Hey everyone, Ben Meiselas here. I just sat down with Congressman Dan Goldman for a candid and urgent conversation that every American needs to hear right now. The truth is, while Donald Trump keeps pretending he’s some economic genius, the data tells a very different story: consumer sentiment is plummeting, inflation expectations are the worst in decades, and the job market outlook is starting to resemble the 2008 recession.
And what’s Trump’s plan? Chaos. Cruelty. Corruption. Congressman Goldman laid it out clearly—Trump is running the country based on gut instincts, PR stunts, and billionaire wishlists, not any coherent strategy. The whiplash from his tariffs and erratic decisions is scaring the hell out of businesses and working families alike. And yet, his only focus seems to be cutting vital services while lining the pockets of Elon Musk and other ultra-wealthy cronies. (By the way, you can listen to this interview on Apple Podcasts and Spotify)
We’re talking about devastating cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, housing, food assistance—programs that literally keep people alive. And for what? So Trump and Musk can hand out more tax cuts to their fellow billionaires. This isn’t governance—it’s a smash-and-grab operation at the expense of everyday Americans.
Goldman and I also discussed Trump’s cartoonish incompetence, from flying Air Force One in circles over NASCAR tracks to staging ridiculous stunts at Guantanamo Bay. Meanwhile, a federal judge just ruled that tens of thousands of federal workers fired by Trump must be reinstated—because his “purge” wasn’t just cruel, it was unconstitutional. Naturally, Trump’s allies are throwing tantrums about it, because God forbid the law applies to their cult leader.
Let’s be clear: Trump’s slashing of government isn’t about efficiency—it’s about dismantling democracy and enriching himself and his billionaire buddies. But we’re not powerless. The resistance is growing, and as Congressman Goldman said, the worst may be yet to come—but so is our fight.
So if you’re angry, good. Channel that energy. Share this message. Talk to your neighbors. Organize. Because the only way to stop Trump’s descent into authoritarian kleptocracy is to show up and say: Not on our watch.
Watch the full interview and let’s keep growing this movement. Consider joining as a paid subscriber now to help us reach our weekend goal.
I get it. We have to fight back. Why is this man still in office? Why have we not impeached this man? Why are all of these people Republicans and Democrats going along with him blindly even though they know he is destroying this country?
Dan Goldman is a rich white man. Until Democrats elevate more women and people of color, they will never win or protect our democracy from fascists. Stand with Mahmoud Khalil: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/mahmoud-khalil-freedom-peace-poem
A rich white man who has enough money that fighting for the American people isn't something he has to do. Aren't Ben and Jordy white men? Democrats have run two women for the office of President but it was the white man who won. It isn't the party, it's the voters who are letting us down. Who do we mention the most as saviors of democracy in Congress? Jasmine Crockett and AOC. You bringing up his "rich white man" status makes me think of people who don't pull for Jessica Pegula to win tennis matches because her family is rich. I like her even more because she didn't get to be a top 5 tennis player with her family's money but hard work. I didn't know who Goldman was when he was the prosecutor for impeachment of trump the first time but I was duly impressed by him. It wasn't until he ran for office I learned he is an heir to the Levi's fortune. It certainly didn't make me suddenly think he wasn't worthy of an opinion. He isn't using his wealth to subvert democracy. Sorry but I just happen to think we need to lift up whoever can win at this point. Kamala Harris was extremely qualified as was Hillary but dumbasses get to vote too and they don't seem ready for a woman, sadly.
I totally agree. IT's the voters. Our country is full of bigots and Trump his given them permission to be flaming bigots. These are people who would never vote for a POC or a woman. As a woman I'd love to see a woman be president. Look around at some of the countries who have or have had women in charge and for the most part, they've done great. But the Cristofascists, the rednecks, the misogynists, won't vote for a woman, and that goes double for a woman of color like Kamala Harris. Find a white guy with lots of moxie and run him against the republicans (I say republicans because, even though trump said he'll serve a third term, i really, really, really hope he's being eaten by worms by then)
The election proved that Trump's as American as a wormy apple pie.
someone should step on his and squash him like the worm he is.
All these veterns thrown out on the streets are very handy with an M-16.......When Orange Hitler gives the go-ahead to the Poud Babies......their sandbox/videogame training won't be worth shit.
yes, somehow those dopes don't believe we might have guns.
It is unbelievable how FOX bullshit fried the brains of these assholes.
I truly pray that the streets of America look like Hungary and Serbia this summer.
only their streets, please. here in NYC we know who is and didn't vote for him.
