Are Trump and Eric Adams Cleaning up the Southern District From Foreign Compromise?
Indict Human Smuggler — and Republican Donor — Matt Michelsen, Not Our Favorite Democrat Eric Adams

OK, I have some big thoughts on the Big Apple.
As you’ll recall I wrote about Eric Adams and predicted he wouldn’t go to jail.
Looks like I was right.
I’m sometimes asked if, having become a Democrat in ‘20 and ‘24, if I will switch back once more now that President Trump has returned to the Oval Office. Often expressed with a kind of gentle ribbing, the sentiment has made me wonder. Am I now a Democrat? Have I gone native?
In a word, probably. I have to confess that I’m increasingly comfortable being a Democrat. “I am not a member of any organized political party — I am a Democrat,” said Will Rogers.
But increasingly it’s the Republicans who seem terribly disordered. There’s a kind of bookend between the instability of January 6th, 2021 and the DOGE storming the government departments. Things under Republicans seem a lot crazier and I don’t think that can be attributed solely to media bias. I like things to work.
And besides if Trump and Reagan were Democrats for years before becoming a Republican why can’t I be a Democrat who was once a Republican? I chide them back.
If anything I have more of a claim to joining the Democratic Party than Trump did joining the Republican Party. My family were Democrats on both sides, notwithstanding some notable exceptions like my father and albeit blue dog Democrats.
In some sense my Democratic membership feels a homecoming. It was precisely the Democratic hostility to white men that made me a Republican in the first place. One gets older and the woke stuff just doesn’t have the purchase it once did. Gone are the triumphant musings about a “coalition of the ascendant” that includes everyone except white men.
Recent elections have shown that Democrats ignore white men at their political peril. Will they learn from their mistakes? Who knows but if you are an enterprising young or middle aged white man it makes little sense to be in a political alliance with Trump and the Zionists who would ship you off to fight their wars for a Greater Israel. Ilhan Omar and AOC both have white husbands who bear a passing resemblance to yours truly. Look at that handsome devil!
Governor Tim Walz accuses Republicans of being weird but Americans are a weird people. And who was Walz to talk of weirdness anyway?
I suspect the Democratic Party will change because it must change. But how will it change? By stealing Trump’s issues from him.
I’m an America First Democrat, and of course all Americans want our President to do well. We would oppose him for re-election but he can’t be on the ballot and our heart was made glad when he said that Vice President J.D. Vance wasn’t necessarily his heir. Good. Make them fight for it, Mr. Trump. Might we get a television show out of it?
Do you think it crazy that President Trump, liberated from the Oval Office in 2028, might endorse a Democrat? I don’t. I suspect Trump may well emerge as an elder statesman, especially when Democrats launch into their attacks on President Laura Loomer.
The weakness of the Democratic Party was their inability to speak intelligently about making the country great again. For a lot of their activists America isn’t all that great. For a lot of their constituents the past is a foreign, oppressive country so they were limited in what they could do or say.
The smart Democrat will focus more on the “making” aspect of that. How do you “make” something great? A smart Democrat would answer “We The People” make it great. Elon Musk didn’t make America great. He came here because America was already great and now he’s taking from us!
I’m such a patriot that I even want New York City to do well, which is saying something. New York is not doing well.
You could read the entire Trump 1.0 presidency as the corporatocracy of New York making the money laundering Trump so deeply uncomfortable that he first had to run for President and then become an official Floridian, becoming one of many New Yorkers who made the pilgrimage. Florida is a sunny place for shady people and sooner or later, they nearly all end up there. Mar-A-Lago is their capital.
Keeping Eric Adams around allows Trump to have influence in our most populous city and, I think that’s something he relishes. We forget that Trump is something of a softy about New York, the city of his birth and adolescence. Trump was never really allowed into Manhattan. He was just a real estate developer from Queens. He was never really cool enough, no matter how much he tried.
That chaffs at him and his supporters are acutely aware of how they can’t seem to have any of the cultural cachet that they think is their due. You need a certain je ne sais quoi to pull it off and that’s way too French. Did you know that Mitt Romney and Charles Johnson speak French?
Viewed this way, Trump’s attack on the Kennedy Center — a place he never visited during his first term— is really a desperate bid clamoring for status and high culture. Republicans want to be cool, damnit and if they can’t be cool, they’ll just burn it all down.
But wanting the thing means you never get it. You can’t be cool by trying. You just are cool. Adams is cool.
Some of the attacks on Adams smack of that kind of dismissiveness of parvenus. Adams suspiciously likes New York a little too much. You’re not supposed to be so openly in love. It makes the gods jealous.
Adams’ love of the New York night life comes from the boy who had insecure housing. There’s long been an alliance between the classless upper class and the strivers who think that membership in its ranks is both desirable and possible. You can imagine the scene where Adams and Trump remember the New York of their youth. And isn’t this really the spirit of MAGA — the Boomer desire to make everything as good as it was when you were young? In enlisting each other in this shared nostalgia they can rise to the occasion of defending Gotham together. Or so it is hoped.
