My Favorite Scene
That place in the book where everything is calm, beautiful, and good
I want to stay
in that scene of my life
When I see it
when I feel it
I’ll know this is it
It is built into me, into destiny
That scene where dreams have come true
where everybody is happy
where I feel that they feel that life is good
where I feel that too
I want to stay when it’s there, but I can’t
Because life moves on
to the next scene
to the next moment
and the next
Again it happens, and I want to stay there too
the scene of my life
that scene where I want to stay
And life moves on
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By Jorgen Winther · Launched 7 months ago
There are so many things to enjoy in life! So many thoughts about it. Explored through short stories, poetry, photos, drawings, observations, and everyday philosophy.
This is a poetical description of attachment 😉