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Does character matter?
Does adultery matter — or are we all feminists now?
Does being PRO mass immigration from Africa sound like a good credential to head up Homeland Security?
And finally: HEY, VIVEK! If you were holding your fire when I was on your podcast, how about coming on MY podcast and giving it to me with both barrels — instead of complaining to the NYT’s Ezra Klein.
As a New York Times subscriber I listened to that interview between Ezra Klein and Vivek.
I recorded my immediate impression on X, November 19th:
“Two children of immigrants to this country, neither of whom are Christian, telling Americans what America is.”
Vivek’s point about being American is legally true but ridiculous from a common sense standpoint. Does he truly believe that an Iraqi Muslim coming to US 2 years ago and gaining US citizenship is just as American as George Bush? And one thing I have noticed with liberals (embarrassing that a supposed conservative makes this argument) is that suddenly how long you have been here is important when it comes to “Native Americans “, an expression I loathe.