But perhaps the degree of influence goes both ways. Maybe Adams is having an influence on Mr. Trump. Might it be that both Adams and Trump feel that the Big Apple is under attack? Might recent events below the earth — in the decrepit Subway — portend a political earthquake above ground?
A cynic might see this as the bipartisanship of corruption but I think it’s more the knowing relationship that exists between informant and undercover police officer. It’s the kind of move you make when you know you’re going to win. If you know you know.
Long time readers of this Substack may well recall that I had predicted that Eric Adams, who was an undercover police officer, wasn’t going to go to jail. I had written favorably about Adams almost as soon as he had won election. He invited immediate comparisons to Dave Chappelle whose plain spoken style was a welcome departure from Bloomberg’s technocracy or De Blasio’s kakistocracy.
Isn’t it interesting that America’s conscience — and Black Deep State officer in good standing— hasn’t weighed in on l’affair Adams?
Could it be because Chappelle was supporting Adams with his silence?
And yet Chappelle’s work discussing the Palestinian cause suggest a serious rift between Jewish America and Black America on the question of what justice and Justice looks and feels like.
And given that the elite law schools are so dominated by Jews — I’m sorry but it’s true — there could well be an argument that the other side of criminal justice reform was making it so that the bias of these Jews need not be used to target other Americans.
No longer able to target minorities with impunity thanks to the First Step Act, our alleged elites have elected to use the justice system against one another, which is why it seems as if there’s a kind of war against all, a “weaponization of the Justice Department.”
If it’s true that Jews are vanishing from the commanding heights they once enjoyed in America — that’s the Atlantic’s argument, at any rate — then that increases the desperation they might feel to use their elite positions as their power wanes.
It’s in that context that we should consider Mayor Eric Adams, the arriviste Black Cop whose crime is that he asked for an upgrade on Turkish Airlines. Lock him up! Or better yet, “Crucify him”!
What I hadn’t fully understood was the rather elaborate conspiracy against Adams — a conspiracy which runs right through Israel, Armenia, Azerbaijan and, of course, Türkiye.
You might ask yourself what these far away places have to do with New York. Aren’t we America And to some extent, you’re correct.
But New York City had coasted along on a kind of Chinese-Jewish-CIA nexus best exemplified by Michael Bloomberg. And who, dear reader, would have an interest in knowing who owned all the stocks if not the U.S. intelligence service? You read your Bloomberg Terminal while it reads you!
To be fair the duty of a Big City mayor is to keep the money flowing — gotta keep those condo prices up! — and I suspect that this humbling indignity of having to be a cheerleader for a city is why we’ve never really had a mayor become president in the modern era. A city seems too small for a national figure.
Because who, honestly, would want to live in New York? Maybe that’s just the once and future Los Angeles resident in me but I can’t see the appeal. The women are both more attractive and more approachable in California. I digress, of course, but then New York never felt like home to me. Isn’t the point of being rich to be away from other people rather than hustle and bustle amongst them?
The unraveling of this conspiracy against the mayor is now at hand. Eric Adams is to be given a reprieve by someone who was himself targeted by machinations, some of them from Israel — President Donald Trump. I don’t think I’m alone in seeing something quite noble and ennobling about this gesture of magnanimity.
The Israeli world and their allies, chiefly LinkedIn billionaire Reid Hoffman, actually forced Donald Trump to run for reelection by persecuting him in New York. I had written about this and predicted that the Hoffman’s advisors were the real problem.
In funding Trump’s opposition whilst Trump wins Hoffman can present himself as the billionaire progressive while getting a Trump presidency, which includes far less regulatory scrutiny of Hoffman and his industry. Recall that Hoffman is on the board of Microsoft and that he was until very recently quite close to Sam Altman.
The New York press, naturally, thinks that this development means that Adams has entered some quid pro quo arrangement with Trump and maybe that’s so but a more likely scenario is that Adams has created the impression that he has been “turned” by the real forces behind Donald Trump’s second presidency — Homeland and the NSA.
You could maybe write a secret history of our times by noting that Homeland has seemingly replaced the FBI and the NSA has replaced the CIA as the locus of domestic and international power and that this has happened in large measure because both the FBI and CIA have failed so abysmally.
In this understanding Adams was, in fact, never going to be prosecuted but we were going to learn the extent to which a U.S. Attorney’s Office gets captured through a combination of foreign intrigue and naked careerism.
After all, having failed to “get” Rudy Giuliani, the U.S. Attorney’s Office was looking for a fresh scalp. If you can’t get America’s Mayor, maybe you go for the Mayor himself.
You can almost see the logic — Senator Robert Menendez, great defender of the State of Israel and lining his own closet with gold bars — was finally brought down so it’s time to settle the score with the Black Deep state and indict Adams.
But I suspect the real reason is that the Southern District of New York has had quite a lot of compromise over the years and Adams is being used to clean the place up. Which is precisely how you’d use an undercover police officer turned mayor to effectuate change.
I knew Danielle Sassoon when we both worked for Alan Dershowitz. She is a bit older than I am. I found her pleasant if a tad obviously and ridiculously Zionist. We were young then, of course. And everyone was a Zionist. Or got pretty expert at faking it.
