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Bill Maher Goes Full RFK Jr. in a Scorching Takedown of America’s Failing Healthcare System
Something is not right with how America does health, and Bill Maher just dropped the receipts to prove it.
Bill Maher just dropped his latest episode of Real Time. While there were plenty of moments filled with Trump Derangement Syndrome, he also delivered some surprisingly great takes on the Washington plane crash, government spending, and, most importantly, healthcare.
The first standout moment came when Maher said Trump was “exactly right” to mock a reporter over their “stupid question” about the plane crash site.
“They asked him a question about the crash, and they said, ‘Will you visit the crash site now?’ Every other politician would go, ‘Of course, it was a tragedy.’
“And he went, ‘It’s the water. What do you want me to do, swim there?’ And I was like, exactly. F*ck right. You’re exactly right. It’s a stupid question. And you got just the answer you deserve.”
Listen to Maher’s Trump impression. It’s actually pretty good.
Next came the topic of government spending, in which Maher perfectly summarized how broken the current system is in just 40 seconds.
“We vote to spend money we don’t have, spend it, and then vote whether to pay the bill.
“Then, one party threatens to crash the economy by not paying.
“So then we vote just enough money to keep the government open for a few months at a time.
“It reminds me of when I was broke and would put a dollar of gas in my car every time I filled up. You can tell me that’s not a broken system?”
Maher also obliterated the Democrat narrative that “the border was better under Biden” with a single chart.
“Democrats can say they weren’t for open borders, but it sure looks like someone left the gate unlocked,” Maher quipped.
The moment of the night came when Bill Maher channeled RFK Jr. and perfectly summed up just how broken the healthcare system is. While Democrats fearmonger about what RFK Jr. would do at HHS, there’s no denying that America is already failing miserably.
Maher nailed this topic so well that it sounds like RFK Jr. wrote it himself.
“We have the most expensive health care system in the world, spending far more per person than any other country, with far worse results. Life expectancy: 49th in the world. Infant mortality, 54th. More people here live with multiple chronic conditions than any other rich country. It’s enough to make you sick, but you can’t afford it.”
RFK Jr.’s confirmation hearings are over, but the voting process has just begun. The senators below are the key votes that will decide his confirmation. Call them and remind them—this is America’s mandate, and RFK Jr. is the right man for the job.
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) – (202) 224-6665
Susan Collins (R-ME) – (202) 224-2523
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) – (202) 224-2921
Bill Cassidy (R-LA) – (202) 224-5824
Shout-out to Attorney Tom Renz for the above phone numbers.
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In case you missed it, RFK Jr. stunned critics with a masterclass Senate confirmation performance. Watch all the highlights in the thread below:
I hope everyone in McConnell’s and Graham’s states finally primary their sorry asses!
Any, whether democrat or republican that would not vote to confirm RFK are voting for the same corrupt healthcare system we have and/or the payoffs they receive from the same corrupt system.