it will be key to see what Kennedy does with the Prep Act. Becerra is the current head of HHS and has extended the Prep Act for Covid countermeasures 11 times. Prep is due to expire at the end of this year 2024 and we will know if RFK plans to keep his word by terminating Prep for Covid and not extending it for the 12th time. It seems RFK should be talking about Prep now because this is the most serious threat to Americans health at this moment. Also, Prep Act in its entirety needs to be repealed too as it violates separation of powers. The only attorney challenging Prep right now as far as I’m aware is Jeff Childers in Florida. Childers is representing Moms of Liberty. Childers has a substack called Covid and Coffee is like Makis in that he’s not just speaking out but also taking action. Hope RFK takes action too by ending Prep as soon as he’s in office.
Praise God for RFK, Jr.
God Bless and Keep Him
OH that bloody paywall keeping the unemployed at bay-good job for the proletariat-Not.
right? I cannot afford to be educated.
Yup, designed by lucifer's pharma to maim/kill.
Exercise, eat healthy food, and stay away from sick people, and vaccines... my advice.....
And spend at least one hour a day outdoors. Sunlight is an essential nutrient. Cannot take near infrared light in a pill.
Maybe less than an hour since the sun is causing more harm these days from all the atmospheric manipulation done by our evil Luciferian Overlords.
First you prove that Natural Immunity is superior to any of the fucking crap people put inside themselves.
That establishes that there’s no need for Vaccines.
With no need for vaccines, you have, ipso facto, demonstrated that there’s no need for gain of function research.
I will leave it to you to understand the logic of that.
Finally, you demonstrate that gain of function research to date has failed to produce an airborne pathogen, capable of poisoning an entire human population.
I intend to prove these points and more.
Beyond that, Natural Immunity is a misnomer. It’s actually Natural Resolve.
The flu symptoms people are so mesmerized by are actually the toxins coming out of their body. Not a response to toxins coming in.
It’s all Sepsis.
The one thing all organs of the body share is that blood circulates through them.
Proteins and Toxins that are not properly evacuated from someone’s body pass to the blood. Or if you’re a complete fucking moron, you inject those very same toxins into your blood.
The vaccines are essentially Turbo Sepsis.
I intend to prove these points and more.
This is so simple, that I can do it while I’m changing the oil in my car.
As can most of my friends that were too cool to go to medical school.
Thank God for them.
I believe it is time to use both the International Criminal Court and the International Justice Court, to charge any authority denying a medical person their being prevented to honour their Medical Oath, Do No Harm by their duty to give their patients all warnings about taking any drugs or even a vaccine into their body which may cause them more risk harm then the expected good, if the treatment is not truly safe and effective.
This is per the patient's own health concerns by their habits or health condition and any of their own concerns to choose what is best for their own health choices.
The parent's must have informed risk choice on what is best for their newborn baby or a young child under the age of consent.
I believe individuals on the Provincial, State, or Territorial Medical Licensing Boards who are/were complicit in dismissing medical doctors who shared all risk factors on experimental drugs or vaccinations which were not truly proven safe in long term research shared to the public at large, must be arrested by the Prosecuting Attorney of the ICC or the ICJC.
This arrest is for their own complicit crimes against the human race for causing any one person bodily injury or death from drugs or vaccines taken on the World Health Organization's calling a Covid-19 Pandemic and declaring there was no known treatment possible other than to wait for a Covid-19 vaccine.
Then came out an Emergency Plan for world wide mRNA or DNA vaccinations and some untested drugs for flu or cold illnesses, or a new flu vaccinations, some developed by a Nation's own labs but which were not tested or approved safe for "all" persons.
This is by their vulnerability by age or an individual's health conditions, such being pregnant, or having a condition that one takes self medication drugs, or prescription drugs.
The individuals to be taken to either or both ICC or ICJC must include any complicit silent elected politicians, in a community's health Region.
Also named to be arrested are the Region's individual Health Authority who are complicit to direct all persons to be vaccinated, in that region, or if unvaxxed were to face unemployment or restrictions on their natural God given freedoms. This is on their decisions to travel or to have access to medical service or have access to public or private services, and/or for their playing in sports, and so forth.