Sassoon’s a Fed Soc girly — which is more or less a foreign intelligence front — and we’ve talked about how that organization is where Likud and the various other mafias meet up to take over the American legal profession.
Think of Sasson loudly quitting the U.S. Attorney’s Office when she was nothing more than an interim U.S. Attorney as the legal equivalent of Bari Weiss loudly quitting the New York Times before she launched her Orwellian-named The Free Press. I’ve written about Weiss before.
A Jewish friend of mine who is more well versed on the internecine Jewish conflict always tells me to check the names and which synagogue they attend.
He noted that Ms. Sassoon is Orthodox and that the surname Sassoon means “gladness.”
The Sassoons hail originally from upper Mesopotamia — you are not allowed to call it Kurdistan, sir! — and sure enough, Ms. Sassoon has the physiognomy of some of my Kurdish (and likely crypto Jewish) friends.
The Sassoon family served as the court Jews to the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) so it’s quite an impressive lineage.
The Kurds are close allies of the Israelis and they smuggle oil through Syria into Israel. That sweet arrangement has come into question ever since Türkiye helped the Syrian rebels topple Assad. Türkiye is definitely on the move.
Could it be that the Turks, who love building things, were threatening the dominance of the construction rackets in America’s most populated city?
And that Adams, who had turned from some of his earlier Russian Jewish supporters in his career, was seeking an alliance with the Turks to build, build, build in New York? Naturally any of the owners of real estate in New York would be adverse to such a building spree as it would redo
And to go harder here, maybe, just maybe, the coronavirus presented an opportunity to build more housing right as many of the real estate moguls in New York were under pressure as work from home decimated their commercial real estate holdings?
Enter the migrant smuggling. By some accounts there are over a 170,000 migrants who were dropped off on New York streets since 2020. I suspect we will never know the real number.
And who owns all these properties where the migrants are living? The New York slumlords.
To review the complaints against those slumlords is to be educated about a certain type of Jewish power, or chutzpah.
We see that Matt Michelsen, who is also Jewish and also connected with the Israelis through the very Chisraeli DCVC and the Turkish underworld with John Burbank by way of the UAE, made billions smuggling migrants from Texas to New York City.
Michelsen donated hundreds of thousands to Governor Abbott and even shared photos of him on the Governor’s plane.
I’ve written about Michelsen before — that strange covid profiteer and sunglasses con man who has eluded capture.
So, too, has Arthur Bloom.
I understand that there’s some sort of inquiry going on against Matt Michelsen but it can’t come fast enough.
I myself have been accused of being a Turkish spy when I was anything but. Look no further than the strange lawsuit filed by Quinn Emanuel where deposition asks me for contacts with all Turks. How silly.
Speaking of Quinn Emanuel, the attorney who, in my view, wrongly prosecuted Jeffrey Epstein after he had been turned is now newly working at Quinn Emanuel. We’ve talked before about how Virginia Giuffre was raised Mormon.
Epstein, as you may know, helped move money. Epstein’s fall coincided with Khordokovsky’s secret alliance with Putin.
You can see the Mormon effort to “get him” Epstein as a fight over the money laundering out of the caucuses once Mormon — and weirdly Armenian citizen — Jon Huntsman Sr. died.
Who controls the flows of dollars back into America from the Russiansphere is very much a question.
Maybe it should be me?
How’s Hal Lambert, Tucker Carlson and Rebekah Mercer working out for you, Mr. Putin?
I suppose, if one wanted to, that they could make the case that Tucker, son of a propagandist for the CIA, would be uniquely well positioned to brainwash the bubbas.
But then again, that sort of thing has been going on for a long time.
Tucker got fired from Fox News only to have Fox News buy his subscription podcast.
There are several ways of taking this information.
Could it be that Fox News itself is under a kind of deep state control? Is this some kind of op?
Israel has been in close cooperation with Azerbajian. Henry Cuellar got indicted for taking money from Azerbaijan, which I took as a stand in for his Israeliness. It’s rare that we indict anyone for these sort of things.
There are all kinds of weapons deals between Azerbaijian and Israel.
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), between 2017 and 2020, more than 60% of Azerbaijan's weapons imports came from Israel, which accounted for 13% of Israeli exports during the same period.2 SIPRI research also reveals that Azerbaijan purchased a wide variety of drones, missiles, and mortars from Israel between 2010 and 2020.
Now this wasn’t always so. Ehud Barak, for example, was a supporter of Armenia and increasingly Armenia is moving into the American orbit.
You could imagine a world in which Armenia, and not Israel, was America’s mad dog — a role that Ukraine under Zellensky seemed to be auditioned for but never quite got.
Maybe that’s why Netanyahu and his allies are so interested in killing what they call Amalek and the Armenians.
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke at the main event for the National Prayer Breakfast. Dan Bilzerian is out and about talking down Israel.
One gets the sense that the Armenians have something big planned to counter these Israeli influence operations in California.
There’s no denying that the quality of Zionists has collapsed in recent years.
Is Ritchie Torres really the best you can do guys?