Trump can't serve a third Term that is against the law. Passed in and under Frankin Roosvelt. Who did serve 3 terms or until he dies in Office on his third term.
have you seen how many laws he's already ignore? do you really think he gives a flip about the law? Why do you think he's loaded every government agency that might stop him with Trump loyalists. So they don't stop him. He needs to be stopped now, by any means possible.
Trump has broken so many laws in less than 50 days than most of his pardon MAGA gang together
yep, which is why anyone saying he can't serve a third term because it's illegal is being totally naive. I've said before but I'll say it again. They have to get rid of him now, by fair means or foul, because if there is a third election that he runs in, he will corrupt it and say he won regardless of the outcome and his ass kissers will assist him.
We will never make it for 4 years. Russia has "elections" too. I say foul means. We were at the "Let them Eat Cake" stage for months.We are past that. I truly believe there is going to be a revolution or civil war. We have no guardrails left and everything in the courts takes too long. This is terrifying to me and I don't say this lightly.
He has no intention of leaving. He doesn't care about the Constitution or the rule of law. He has immunity and SCOTUS made him and anyone after a king. He did everything he said he was going to do. Dictator on Day 1. Everybody was able to read about Project 2025. The problem is no one did, he said "No, I don't know who they are" (as he was planning this coup with them). Even those of us who took him seriously did not really factor in Elon Musk buying him the election, and the absolutely breathtaking speed with which he "flooded the zone" and destroyed this country and the world just in the first 5 days. Everyone is terrified of him. This is a sick, twisted, malevolent dangerous person with delusions of grandeur and drunk with power who is on a retribution tour to destroy our country. He has been planning this for years. Why wasn't the CIA or FBI or whoever was in charge while Biden was in office question why an authoritarian ruler, Viktor Orban who he never shut up about, doing visiting an -ex Pres of the USA. Everyone failed us. And Dan Goldman said it was going to get worse. 😭
I read they're advancing a bill to let him run again.
Candace, don’t you actually mean you’re really, really, really hoping that worms are eating HIM by then?
Oops, yes, that’s what I meant. Doh.
Yes, exactly everything you said.
Donald Trump is afraid of strong women! It's obvious and it's rude and unconstitutional! He's a horror show!
It’s the white man who places us in this scenario after the election. Many, not all, fear being treated as minorities have been. Inequality is how the USA was founded. Read the constitution without amendments. That is what 2025 is trying to rebuild.
Well said.
???? Did you not see the Diversity in Biden’s Democratic administration; compare that to trumps Republicans administration.
I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/1PuwssoVwO
Then you obviously were not looking !!!
We need everyone!!! Intelligent, articulate, courageous people. I will support every person in the fight. Musk is in a downturn. Keep up the pressure. Meet every head of every agency. Meet t---p at his golf course.y r u golfing on our tax dollars?
Don't care if he is a rich white man, poor, rich white, black, Asian, purple as long as we fight against trump & musk together who cares!
I care and so should you.
Jnine's comment specifically is responding to the Public Servant's statement about Dan Goldman being rich and white as though that is a disqualification to being on the side of right. It does not mean that Jnine does not care about inclusion and diversity.
Thank you. This has to stop about making anyone who is white and successful the bad guy. I'm sorry, but it's almost like reverse racism.We don't get to choose our race or gender or circumstances when we are born. It's what we do with our lives that matter. I know many wealthy white people who came from nothing, worked hard, earned every penny, PAY THEIR TAXES, and are charitable. They have nothing to apologize for. Stop conflating honest hardworking successful people with this obscene level of multi-billionaire wealth like the tech bros Musk, Thiel, Bezos, Zuckerberg, lots of scary ones, et al. What about the Chinese and South Asian, and Arab billionaires that are citizens and are just as awful as Musk and the rest? How many billions do they need. It's not about money at that point. It's about POWER. We are divided enough. Stop looking at every single person as sinister. This is what they want. To divide us. You can thank Ronald Reagan for his "trickle down economics". You can thank the John Roberts SCOTUS for allowing Citizens United to bring all of this dark money into our politics and gov't. RW Cnristofascist billionaires like the Koch Bros, Leonard Leo who have been working on this for 50 years who want to make us a Christian country. That is one of our final rights as Americans. Separation of Church and State. If you are Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, whatever, you better start worrying about that too. They started with Roe but that's not where it ends. If these fucking zillionaires and corporations paid their fair share of taxes there wouldn't be a problem. Dan Goldman has inherited wealth. He did not have to go into public service and become a prosecutor or a Congressman for money. He could have stayed a private citizen.He is a good man. Don't denigrate him and make him the enemy. I love Jasmine Crockett and AOC.I loved Kamala and her message and positivity. BLAME THE IGNORANT VOTERS for Trump! The fools dazzled by Nazi Elon Musk. Many who were neither.rich nor white. I am for anyone who chooses to try and do good. Everyone in this country deserves to have a fair shot. To have healthcare. To love who they want. Pray to whom they want. Food in their stomachs. A roof over their head. A good paying job. That is all we are owed. There is never going to be 100% equality. At this point, we have no democracy. Choose your battles carefully. We are in an existential.crisis for our country and the world.
