You know, one of the things that you write so beautifully, and your stuff is so fun to read, but you write about Trump. quote, the way that you build a truly vicious nationalist movement is to wed a relatively small core of belligerent idiots to a much larger group of opportunists and
spineless fellow travelers whose primary function is to turn a blind eye to things. We may not have that many outright Nazis in America, but we have plenty of cowards and bootlickers, and once those fleshy dominoes start tumbling into the Trump camp, the game is up. When you talk about fleshy dominoes, Chris Christie comes to mind. Yeah, exactly.

RFK Jr called Trump and his MAGA minions “belligerent idiots," "outright Nazis," “cowards," and "bootlickers."


RFK Jr. compared Trump to Hitler and praised descriptions of his supporters as Nazis.


RFK Jr. once compared Trump to Hitler: Trump's nominee for HHS Secretary is the latest entry in the list of Trump sycophants who once likened him to violent authoritarians.

Rolling Stone

RFK Jr caught on audio comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler and calling supporters 'bootlickers.'

London Evening Standard

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