The Eclectic Self
QD #64 - an ancient philosophy for multi-curious humans. 10 days left to join our next Quest.
Dear Questers,
Sam here 👋 I hope this first week of 2025 has been restorative. I’ve been enjoying the dark coastal days here in Margate as we finish up the writing and design for our new book! Issue One of The Quester’s Guide is on its way…
I also wanted to send huge love to any of you out in the LA area right now ❤️ We’ve had many Questers from there over the years and these fires are devastating to witness. I hope you are safe!
January’s Quest - 10 days left to join!
21st Jan - 18 Feb.
Want to kickstart 2025 in the most creative way possible? We are exploring a brand new theme. If you're in the mood for Making - this ones for you 👀
🗓️ Live workshops times for January are here!
🍿 Want to know how a Quest works? Watch this 2 min video.
The Eclectic Self
Underlining everything we do at Creative Quests is the belief that our individual creativity is shaped by the space we open up for it. While we may each possess inclinations or even natural talents toward certain subjects and mediums - intentional and passionate curiosity will always open doors to new interests, skills and worldviews.
Through our Quest programme we have proven countless times that this is true.
When we explore our creativity in this diverse way, we begin to build what I call The Eclectic Self.
A multi-hyphenate version of our creative identities that puts emphasis on our taste, imagination and attitude, rather than being tied to a specific medium. While we may spread ourselves a little thinner on practical skill, we go deeper in spirit.
While researching ideas around what is means to be an ‘eclectic creative’ I discovered an ancient philosophy that is slowly curing me of my multi-passionate imposter syndrome and empowering me to be who I am. It's called Eclecticism – a way of thinking that refuses to hold any single paradigm as absolute truth. Instead, it draws from many different ways of thinking to create multifaceted approaches to being.
🏛️ Eclecticism: an ancient philosophy for multi-curious humans.
The philosophy of eclecticism has deep historical roots, dating back to ancient Greece. The term comes from the Greek word "eklektikos," meaning "choosing the best." The Eclectic School, founded by Potamon of Alexandria around the 1st century BCE, believed in selecting the most valid doctrines from all existing philosophical systems and mixing them with their own ideas, rather than adhering to a single school of thought. Pretty radical for ancient times.
This ancient idea immediately resonated with me, because for years, I felt like I was failing as a creative person by not choosing one path. The pressure to fit neatly into a single creative category is real.
I can’t tell you the number of times I have been faced with the doom of having to categorise myself in a drop down menu of options in an application or funding form. Always thinking to my self…
“I don't fit in your drop down menu of creativity.
Because I am the drop down menu.”
The case for Eclecticism
Whether it’s a philosophical world view you’re building, or a creative life you are crafting - I think all of these points apply….
Cross-Pollination of Approaches: Exploring one medium or approach can actually help us go to new places with another. Developing a photographer's eye for composition can enhance your detail for writing; your confidence in dance can influence the way you capture movement in visual arts.
Multifaceted Problem-Solving: Different forms of creativity teach us different approaches to problem-solving. Staying adaptable in this messy modern world, where everything overlaps, is a golden skill!
Deeper connection to others: When we explore our creativity in an eclectic way we meet all kinds of different people, deepening our empathy for those with alternative approaches and worldviews to our own.
Artistic Innovative : The eclectics were known for combining different ideas to create new insights. Similarly, your diverse creative interests can combine in unique and unexpected ways! Honestly… why limit yourself or the potential shape of your ideas?
It’s fun! Building your own worldview and making your creative spirit a squishy, malleable form is a hugely rewarding process. As my email signature says… 'Forever unfinished, with evolution at heart.’
📜 An Eclectically creative manifesto!
I promise to indulge my diverse curiosity.
If that makes me difficult to define - then I’m on the right track.
I acknowledge these differing parts of me are allies, not enemies.
Juxtaposed & tricky to navigate though they may be.
I choose the paths of most existence.
I pledge allegiance to The Eclectic Self.
Come and indulge your Eclectic Self with us in our upcoming Quest!
A round up of illuminating discoveries from our world…
📚 Range: why generalists thrive in a specialized world a book by David Epstein
🧠 I think the London Interdisciplinary School is The Eclectic School of the modern era. All students study a full spectrum of subjects and focus on applying their learnings to societal problem solving.
wrote this brilliant essay on idea The Post Individualism… which chimes with theme of this weeks newsletter.📦 Generalist World is a career platform for talented people who don’t fit in boxes
🏔️ Why some of us don’t have one true calling. A Ted Talk by Emily Wapnick
🥺 Welcome to ‘the anti-social century’ (I hope not!)
✂️ Join Anne Ditmeyer this Sunday to vision board your 2025
👻 A quick reminder that we are all ghosts trapped inside bald monkeys and its probably going to be ok.
Yesterday I got a full rush of excitement for our upcoming Quest. January’s editions are often some of the best. Our Guest Quester is booked - somebody whose work I’ve admired for many years! I’ll leave you with this fitting testimonial…
big love,
Sam x
🥾 Quest Guide / Founder
📲 @saaamfurness
THE QUEST DIGEST by Creative Quests is a treasure chest of ideas & stories exploring what it means to live an illuminating, creative life. Delivered when inspiration and creativity strike. Subscribe to receive each issue!
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Thank you for another great post! I definitely relate to this feeling of not fitting into a box..ended up inspiring my book about pollinators!
Thank you for another great post! I definitely relate to this feeling of not fitting into a box..ended up inspiring my book about pollinators!