Discover more from Sarah Seeking Ikigai
🌸 ikigai 生き甲斐 is a reason for being, your purpose in life - from the Japanese iki 生き meaning life and gai 甲斐 meaning worth 🌸
I've saved you a spot by the window, where the light is soft and the world feels a little quieter.
If you're needing a moment of calm today this is a cosy corner I’d love to share.
Here, try on my rainbow cardigan. Don't mind the holes in the sleeves or where the colour's faded. Comforting things come with a history of being well-loved, don't they?
Here in this corner, we believe in creating safe spaces to just be, wrapped in acceptance and understanding. It's why I keep my old cardie handy, holes, worn patches and all. Quiet corners are where real magic can unfurl. Not in the hustle and shout of trying to prove ourselves, but in gentler moments when we can just be.
When we can acknowledge that some days are harder than others, and that's okay too.
Some days, I pull it around my shoulders like armour. On others, it feels like a hug from an old friend, one who doesn’t mind if I crumble a little. The rainbowy stripes remind me it’s worth putting up with the rain and that it doesn't last forever. The holes? They're just the places where life has stretched me, reminders of the moments I’ve been worn thin but never completely unravelled.
You know what I love most about this corner we're creating together? There's no pressure here. No need to be "fixed" or "perfect" or "productive." Sometimes we just need a space to catch our breath, to remember who we actually are beneath all the shoulds and musts and have-tos.
If you're reading this, you belong in this space. There's nothing you need to bring, nothing you need to prove, just you, as you are.
I'm learning that strength looks different than society taught. Sometimes it's in admitting we need rest or help. Sometimes it's in letting others see our unraveled edges. Sometimes it's just in showing up, exactly as we are, holes and all.
This quiet corner? We don’t have all the answers, we make space for questions. It’s about sharing stories and finding those "me too" moments that remind us we're not alone. About building tiny havens of belonging when the world feels too big and too busy.
The kettle's always on here, and there's always room for one more soul who needs a moment of gentle understanding. Because we all have days when we need to borrow someone else's warmth until we can find our own again. And if today feels too heavy to even reach for the cardigan, that’s okay too. Just knowing it’s here might be enough.
So stay a while, if you'd like. Share your story, or just sit quietly and breathe. The rainbow cardigan has plenty of magic left in it, and this corner isn't going anywhere. We'll keep it cosy and safe for whenever you need it.
Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is allow ourselves to be held by a moment of kindness, wrapped in something that's seen its share of storms but still knows how to shine.
When you're ready, whether that's today or sometime down the line, this warmth will still be here, waiting for you.
What story would you like to share? What magic are you carrying in your own pockets today?
There's no rush, we've got all the time in the world here in our quiet cosy corner.
WIth so much love and sparkly rainbow magic your way beautiful souls,
Sarah, seeking ikigai xxx
PS - Some gentle journal prompts for your quiet reflection;
"A moment when I felt truly safe was..."
"Today, I'm giving myself permission to..."
"My version of a magic cardigan would be..."
"One tiny thing that brought me comfort recently..."
"A gentle truth I'm learning about myself..."
"If I could send a hug to my younger self, I'd tell them..."
PPS - Sometimes finding our ikigai starts with creating these quiet spaces where we can hear our own heart. Where we can ask ourselves what truly matters without the noise of 'should' drowning out our inner wisdom.
PPPS - A rainbowy hug in music form
I love how you’ve created this cosy corner where it’s okay to just be. The reminder that we don’t need to prove, fix, or perfect ourselves here feels like a breath of fresh air. Thank you for holding this space and sharing it so generously.
I feel very strongly that Substack is and should be a place where we can be ourselves and the fact that you're willing to put the kettle on too!
A gentle truth I'm learning about myself is that rest is not laziness. Slowing down doesn’t mean I’m falling behind; it means I’m giving myself the space to breathe, heal and grow. If I let myself burnout that's not helpful to anyone.
…just me and some gravel footsteps enjoying the shushing bay splashing briny sea green stones while some strange bird warbles in the distance, two others squeak skeek back and forth, my dogs dangle chain, boats whistle in unknown distance, cars making the wind exhale as they hustle out of a tunnel, and some happy children work the whir out on their remote control planes..it’s a good wool day…