Environmental Catastrophe: A World in Chaos: A flooded coastal city in November 2024, with skyscrapers partially submerged in water and streets turned into canals. People wade through waist-deep water, carrying their belongings on makeshift rafts as emergency responders struggle to reach stranded citizens. In the background, wildfires rage on the horizon, casting an orange glow over the darkened sky, while massive storm clouds loom overhead. The scene captures the compounded effects of climate change--rising seas, unrelenting storms, and mass displacement. The mood is desperate yet defiant, showing humanity’s struggle against the forces of nature as the planet reaches a tipping point.
Prolegomena: With the end of an exceptionally busy (& productive!) November, it is that time again for Your Friendly, Neighbourhood DOOM Merchant to recap all the sundry DOOM wares smelted this month by Yours Truly! 😉
& Yours Truly had several esteemed guests for ‘Eurabiamania: When East Meets West,’ many of whom made their debut appearances on the show:First up, we had the wonderful Sir
, host of the Werewolf podcast, for an in-depth sitdown discussing the Geo-Economics of Europe, the Faustian psyche, the coming death of American Neoliberalism, & many other related topics!Next, we had a special panel with Sir
& Sir to discuss the fallout of the American Presidential elections & how Trump’s victory is a death blow to a certain sort of Globalist, Cosmocratic Elite.We also gave special attention to how Trump will have his hands tied & will have to maneuver with what little elbow room he & the nation have left. His victory, then, is more a Reprieve than anything close to ‘Salvation,’ which we all concurred on.
Up next, we had the lovely Sir
& Sir @ Samara on to continue speaking about the Trump victory, & how the domestic & global situation will likely shift now that the Populist Right is back in power.(Once again, Liberty Magazine & Sir Samara were recently banned by
, so unfortunately, I am unable to tag either of them. Many Apologies for that! 😢)We also veered once more into the topic of the possible & the feasible vs the fantastical & the unlikely. Overall, we all agreed toward the end that Trump will (again) have his hands tied & do little to stop the larger order trends.
Namely, the coming Decline & Fall of America may be somewhat slowed down by his presidency… however, he will not be able to stave off the inevitable.
Next, we had the excellent Sir
on to speak about the Aridoamerican plane, its people, culture, mores, land & related topics. As the Faustian West comes to an end, slowly but surely, we are beginning to see more & more cultures emerge worldwide:Sir
, who writes , gave both myself & Sir a masterclass on the Aridoamerican world & how (in the Spenglerian sense), it is about to form a new culture, as America begins its terminal descent into the Abyss.Next up (to continue our forays into Spengler), we were joined by the eminent Sir
, with whom we delved into great detail on how the human macro-organism (per Spengler & others) develops over time & eventually meets its end.We paid special attention towards the end of this episode to how Human societies of the future may develop a different relationship with Technics & the Biosphere, writ large, out of necessity given how present-day societies have utilized resources:
Particularly how today’s Modern-day Industrial Society has burned through the lion’s share of Fossil Fuels, leaving not much else for their descendants several centuries & millennia down the line, should they require such energy sources.
Afterward, Sir
joined us for an in-depth sitdown on the Russo-Ukrainian war. We spoke at length about how Westerners have relied on Wunderwaffe game-changers throughout the past 2-3 years or so…& how each time, without fail, these technophillic delusions & wet dreams were bested on the battlefield by the Russians courtesy of sheer mass, scale & scope, superior doctrine & (most importantly), superior integrated battlefield ISR.
Next up, Sir
& Sir joined us for a special roundtable to speak about the Migration issue & its various subtleties (in the US context).Quick background… a few days before said roundtable, Sir
had written a wonderful piece on how the Farmworkers (primarily migrant Slave Labour, both illegal & legal) are the engine behind the lion’s share of US Agriculture.The backlash he got from said piece inspired us to do a formal sitdown & go over many of the arguments people made against him… some serious, some not so much. Overall, you should read the piece, Dear Readers & Listeners…
Not just because it is well written (which it is! 😘) but also because it gives you a small glimpse into how many people who speak on this subject are completely off-kilter, & have no idea how the real world of cause & effect operates:
Anyhow, We analyzed some common proposals for Mass Deportation, ‘Remigration,’ etc. & concurred on why these are completely unrealistic given present day military-kinetic realities, coupled with socioeconomic, legal & other related limitations.
While some deportations of hardened criminals & the like might take place… the bottom line is that the ability to prosecute such large movements of people no longer exists, given the sundry failings & frailties of the Federal US Government.
Addendum: Sir
wrote a wonderful piece which in many ways is a continuation of this sitdown, & I urge you, Dear Readers & Listeners, to read it here:Sir
meanwhile did a quick rundown of the numbers & estimates for legal & illegal migrant labour per sector in the American economy:Finally, we ended the month with a terrific sitdown with Sir
on how America is crumbling (a la Demographic Winter, Energy Poverty & related maladies) & how things will only get much worse before they get any better.Special focus was given to the Technophiles & the Tech-bros who think Robots, Mars, & Asteroid Mining will soon be ‘making things better’ & why all such Romantic Fantasy talk is Moot in the face of the Convergent, Equifinal Crises across the West & beyond.
Once again, I am Deeply Honoured to have had the privilege of sitting down with said Good Sirs to contemplate the DOOM, gloom & despair of our times!
Below are all the Stacks & Links for the Eminent Sirs mentioned earlier, which you should check out, Dear Readers & Listeners! If you still need to do so, subscribe to them! The material they publish is of top-tier quality!
