“Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
It had been several weeks since I’d seen the Proprietress so I decided to stop by Buttons and Bows and see what she’d been up to. Imagine my surprise when I arrived and found her checkout counter covered with coffee mugs. White mugs, latte mugs, and mugs with bright colors adorning their handles and insides. “What are you doing?” I asked as I approached the counter.
“Spreading a bit of love and light,” she said, holding up one of the mugs. It had a pair of koala bears hugging each other on two sides. Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I wanted to create something that wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg that would help folks feel some warm and fuzzies. Animals seemed like the logical place to start. What do you think?” She held up another mug with an image of two furry cats sleeping in the sun on it.
“Oh I love them,” I said. “How many different designs do you have?”
“Just six right now. I’d like to add pigs and cows and maybe some goats, but I’m going to wait and see if folks like these.”
“Well, I already have a favorite,” I said picking up a mug with a baby panda on it that said, “I Need a Hug.”
“That’s one of my favorites too. There are three styles to choose from:
A regular, white ceramic mug;
A mug with colors on the inside and on the handle; and
A latte mug.
Why don’t you check them out while I make us some tea?”
Click on the image above to be taken to the Hug Mugs page on Dreaming Wide Awake. I’d love your feedback.
I am sending love and hugs your way.
Copyright 2025 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.
I love them all, Jena! You're brilliant and creative.