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Trump's Camera-Ready Cabinet - PODCAST
At least Gaetz was WAY better than dog-killer, African refugee enthusiast, Kristi Noem.
Your link to the Friday podcast on Ricochet.
The Big Stories of the Week:
Pam Bondi for AG? Consider this your warning.
Why did Matt Gaetz drop out? Maybe not what it looks like.
RFK: Trump's best pick (besides Homan) so far.
Dr. Oz vs. The NYT vs. the Science
How was Kamala's campaign like BLM?
My ode to white men.
I want to read stories not listen to podcast
Please get an audio engineer to improve the quality of your podcast audio.
Ann, you could've had a V8. You could've had Trump's ear at closer range than the patsy in Butler, Pennsylvania did, to recommend people for his cabinet. Hell, you could've been IN his cabinet.
Gaetz won't have anything to do with legalization of pot or increasing adoption by gays now that he's out of the House. I don't support pot legalization, but like Thanos wearing the gauntlet with all the stones, it's inevitable, barring an Iron-Man to stop it, that marijuana is eventually taken off the Schedule 1 classification as a hallucinogenic narcotic, once the feds work out an amicable deal with the cartels. The pot horse has left the barn, unfortunately, since nearly half the states have legalized it already, and some additional ones have approved medical pot.
According to what little I could dig up, since I'm not anywhere near the sleuth you are, Ann, (and I have other things I'm doing in my life keeping me busy) refugees from Sudan, Congo, and Ethiopia have come to South Dakota. Their numbers haven't been large at all, very small in fact, but these people are legitimate asylees as Christians who've fled Muslim persecution.
I agree with you that there ought to be a moratorium on all new immigration for at least 10 years. This seems like an adequate amount of time for those who are here to fully assimilate. I also agree with Trump's desire to repatriate (the better, more appropriate term than "deport") millions of illegals currently on public assistance in the country. We both know Homan, Miller, and Noem, with the president, will face enormous legal roadblocks trying to stop these economic illegal migrants from being sent back to their own countries.
I don't believe Kristi Noem is at all as bad as you make her out to be. You were raised in Connecticut, which I know has some farming, but have you ever been deeply involved with farmers and ranchers? I am a city slicker myself, so I haven't. I've gotten to know farmers, though, now that I live near them, and it's a whole, different way of life.
I love dogs as much as you or anyone, but your "dog killer" label for Noem just sounds like the kind of scurrilous terminology the New York Times you despise so much would say. Maybe you should have her on your podcast and talk with her instead? I think that would be a better approach than trashing her from afar. If you're not a sixty-year-old virgin you need to take the log out of your own eye so you can see clearly to take the splinter out of hers. Asking for interviews with people you have questions about would increase your fan base audience, and we'd get to hear some interesting interviews.
Just more unsolicited commentary from a genuine hardcore fan. I love your wit (you're very funny!) and you're extremely smart. You write fantastic books (Good Lord I wish you'd write again!), but please reach for your softer side. I know it exists somewhere in that battle-hardened exterior of yours.