Listen to Karen Kingston speak about the upcoming H5N1 bird flu vaccine. It's in a video here
See my comments Bob Martin: and other sites plus 12504151770 cell Canada
This is the truth 1988 was when the pharma mafia where made free to do what ever they wanted by the USA govt and senate what a scam. Its been going on since the very beginning at least from 1835 proven in a book written in 1880 by a DR . from London UK. Talk to me if anyone wants more veritas that a fair court would accept and find useful to prosecute in Court finding the other disbelievers guilty. Bob Martin vaccine injured H1N1 2010 never fully recovered from being a Quadriplegic . 12504151770 cell Canada.
Alcohol is sugar. This is what makes alcoholics.
In the video, Bobby Jr. states the difference in risk was based on whether or not the child was vaccinated within 30 days, but he doesn't say within 30 days of what. I assume it was within 30 days of birth, but you should check and make that clear in the helpful transcript that appears on the side of the video. Thanks!
I don't think any vaccine is safe but there are instances it may warrant it's use. For instance, as a volunteer firefighter my husband is considering getting a hep B vaccine since the risk of blood, cuts is a potential occurrence especially since they deal with traffic accidents. I don't like the idea of him getting it and I will have him do a basic pre and post protocol but it may be wise for him to get this one.
When humans were first created and they discovered fire they must have been over joyed, until they realized if the fire gets out of control and they need to fight the fire they could get cut and cause blood contamination so they invented the needle and found chemicals that make sure the blood can't get contaminated. Seriously?
Is it better to get hepatitis B?
If you are not sexually active or an IV drug abuser, you do not get Hepatitis B. If you plan to prostitute or traffic your child at a young age, or you plan to share dirty needles while introducing them to IV drugs, then by all means, be sure to give them the hepatitis B vaccine. My daughter did NOT get that vax in infancy because I never put her in daycare - my husband and I took care of her, alternating our work hours and working from home so she didn't need daycare, and she was well supervised during childhood. She finally got the Hepatitis B shot as an adult which is less risky than in infancy, she got it when she was traveling with me to India and to Vietnam for humanitarian work along with other vaccines, in countries where the risks seemed greater. Though probably that was unnecessary since we didn't go over to do drugs or have sex parties, but possibly could have been raped in India. But as a child, my daughter was NOT at risk for catching Hepatitis B, and most infants and young children are not actually at risk. Plus now there is some antiviral med that is used for hepatitis. So you are really weighing risk of even getting Hepatitis B, which is low in those who are not having sex with high risk individuals or doing IV drugs with dirty needles vs. the risk of getting an autoimmune disease or autism - but parents are never ever given a true risk vs. benefit analysis, it's just "here is one of those shots to keep your child healthy," and you just do it. There is not informed consent for vaccines, because there is no information given. There is a lot more to consider. But definitely, if you plan to sex traffic your children or introduce them to IV drugs, they should get the Hepatitis B vaccine, they will need it in that case. My husband and I managed that risk by keeping an eye on who had access to our child.
It's also good to know that physicians get no training in vaccines. They are only taught how to administer them. They usually don't know what's in them to any degree. Very convenient not to educate them so they can't claim they knew.
You have a massive disregard for reality
No sir, you are woefully uneducated regarding vaccines and disease.
As a registered nurse , I recently read Hep B vaccines are quietly being taken off the market. This is just one of the brands they are becoming more cautious with.
The main known ways that people get Hepatitis B are through having sex with someone who has the virus, sharing needles with someone who has the virus AND being a health professional and getting a needlestick. A Hepatitis B website says "It's important to know that you can’t get hepatitis B from touching, kissing, drinking alcohol, food, water, air, or sharing cups and utensils." It's not an easy thing to catch. Oh, and this: "Hepatitis B is transmitted when blood, semen, or another body fluid from a person infected with HBV enters the body of someone who is not infected. This can happen through sexual contact; sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment; or from mother to baby at birth." I think there are some people where the risk of taking the vaccine is greater than the benefit because some people are at very low risk for picking up this virus. It is not easy to catch. But sure, if you want the vaccine, it's up to you, free country.
