Conviction follows destruction of eagle's nest on South Dakota Hutterite colony
Farm boss sentenced for Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act violation
CORRECTION: This article has been corrected after The Dakota Scout errored in reporting the Joe Hofer was convicted of a felony charge. The Scout strives for accuracy and fairness in its reporting and deeply regrets the error. Alert the newspaper of necessary corrections by emailing editor@thedakotascout.com.
Felling a tree that housed an eagle’s nest has earned a Lake County Hutterite colony farm boss a misdemeanor conviction, probation, and a four-figure fine.
Joe Hofer of Volga was sentenced in federal court this week after pleading guilty to violating the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The conviction comes after he destroyed an eagle’s nest while removing trees from land owned by the Cambridge Hutterian Brethren in November 2023.
The 52 year old works as the farm boss for the Lake County colony and was removing trees from the property using farm equipment at the time of the violation, according to federal authorities.
“Hofer did not have a permit to take down the eagle’s nest, which is protected under federal law,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a news release Tuesday.
The case was investigated by South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, though it's not clear how the agencies became aware of the violation.
Hofer was sentenced to one year of federal probation, a $1,200 fine, and ordered to pay a $25 special assessment to the Federal Crime Victims Fund by U.S. District Court Chief Judge Roberto Lange on Monday.
Wonder if the farm boss knew the eagle's nest was in the tree, when he cut it down. Maybe he can make up for the hefty fine, by milling the logs and selling the wood.