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Hey guys, just wanted to jump on here really quick. I've had a lot of people reach out to me in terms of how they can support what I'm doing. I am doing this full-time now. And if you like and value the work that I'm doing and like to contribute, on every single episode, I have a title,
Support My Work. Underneath it, there is a Venmo, Locals, Cash App, or if you prefer not to use one of those methods, you can mail a check or money order to PO Box 25383, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85255-9998. So again, thank you for all the support. Appreciate it and look forward to more conversations ahead. Dr. Mackis, thank you.
Thanks for coming back on. It was great to meet you in person a few weeks back in Phoenix. And I got to hear you speak with Kevin McKernan and Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Peter McCullough. And, you know, I'm always, you know, I'm appreciative of the fact that I get to, you know,
INTERVIEW - Coffee and a Mike with Dr.William Makis (Dec.4, 2024)
Dec 06, 2024
I successfully sued Facebook twice in 2019 and I'm suing again. He'll be served January 15, 2025. 18 USC § 1962 and I post all of your videos on Facebook with no problems.
Well here's the link to the 174-page Lawsuit. I've sued CapitalOne, Regions Hospital, Target Store, Inc., and Walmart and many others. My entire family are attorneys. And I don't lie.
I win.
I've won against CapitalOne, Regions Hospital, WalMart, TCF Bank, Target Stores, Inc, Aspen Dental, Most Holdings and more BECAUSE Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota (I live in MN) still have an 1800s law on the books. I am able to sue outside of the court system and the Defendant has to respond with Motions to me, at my home address. See: MN Hip Pocket Lawsuit:
That's why I always win. The Defendants call me before the 20 day response period and offer to settle because 1. They have to hire a MN attorney and 2. It will cost them $5000 or more just to answer with their first Motion which they know I'll deny.
Well, my grandparents came here from Russia (grandfather) and Poland and I'm a Pro-Palestinian Anti the entire state of Israel, Atheist, adopted, but my birth mother was Jewish. Israel, governed by Megalomaniacs will destroy itself because Megalomaniacs are self-destructive. If I prayed, and I don't, I'd pray the state of Israel was occupied by Palestinians forever. For goodness sakes, Jews and Muslims cooked and ate together and babysat their children and got along famously prior to the mid-1800s. Then came the Megalomaniacs. This too will end.
Wish I was. One of my doctors is Irish and he doesn't charge me anymore because I have cancer. He and his wife are precious people!
Zuckerberg is heavily invested in Moderna.
Thank you. I love your interviews!
Contact Christofer James at he is a true Canadian hero fighting for Canada and the whole world. He has the answer to end all of this satanic madness.
Always praying for you Dr. Makis!
Substack conversations are the best! We can comment without getting our own comments censored. I can't comment on YT.
All of the church fires..... did this war actually start as a war on religion, April 2019 when Notre Dame burned?
Dr Campbell avoids the word "covid" and stays up on you tube.
Dr Makis , can you go on Rumble, or Substack or Brighteon yourself?
correct you should NOT buy into Zuckerberg OR Trump...............Biden is going to Pardon Fauci...........what a joke on US and the world.
No one talks about the money allotted to war....or universal health care. The Billionaires and the deep state ru(i)n everything.
As far as I can figure, the billionaires are employees of the banking system. There are about 2,100 billionaires in the world. And you notice people like Elon musk, the Gates of hell. Mark Cuban all these people that pretend to be billionaires are in fact pretending. They are following a narrative and the narrative is supportive of cognitive dissonance. The deep State has demonized heterosexuality throughout all the West and then they glorify all other forms of sexuality. Except they use heterosexuality in movies, music and advertisement. This goes along with Edward bernays to use human instinct for the corporation. And you can readily see this everywhere beyond the sex into the fear and it's very effective. Edward bernays was the great nephew of Sigmund Freud. He used Sigmund Freud's data to tie emotions to purchases. And then he made the statement about using human instincts. Additionally, Edward bernays Grand nephew is Marc bernay's Randolph. Marc the co-founder of Netflix? I believe Marc is also using human emotions for the corporation. Also, you'll notice that his last name is Randolph. Randolph family were Blue bloods. Thomas Jefferson's daughter married into that family. George Washington's wife was born a Randolph. Martha Washington had all the money. Her husband custis had died before she met George. And and then her son from custis changed his name to George Washington custis to honor George Washington. And then he built Arlington House and plantation in Washington, DC as a tribute to George Washington. And then his daughter married Robert E. Lee. They lived in that house for 30 years prior to the war of Northern aggression. Robert E. Lee wrote his daughter a letter saying that he knows of no greater calamity than the dissolving of the Union and that he would sacrifice everything, he used the word all to prevent it, say for his honor. History is full of lies and half Truth. I have more opinions about things. For example, the war of Northern aggression was visited upon the south by Lincoln. He sent the army of the Potomac into Virginia and he knew what would happen. Because at that point the United States of America wasn't the United States of America. It was the Confederacy of America. A bunch of independent states agreeing to be independent. But that wasn't his real goal of starting that war of Northern aggression. He wanted to destroy Southern banking as he was an acolyte of the rothschilds.
