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There are many naive souls among us. Many who still believe in the institutions of their fathers and their great country. They believe that even their enemies will abide by the laws set by the constitution and government. O, misguided souls!
Every day I see these naive souls claiming when this or that court or some judge gets their enemies before them, there will be hell to pay. They don’t see what has happened. How the institutions of our fathers have been subverted, conquered.
There is no political solution. The Supreme Court will not rescue you. Whatever demagogue gets pushed into the limelight will not save you.
Naive, so naive.
What’s happening to you comes from your inaction. Your refusal to choose great violence.
The world is not nice. The game is always rigged and if you do not rig it in your favor, it will be rigged against you.
You see the blatant hypocrisy of your fathers’ institutions in the news every day. You see how they give your enemies light punishment compared to the hammer they bring down on your kin for the same crimes. Any opportunity to stick it to the True American they will take. And take it shamelessly!
They have nothing to fear. Our people have shown that they have lost their edge, their vital force. That they will not fight. They will not stick their necks out for their kin.
They believe themselves just trying to survive themselves. So they keep their heads down to avoid the enemy’s gaze. But eventually, the enemy will find them.
If you want to survive, you have to fight.
There is no running. If you start running, they will never let you stop.
The world is not fair. The enemy will not present a clean target and neither can you.
The enemy will continue to push the bar. Continue to make things harder for you. Make your path to victory even more perilous. They will do this for as long as they can until you’re defeated or until they are made to stop.
We know what happens to those who stick their necks out. We seen the unjust persecution for doing the right thing. But we leave them to be burned by our enemies. Terrible sinners are we!
If you do not take care of your own, you deserve to disappear. The bonds of blood are the strongest bonds there are and we continue to break those bonds to our own ruin.
The first step is not presenting an easy target for our enemies. Yes, we must take care of our own, but we must also NOT put our own at risk of easy reprisals. We should not force them into bad positions.
Should you be forced into action, it should be with the intention to fight till the end. We know we will not get fair trial. We will not be judged by our peers, but by our enemies. Do NOT sell your life cheaply. Do not become a pawn in the enemy’s schemes.
There are many naive fools among us, who want to believe themselves good. That all people in the United States are Americans. That everyone here is their kin. Save them if you can, but do not follow them. They will lead you into slavery, at best.
Your kin are those descended from the Founding Stock. The men born from the frontier. You can expect only 15 to 30% of the total population of this country to meet that requirement. Maybe there are more, but they have betrayed the blood. They are beyond reason. MindFUCKED.
Cohesion is the most important thing our kin must be working toward.
We must be on the same page. We are already a minority in our own homeland. Without cohesion, we are already divided, conquered.
It starts with knowledge. With learning, no REMEMBERING, what you are — in the blood. I’ve said before that real science only affirms the law of nature and nature’s God. Science has shown us to be distinct, to share the same values.
The entire establishment of the enemy depends on you not remembering that you belong to a race. A race that has just as much right to live in this world as any other. And your rights are being imposed upon.
This message can be applied in all countries.