TIME TO BE A NOBLE, GLOBAL POWER: President Trump's Right About to End USAID, Another Kennedy-Era Scam Which Needs To Die
A few thoughts about the Kennedys and Camelot and the bloodlines which control the world.

There are a lot of good left-wing critiques of USAID but I think a far more damning one is that it’s long been compromised by the Nazis, especially in Latin America.
Of course that’s true of a lot of the JFK stuff which we will tuck into in a moment. Have you considered that JFK might have been a Nazi himself? And maybe even deserved being killed? Oooooh, those are some dangerous questions. But didn’t JFK praise Hitler? Didn’t he have a Nazi spy lover in ‘42? Wasn’t his father, Joseph Kennedy, a Nazi sympathizer?
Say what Uncle Chuck? Yes, indeed. What!
I’ve never regarded USAID as all that serious a place. It’s sort of the place you stick weirdo Peace Corps people who narcissistically tell you that they are making the world a better place! Think of them as the annoying Washington DC version of the Silicon Valley try hards. Well-credentialed but totally clueless. The women tend to be slutty; the men tend to be gay even if they are straight. Now I’m not saying they are all like that — just every single one that I have met.
Do you honestly think that we’d trust Samantha Power with running such an important agency? Come on now. Be serious.
Power’s elevation to a National Security Council post was as much about taming USAID as it was elevating Power. Power’s star lost a lot of lustre when she was unable to stop the Gaza genocide despite literally writing the book on genocide. Of course her husband was very pro-Israel so she couldn’t do much about that Gaza genocide.
Power, a Clinton acolyte, was very behind the scenes but she couldn’t dodge the incompetence allegations plaguing her or USAID.
So let’s be serious about USAID. And, alas, on this USAID matter I have a bit of personal, familial experience.
My CIA uncle Stephen Johnson and his ex-wife Diane Nagel worked for USAID where they doled out grants to largely undeserving Latin American dictators, some of whom worked with the cartels or the Nazis or both. The dirty little secret about the cartels is how Mormon and German they are. Ever notice how German Vicente Fox is?
My uncle’s late second husband David was also involved in these matters and specialized in Peru. One meeting with President Alejandro Toledo of Peru was all it took to dissuade me from being an expert in Peru. Toledo has since sentenced to 20 years in prison for corruption, of course. President Francisco Flores of El Salvador, who I once interviewed for my prep school high school newspaper, got caught stealing millions from Taiwan. He died before he could face trial. They’re all like this in one form or another. And if you spend enough time around them, you’ll end up liking them too.
Yeah, over the years I got really tired of meeting these sons and daughters of dictatorship and pretending that I respected them. I stopped visiting my family south of the border. I broke up with the Salvadoran princess I was seeing. She later married a Spanish noble, because of course she did. I wish them well.
Some of my cousins who had grown up in Latin America liked it a little too much. They liked the servants who were not too all that distinguishable from slaves. One of my cousins, I’m sorry to report, likely works as a white face for the cartels. Yes, I’ve reported him.
Now I’m not a communist but I do think my perspective would change if only a handful of families owned everything and I do think I might become a touch anti-American if the American government was doing all it could to prop up these predatory families who leaved so little for the rest of their people.
So yes, I am overjoyed that President Donald Trump is having his errand boy Elon knife USAID. Far from thinking it a bad thing, I see Elon being Trump’s pet. I like having the richest man in the world bowing down to the American president. I’m cool with it. I know a sting when I see a sting. If Elon misbehaves he will get into serious trouble.
How did Malik Obama get a job working for Chemonics — the top USAID contractor — before Barack Obama ever ran for president? How long a con was this whole thing anyway?
Cleverer players will note that Chemonics, a major contractor that administers USAID, was hacked in 2021. Think about that. A foreign power knows who and where all of the money we spend is going. Of course they’ll target or subvert the recipients. How could they not?
