
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - CHD Dr.Paul Thomas - What has changed with Cancer? (Oct.30, 2024)

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Thanks to Dr Paul I was able to inform my granddaughter not to start immunization of my great grandson born in Dec 2021.

Thanks to Dr Makis I am using his protocol to treat my 85 yr old husband diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 metastatic parotid squamous cell cancer this year that, at surgery, they could not remove all the tumour and thus it started growing outside his neck a month later. Now 4 months later of taking repurposed drugs (per Dr Makis) and naturopathic vitamins plus Vit. C Infusions we are seeing the tumor shrink! Oncologist only interested to see him if he wants radiation or chemotherapy. We are going for quality over a “maybe” promise of extending his 6 month expected life span and so far we are winning. Except for a daily dressing change life is normal…he continues to feel well and is active.

Have you heard of REBOUNDING for cancer…check this out:


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Thankyou, I've Never heard of RE - BOUNDING AND I THINK I WILL TRY THIS TECHNIQUE 👍 , THANKYOU 🙏❤️‍🩹🫂🥰 🕊️

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I would love to meet you and your Family, WHEN YOU GET TO THE USA!!

IT will be an HONOR🧄🍽️


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Very good interview, Dr. Paul and Dr. Makis. Brazil, like South Africa, is probably going through very difficult times regarding this issue.

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Yes, another very good interview.

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Thank you Dr. Makis for this great interview.God bless you sir. I pray that the Lord will provide a way out of Canada for your family.

P.S. I didn’t realize that Canada also had the strange tradition of asking strangers for candy. I thought it was only a weird American thing.

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It is a strange and creepy tradition, isn't it?!

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Dec 2Edited

Mad respect for Dr. Makis for having the nerve to leave Canada to protect his kids.

As for not wanting to call them vaccines, I came up with "Genetic Molestation Shots". Posted that in the comment section of the Toronto Sun. A biochemistry grad from UoT lost his marbles on that remark. He immediately went into name calling/insults. And not that I needed to, but I pointed him to a Lund University study that showed how the mRNA in LNP's could write themselves into the DNA of hepatic cells within 6hrs. Got crickets back from him and was later banned for life from posting on Post Media.

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Great interview, I hope you can interview Ardis.


He discuses four studies from, U, Arizona, France, Italy and one from China.

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Dr.Ardis tells us to drink our pee. Seriously?? That never ends well!

What is next...feces frittatas,??!? He also uses fear mongering to get people to buy his non- whole food, non- organic, GMO so-called supplements. Watch out for those who have something to sell you!! Always, ALWAYS check the sources, ingredients, and toxic effects of anything that someone tries to sell to desperate people!

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Hi from South Africa. 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦, watch the space, SA is maybe thé country under the radar re the depop agenda.

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MNRA tech with lipid nanoparticles,,, what an experiment especially under an EUA?

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Yes agree, I would love to see you and Dr. Ardis do a podcast together.

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Dr. Ardis is a fraud and a charlatan, who is taking advantage of desperate people. If you think that drinking your own urine is healthy, then you deserve what he has to offer.

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I Know …

How About Some Medicine

For The People

That Took Too Much Medicine

For Their Entire Godforsaken Lives ?


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The medicine we've been taking is to cure the planet of too many people. It's very effective, and "safe" from liability for the manufacturers

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Yes, I agree! Patients do come LAST!!

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thank you

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Now, I get why I'm still on-guard. My grandson's are approaching the age of post secondary education. I didn't know Canadian universitys where still mandating the kill-shots.

The rest of the childhood vaccine schedule was bad enough with how damaging they are to immune systems.

Pox in them!

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Come to SA 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

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Dr. Makis, Have you ever helped someone who has Puetz Jegher syndrome?

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