An excellent summary.
As a woman your comment is out of line. We need EVERYONE in this fight. Rep. Goldman is on the right side of things, incredibly intelligent and did excellent work in the impeachment trials against trump. Yes, sure, we need more people of color and women but why bash a good person who is in the fight?
Wow! We need all the help we can get. Dan Goldman is great!!
It's not so easy to tell the good guys from the Bad Guys by their color. of course nobody likes Clarence Thomas and it's not because he's black or a traitor to his people he's a traitor to our country.other people have different experiences and what I suggest is that we try to unite see the good in each person's approach I'm not a huge fan of Dan but he is sincere in what he says. The stifling of free speech in at Columbia is horrendous so is falling into the Trap and breaking stuff so they can then take you away we can be smarter than that men and women of Goodwill stick together unfortunately that's true on the other side
Cheap shots like this toward Dan Goldman are uncalled for and unhelpful. You could have made your points without it.
Who was Kamala Harris? Please think before you reply.
Your worst nightmare!!! Think before you vote 🙈🙈🙈💩💩💩
I was responding to 'Public Servant'.
Don't throw great democrates under the bus because they have money, white or male. We are all in this together.
The 10 Demberlains how crossed the Lubiicon into Magaworld need to be tossed out in the next elecion...Top Down. Shumer getting praise from Orange Hitler is a mark from the beast. Watching these orange bowling pins going down one aftet another is totally unbelievable.......PS....you are sadly..dead on........Go Coach Walls....Go Bernie!!!
If we impeached him republican s would have to vote yes and they won't. Right now spoke s people in Russia r cheering our downfall. In 2016 I spoke to trumsters and they had no idea about putin, how many on supreme court, [ i asked] one thought Hillary was bad to a man named benghazi.cl8mate change is about snow.anything u said[ t---p bankrupted multiple businesses- fake news.now they r slowly coming around.so we ll see.our democracy is literally at stake.
We NEED to defeat the MAGAs in both houses of Congress in 2026. It's a MUST.
I think we should educate ourselves as much as possible about what's going on. And work hard at it and join together as a country.
We need to do a unity March on Washington for all people.
For sure! An army doesn’t go out into a dark field and just start shooting or slinging knives around-they study everything they can about the enemy and plan. We need to find out everything we can so that an organized, cohesive strategy can be employed
Personal greed and cowardice: the desire for personal gain and a lack of courage.
It's just not who we r. B4 all this i was so impressed w/ all the people from other countries that have come here, that work so hard. Now bc of maga/ elon/ his dopey press secretary who knows nothing etc decent , hard working undocumented people r being deported. Then people w/ green cards illegally being deported. This is not what America is.my grandmother came from ireland.people r people. None of these damn magas advertise all the LEGAL citizens who have committed mass shootings. All the legal citizens who have killed people in car accidents. Statistically the most law abiding citizens r from other countries. Let's stop the total nonsense maga people. If u went to mass general hospital u might get heart surgery from a dreamer.stop!!! Just stop. Stand up for the innocent people in t---ps racist illegal fake laws. Next time it could be u.!!!!!
Trump is unconstitutional in every way! He is ignorant of the rule of law. He's trying to pay back the prosecutors that had him in court!! It's stupid and a waste of time just like trying to impeach Joe Biden was a circus in Congress
Impeachment doesn't mean anything these days. It would take a conviction, and this Senate doesn't have enough spine for 2/3 of them to vote to get rid of this sociopath deep into dementia.
22 Republican senators, dozens of Republican House members voted to fund Ukraine. Many of them call Trump a liar about Putin.
Get those Republicans who oppose Putin on the record!
Impeach. Feathers of Hope. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/remove-impeach-impeach
There is insanity going on with Trump and musk! I feel that the US Marshals go in and take him out of office. Doesn't Amendment 25 have a...I all lookinl it up
The voters need to get as many to vote in 2026 and elect all Democrats from school board to U.S. Senator that will try Trump pen writing with a sharpie. They can and will stop trump from signing any bills to help Him and Musk.