I am a licensed healthcare professional with 15 years of education after high school. Although it is "politically incorrect" to challenge the pervasive vaccine narrative, there is an organization of thousands of physicians who say that vaccines should always involve an individual risk vs benefit analysis for that patient or the parent of the patient. That holds for any other treatment, so why not vaccines? In fact, RFK has stated, correctly, that no vaccine has been through a randomized, placebo controlled study - it's actually not possible to fully know the risks when the vaccines have never been compared to placebo. Even with the Covid injections, they were looking only for the immediate reactions - but after 3 weeks, those in charge said, look, the vaccines are working so great, we should give them to the control group also. of course in doing so, they were intentionally making it difficult to determine the long term adverse effects of the Covid injections. However data analysis, and consideration of vaccine adverse effect reports from around the world, has shown that there are many serious adverse effects, autopsy studies have shown harm from the Covid injections, and much more. Pfizer's own data shows they knew the harms and promoted the vaccine anyway. I know we were talking about Hepatitis B and Covid just now, but this gives insight into what these companies do - it is their own work that shows this: This is the description of the Pfizer Papers edited by Naomi Wolf: "The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective. The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.” "
"Despite the fact that Pfizer committed in its own clinical trial protocol to follow the placebo arm of its trial for twenty-four months, Pfizer vaccinated approximately 95 percent of placebo recipients by March 2021, thus eliminating the trial’s control group and making it impossible for comparative safety determinations to be made." They can do these things because the FDA looks the other way and gives them a pass, no one is truly watching, and they are never held accountable because Congress fixed it so they cannot be sued for anything related to vaccines, unless they commit fraud, which many believe they have.
A bit more from the description of the book - the book will show a lot about how the FDA operates and how they fail to protect us - "Just as importantly, The Pfizer Papers makes it clear that the US Food and Drug Administration knew about the shortfalls of Pfizer’s clinical trial as well as the harms caused by the company’s mRNA COVID vaccine product, thus highlighting the FDA’s abject failure to fulfill its mission to “[protect] the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.”"
"The Pfizer Papers offers an in-depth look at how Big Pharma, the US government, and healthcare entities stand protected behind the broad legal immunity provided by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) when creating, prescribing, and administering vaccines; and, under that shield of protection, do what is best for their bottom lines rather than for the health and well-being of Americans."
"Real world" is not what you get in mainstream news media, nor is true info what gets filtered down to your health care professional in many cases. This is a partial description of a well researched book by RFK available on Amazon - The Real Anthony Fauci: "The Real Anthony Fauci reveals how “America’s Doctor” launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. Fauci orchestrated fraudulent do-nothing studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS. Fauci did the unthinkable and repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in beyond order, deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies."
"In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates’ $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over global health policy and our beautiful country."
"This is not just another political book. The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets—both conservative and liberal leaning, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent."
What Fauci did with AIDS is somewhat similar to what he did with Covid - suppressing effective treatments with fraudulent research and promoting ineffective harmful treatments on which he and his partners could make tons of money. The book does have a lot of info about what happened during the recent pandemic, but goes further back in history to show a lot more.
Consider that Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer was paid more than $33 million dollars in 2023; the CEO of Moderna, Stephane Bancel, was paid $300.7 million in 2023. Pfizer had $81 billion of sales of the Covid shot from initial launch through appromiately now. And that is just the Covid vax and not counting Paxlovid or other Covid products or non-Covid products. When you have that much money, you can sponsor every news broadcast on every network, and news coverage will not question your press releases. A VP of Pfizer said on a video produced by undercover investigative journalist James O'Keefe that the FDA didn't give them a hard time about anything and it was very easy to get their products approved. This former VP, who was promptly fired after the video was released to the public, said that the FDA guys know that later when they retire from government they will be given cushy jobs at pharma where they will make a lot of money, so they are easy to work with now. When there is this much money associated with sales of these products, people sometimes can be less than truthful about the products, and there is motivation to sweep the problems under the rug, and there is more than enough to influence others to support your products. This is true with any of the vaccines - it is a cash cow for the pharma industry.
You are very welcome.
Where is the peer reviewed paper that Robert Kennedy Jr is referencing when he says HBV vaccines causes a autism in children before age 30 days?