Anyhow, it goes on and on. I hope you didn't get bored. I hope you read it. Bee's
Interesting read...some new facts for me.
I wonder if people’s rights matter anymore in Canada 🇨🇦? Are people allowed to think or make medical decisions for themselves?
I nave to wonder if the rights of people in Canada matter anymore. Especially when people like me are accused of losing my job due to misconduct because I didn’t take the so-called vaccine to keep my job at Mapleleaf foods here in Brandon Manitoba. That disqualified me from unemployment insurance benefits. Which makes me think that we don’t have rights anymore in Canada.
People have ALREADY 'WENT BACK TO SLEEP', now that TRAITOR Trump was SELECTED.
The CENSORSHIP is about to get A LOT WORSE.
LOOK IN TO ALL of those that Trump has 'picked' to join his Cabinet.
And that is just the beginning, with these individuals.
Things are about to get much. much, MUCH WORSE!!
YOU WERE LIED TO (with Trump)!!!
Take your negativity somewhere else. Not healthy for you.
Where do you see 'negativity'??
Your DELUSION is not healthy for you. It IS, in FACT, a Mental Illness.
And your Mental Illness still does not change REALITY/FACTS.
Again, this is NOT HEALTHY, for YOU!
Have a GREAT day! :)
Your picture explains everything.
And you're clearly a MORON.
Go and play in traffic! ;)
Yeah the censorship and the domicide. Trump said that he survived the attack on his his teleprompter because God himself saved him. Now d-chump can kill whomever he pleases because if they die that's exactly what God wanted.
The legal persecution of Dr. Makis follows exactly the playbook developed against Blacklock’s Reporter when the government bought one subscription to their news site and then circulated the password to thousands of government employees. This case has been tied up in the courts for at least 10 years and the strategy is to bankrupt Blacklock’s by the process. As far as I know, this is continuing to this day.
Why would you even want to call it a vaccine in the first place?
On the stripping assets, Fauci and Gates should be first.
Do not emulate Elon. He is deceptive and is not who you think he is. Why would they sell Twitter to Musk, ask yourself. He is tied to the govt. He is definitely in the monitoring the business and AI. He is not Mr. Free speech.
Ukraine is not firing long range missiles into Russia. The US is. I find it hard to believe anyone believes Ukraine is the culprit. I suggest you watch Judge Napolitano's podcast in which he interviews professonal military and geopolitical analysts. The Ukrainian military does not have the training or the authority to operate the artillery employed to launch those long range missiles.
How's COVID vaccines doing in cuba?
Hell no I don't trust them period.
I don't know Danielle Smith at all, or anything about her. But when she wins with 91% approval, and then flipflops on her campaign promises, the only thing I can conclude is that she is being blackmailed.
Do a Russell Brand! 15 min uncontroversial content, then direct everyone toRumble for the full uncensored version
Trump is the vaccine daddy. He shutdown Our Country, ventilated Our Seniors, masked Our Children, funded op warp speed which hospitalized 8% of Americans who took it, and then, he recommended the jab. Trump is part of the deep state
AMEN!! TRUTH!! ^ ^ ^ ^
Yes !!
Check out this video, Warp Speed Stopped the FEMA Camps
You have been listening to the Fake News on MSM, and have drank their kool-aide.
Don't rush to judgement on Trump.
Rather I do something that you should also do: think. But, to be fair, thinking is a talent like singing. Not everyone can do it. Even so, many voices sound better than one.