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Well, welcome everyone. It's Unscrew the News. We are joining you today from inside of the walls of Chinata. We have experienced the CSIS movement, the CIA, or whoever has been trying to keep us from having this discussion. And they know that we're trying to bring information out to the masses, trying to wake the masses up.
So we've ended up having to go to Zoom and we finally managed to work that out. A little technical issues here today, but I'm really grateful to have both of my guests joining me. We have Dr. Makis. Here from inside of the walls of China, we have Richard Hirschman, the embalmer from the United States, you know,
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Unscrew the News - Richard Hirschmann and Dr.William Makis - COVID-19 Vaccine rubbery clots (March 2024)
Dec 18, 2024
Clot Resource: substack "Clotastrophe" dedicated to the white fibrous clots authored by Laura Kasner, colleague of Tom Haviland - originators of the embalmer surveys for the clots - and Richard Hirschman.
Calling attention to this specific post from September 2024 which contains a paper written by a team of scientists studying the clots which details both chemical composition and formation mechanism.
Highly recommend subscribing to this stack if interested in staying current on the latest regarding the clots.
Artist Anne Gibbons recently brought attention to the clots in a drawing about what the embalmers are seeing titled "Bloody Hell". The information she captured in one drawing is not only a useful educational tool, but also the sad reality of the clots being seen both in the dead and the living.
There are two women I know about in Ottawa (friends of a friend) who were diagnosed with breast cancer. They were vaxxed with the infamous CV 19 shots. They were told they had cancer (Stage 0 (Zero)). Their doctors convinced them to have mastectomies to "prevent the cancer from coming back". This is insane to say the least.
As we can see, western medical doctors are merely technicians for the most part who do what they are told (prescribing chemicals and performing procedures) otherwise they are liable. They don't understand cancer. It appears it is a metabolic disease that is brought on by factors such as obesity, inflammation, lifestyle, diet, poor nutrition, etc. This applies to just about all diseases. Have we ever been fooled!!! Furthermoe, the food supply thanks to Big Ag(riculture) amongst other things is slowly killing people.
Western medicine does not address the root cause of the problem. They are mutilating women for $$$. It is pure evil - of this I have absolutely no doubt!
We need to dismantle the medical industrial complext (incuding Big Pharma) and move towards natural and functional medicine.
Follow Dr Ana Mihalcea. She knows what they’re composed of.
Nanotechnology is the virus.
The s proteins may be misfolding proteins causing amyloidosis. This cascade of misfolding may be binding the proteins together causing those long fibrous clots.
These misfolded proteins were predicted by Stephanie Seneff back in 2021 before any of the rubbery clots had been acknowledged to have been observed.
Dr. Makis, Watching this interview with Richard Hirschmann, I noticed that Richard has a lump on what I believe is the left-side of his neck. I hope someone reaches out to Mr. Hirschman to get his neck checked out. Thank you.
Oh wow!!
Sent a few URGENT emails today. NEED your reply ASAP. Thanks!
Kevin McKernan has found several mechanisms for the mRNA to create junk protein in addition to the intended spike protein. Pfizer took out stop codons so if it shifts to the reverse strand it just keep on going. The pseudouridine can cause frame shifting during translation and crank out who knows what. All the arrows are pointing to the vaccine causing the clots.
Detailed research & explanation around these fibrous structures -
Can you please show Dr. Makis’ email address! I can’t find it.
Dr. Makis thank you for sharing.
Dr. Ruby broke the story about these fibrous clots with Robert Hirschman quite awhile ago .
I could not find the original episode on the Unscrew the News Rumble channel. Glad you posted it here.
The pseudouridine which makes mRNA persistent is likely being recycled into vascular cell mRNA trying to repair the vascular wall after t-cell destruction of transfected cells.
Sorry you missed Lyndsey RN on twtr/X space talking to Dr Kevin Mc C
Blood Separated Into A Yellow Liquid & Black Clots?
Plasma Separated From Spike Protein Contaminated Or Unoxygenated Red Blood Cells?
Are The Squidlike Clots Using Plasma As A Medium For Self Assembly And/Or Food?
Black Goo?