Grandmaster of DOOM, JMG:
Sir Kenaz’s Excellent Stack Duo:
Sir Uncouth’s Lovely Stack Duo:
Sir Cleveland’s Epic Stack:
Sir Constanin’s Lovely Stack:
The Brilliant Arktos Journal:
Sir Alexander’s Amazing Stack:
Sir Aspen, Aridoamerica Central:
Sir Magus’ Wonderful Stack:
Pater’s Magnificient Stack-Duo:
Sir Amerikanets’ Cool Stack:
Brother Brecht Jonkers:
Official Xitter Profile: https://x.com/brecht_jonkers
Sir Patriot’s Amazing Stack:
Sir Alexandru’s Great Stack Duo:
Sir Phisto, Anarch Extraordinaire:
November was also an exceptionally busy month for Yours Truly, in which quite a few DOOM Wares were smelted. Likewise, I finished a lot of dictation work, which (finally) saw the light of day after much time in the furnace.
Sans hosting the podcast, November also meant loads of interviews & sitdowns, many of which involved deep dives into DOOM-ful tangents from Yours Truly. 😊
First up, Yours Truly dictated (in full) a Quintet of essays authored by Grandmaster of DOOM,
, regarding the five stages of Collapse.The Quintet (in totality) looks at the slow, gritty nature of Collapse, which unfolds over several decades & centuries & is not something (contrary to Hollywood) that manifests overnight & sweeps everything away.
Up next, in Why There Will Be War (2024), Yours Truly briefly examines why Trump’s election victory (or loss!) is ultimately immaterial to the larger order trends of Decline & Fall plaguing the American Empire, its sundry vassals & the wider West.
Special attention was given to Energy & Demographic realities, & how such things mean an increasingly narrowing window for kinetic action… which the ‘Elite’ are likely to take, given their fading away in irrelevance should they fail to do so.
Next up, Sir
did a duo of podcast sitdowns for his excellent Eurosiberia show, one pre-election & one post-election night.In the first one, Yours Truly predicts a Kamala Harris victory courtesy of the Democrat machine, & how that will likely mean the end of America as a sovereign player in Geo-Economics on the global stage from now onward…
& in the next one, Yours Truly issues a Mea Culpa & tries to make sense of why my prediction was incorrect. Special attention was likewise given to Trump’s victory & how it will be a welcome Reprieve for many, both in & outside America.
Next up, in The Collapsing World: A Brief Primer (2024), Sirs
& hosted Yours Truly for a most DOOM-ful episode! 😊 Once again, I am deeply honoured to have been hosted by said fine duo of gentlemen!We talked about how Future societies will have less energy, materials & demographic resources compared to present-day societies, & how said limitations will Ipso Facto mean increased decentralization of powers worldwide.
Special emphasis was given to the current American Zeitgeist & how, while many elements of American society will thrive & prosper in said New World, many will not do so, instead withering away into ruin, irrelevance & oblivion in the coming decades.
Afterward, Yours Truly composed a most DOOM-ful Proem for Pater
, who graciously decided to host it on :Proem For All Post-Dark Age Civilizations (2024) is not just responding to Pater’s amazing essay duo on The Aenean Soul; it is also an overall critique of all pictures of ‘The Future’ which incorporate far too many Technophilic, Upwinger variables:
Namely, worlds in which there is an abundance (real or de facto) of energy, materials, metals, technology, demography, ecology, etc., for Human betterment.
(Attached below is Pater
’s excellent Essay Duo on the Aenean Soul… please read them when possible, Dear Readers & Listeners! 😊)Many Thanks Once Again to Pater
for hosting this most DOOM-ful Proem, & I look forward to whatever response essay is penned to it (by himself or other Fine Gents… who see a more Hopeful Future for mankind than myself! 😘)Last but not the least… Brother
& Yours Truly had a sitdown with the wonderful Sir to speak about how Multipolarity already exists, & how it will soon strengthen even more in the future:Emphasis was made on how America can no longer control the sea lanes of trade & communication, thereby making it no longer the sole Hegemon & Superpower of World Affairs but One Great Power among others.
Towards the end, we also touched on the Demographic crises plaguing the West & why Migration & related trends will mean that centres of power will inevitably move eastward, with said implosive trends picking up across the Industrial world.
Attached below, per usual, are all said toils for the month, Dear Readers & Listeners!
May You all have a most displeasing, DOOM-full Read (& Listen)! 😉
November 1
November 2
November 4
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 8
November 10
November 14
November 16
November 22
November 23
November 27
November 29
November 30
… & The Monthly DOOM Review! 😉
Soon, Dear Readers & Listeners… Soon! 🥰
Goodbye for Now, & Remember:
The DOOM Cometh…!
Your Support is vital for Smelting the DOOM & keeping it HOT & FRESH off the Furnace!
If you enjoyed the read, I would greatly appreciate it if you Subscribed to a Monthly or Yearly pledge to support my work so that I may continue Smelting DOOM for your displeasure!
Alternatively, you can tip here:
Thank You, Dear Readers & Listeners, for all your Support!
Many thanks to Ahnaf and Kenaz for hosting myself and your other distinguished guests!
I haven't had time yet to look into the works of all of these authors, but I have read Aspen's AridoAmerica Substack from the beginning - it's a fine body of work and I look forward to more. I was born and grew up in the Sonoran Desert, so I still think of this place as my homeland - and I believe that, whatever one's ancestry, the land itself leaves a spiritual imprint on its people. So I will always be a proud AridoAmerican, and hopefully will go back there some day when my education is complete.