It was a long, but profitable past week. On the 6th of January, I made my annual pilgrimage to Auburn Avenue Presbyterian in Monroe, LA for their pastor’s conference. The conference was terrific. It was great to see old friends and meet new ones at the conference. The conference, known in some circles for its controversial topics and speakers, really has become a bunch of friends who enjoy getting together to talk theology.
My little book, The Trinitarian Father, made its public debut at the conference. I think it sold quite well as my smile indicates.
To me, as I have mentioned to many, the best part of the conference is truly the singing and the profound community life you experience when you join those brothers and sisters. It is hard to stress how gracious and hospitable these folks are. The beer flows, the conversations abound, and the joy is full.
You can download the conference talks here.
I flew from there to Tampa Bay, Fl where I had the opportunity to visit my friends at Clearwater Christian College. I graduated from CCC in 2003, but still have maintained some good contacts with the school. I met with their new president, Jack Klem. Jack is a terrifically bright fellow with a robust vision of the Christian faith. CCC is in good hands.
I then went to Lakeland where I ministered to the saints of Christ Church. Christ Church is a mission church of the CREC and under the care of Providence Church in Pensacola, FL. It is a joyful little church. I encourage you to stop by if you are in the Orlando/Lakeland area. I spoke on the subject of biblical hospitality and answered some questions after the service on how more specifically to implement this Christian duty. We then feasted, drank wine, and sang together.
I lost my wallet the first day I arrived. My luggage was one day delayed. Two of my flights were delayed, which incidentally led me to miss the following flight. But overall, a fruitful trip. Shalom.
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