A source of mine told me how he had worked at Chemonics and how difficult it was for USAID to get the armored vehicles he needed in Afghanistan. He got a hook up in the UAE where there was an effort afoot using Indian and Pakistani labor to arm up the vehicles for Afghanistan. The phrases “a total clusterf*ck” and a “cult” were used. As one does, I suppose.
It’s becoming clear that Chemonics was a sort of slush fund. That may well have been its intent all along.
Its founder Gerald D. Murphy reportedly told the New York Times in 1993 that he started Chemonics in 1976 because "I've always wanted a way to do two things: one, have my own C.I.A., and two, be helpful to people."
On that last point it’s not clear that they have been helpful.
The Wall Street Journal reported on a lawsuit which accused Chemonics of violating the Anti-Terrorism Act when they paid bribes or protection money to the Taliban.
It wasn’t an isolated incident. A 2024 report by Center for Advanced Defense Studies said that Chemonics purchased products made in Xinjiang, potentially using forced Uyghur labor, including from sanctioned entity Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.
The U.S. government is going to be sending money to people around the world. That’s what happens when you are the world’s reserve currency.
There’s obviously a world where, using the space dollar, you give money to everyone directly, and watch what they spend it on. Do we or do we not have the best biometrics program in the world?
We’ve been on this. We’ve talked about this. Hell I am even invested in payala.com to help administer it. Don’t stick USAID with State, Mr. President. Have the NSA handle the digital dollar.
Here’s what I think Trump is doing. He’s more or less forcing Elon Musk to be his cleanup guy. He will then discard him. Isn’t this what Trump does?
Or maybe what Trump does is more interesting…
Maybe Trump winds up recruiting Elon to be helpful?
We’ve talked a bit in the past about the JFK assassination. I talked about the role of Likud.
I can’t wait to read whatever Trump ultimately releases from the JFK files.
Ich bin ein Berliner. Yeah, pal, I bet you were. You’re supposed to believe that America won WWII, after all.
Still, why was it necessary for George H.W/ Bush and his Navy intelligence men to sidestep USAID? Seymour Hersh, who is both Russian Jewish and Russian deep state, chronicles it for us, in an essential read here.
For a very long time the British have controlled the world by controlling the bloodlines. Is that what Camelot is really about? A sort of British overlay on an Irish family?
As everyone knows on St. Patrick’s Day, the way to tame the Irish is to pretend to be one of them.
Joe Kennedy’s alleged mother was Hary Hickey, daughter of a saloon keeper. Did they take in a stray?
There’s this deeper oddities here. What if the Boston Brahmin became the Irish rulers?
It’s said that investment banker Charles Hayden died childless. His investment bank is where Joe Kennedy made his initial money. Joe Kennedy joined Hayden & Stone in 1919 at 31 years old. By 1922 Kennedy was a millionaire. How? How might it have happened?
Hayden was a political power broker with commodities interests. Could Hayden have helped his real heir Joseph Patrick Kennedy get acquainted in politics?
Could Joseph Patrick Kennedy’s alleged father Patrick Joseph have wanted a male heir who could continue on the political empire he was building for himself?
We shall explore these details more in a subsequent post…
Ironically the ability to track money and DNA are really about the same process — making government more accountable by making it more approachable.
And who better than the person whose family bloodlines are associated with a kind of American royalty — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?
Only by squarely taking on these entrenched interests can we make our civic life healthy again.
Only by taking on the responsible way of allocating money while investigating frauds can we make America a noble, global power.
You can see RFK Jr. as a nut if you must but I see someone cracking down on the money laundering of the pharmaceutical mob.
Will he be successful? It’s hard to say.
In my view the best solution to cracking down on the pharmaceutical world is to mass adopt genomic sequencing. We’re not there yet but Kennedy might bring us closer.
Who are "the Nazis" compromising USAID in Latin America? I've never heard anything about this. You have mentioned various dictators and their associations with yourself and your family. You say the dictators work with the cartels or Nazis. Where and who are these Nazis?
You’re so entertaining if crazy as can be. This was a great post.