Democrats have no control to impeach ; Republicans control all government branches that have that authority. Executive, Legislative, Executive, Military **and** media. Democrats will win because Republicans unabridged destruction of taxpayers and USA.
Another impeachment, though even more justifiable, is not an option with the current House and Senate numbers. The votes just aren't there right now.
I am wanting to know the same..is there absolutely no provision in the Constitution to remove a President who is dangerous???
Congress has to do their job - or, if too intimidated, should resign.
It's simple, he has manipulated all branches in his favor, he thinks laws don't apply to an absolute leader, that he believes he is. He would be happy for a civil war to happen, because he is also becoming more violent.
He & his manipulators should be charged with treason.
Unfortunately, he may get his wish. Desperate people do desperate things. It pains me to say it, but I am terrified that's where we are headed.
Did I dream this? Did Bernie Sanders get a bill passed for a stimulus check through social security? Or was it just propaganda and misinformation? I'm pretty sure I wasn't dreaming when I saw it the ad on TV
felon47 is unhinged and should be removed
My 19 year old son has been trying to get a job for 3 months now. The job market is horrible
Pray that he finds something soon and that’s the part that they will not mentioned how the job market is absolutely horrible over the last three months!
Thank you very much. Prayers are always appreciated.
God doesn't hear Prayers toward Donald Trump.
Do you mean for DJT? Why would he for the Anti-Christ?
Tell him to keep going. Sell himself. Something will pan out. My 14 yr old granddaughter got a job .she works at a Chinese restaurant. 2 3 hr shifts and it's family owned. Your son needs to go everywhere.
I want President Joe Biden back! Trump is not my president! Because he is a criminal and nothing but tha! He is a convicted felon 34 counts of guilty from a jury after a grand jury decided to indict.
Don’t be distracted PEOPLE There won’t be any more free and fair elections after 2024 according to Trump https://bit.ly/3FqVCYa July 27, 2024
This bit.ly/43K4Gl2 will open your eyes as to a RIGGED ELECTION by Republican power brokers Since they were successful in 2024 they now have a plan for all future elections And Trump has removed all agencies that would protect future elections CISA(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency), EI-ISAC (Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center) EI-ISAC, EAC(Elections Assistance Agency)
Vigilante Inc America’s New Voter Suppression Hitmen https://bit.ly/3DM7d3F is a voter stealing project originating out of the Georgia Republican party but now spreading to many states and by state legislative actions that led up to the rigged 2024 election(in 2024 9 states had laws allowing vigilante voter rejection….4 of them swing states) The vigilante movement’s sole purpose was to deny voters particularly Black voters their right to vote It’s out of the 1946 KKK violent Black voter suppression playbook with a contemporary 21st century twist that evolved out of the Big Lie movement after 2020 In the 2024 election the removal of 3.5million with voting rights by an estimated 40,000 vigilantes worked to knowingly eliminate voters
Voter intimidation by creating fear amongst the electorate particularly among the Black leads to voter suppression It would not be surprising that part of Trump’s pardoning of the J6 insurrectionists among many others is to use them as vigilantes or an armed militia to suppress not only the Black vote but the white Democrat vote This is probably in full swing as you read this
Don’t be naïve Don’t vote provisionally because it won’t be counted Vote early to be sure that the voter registration is secure and be wide awake We are reliving the beginnings of Hitler's Nazi Germany
Here's an action plan the Democrats in Congress should implement:
1. Nationalize Starlink. An international communications system and national security asset. Should not be controlled by the whims of one human.
2. Nationalize Space X. A strategic security asset of the United States. Should not be controlled by the whims of one human.
3. Defund DOGE. This illegally formed and unaccountable group is based on a lie. It is not an efficiency program. It is actually a power grab by one whimsical and irrational human.
4. Pass a law to stop the Treasury from holding or investing in crypto coins/tokens/fake money.
5. Update the laws regarding bribery and corruption by elected officials, including the President.
Call your Congress members and suggest this plan.
I mean when shit like this happens ( which is super unconstitutional btw ) , I agree , fighting back should be easier https://thistleandmoss.com/p/why-declaring-critical-media-like
Donald Trump promised a lot and has not followed thru on anything. I did not vote for him as he is not qualified to be President. He is a 34 count convicted felon. According to our Constitution, Trump was not eligible to run for President. He needs to be removed from office.
OK, how are Democrats, who have no power in DC, along with Senators like Schumer who has totally caved and given trump everything he wanted and got nothing, not even an empty promise, in return
PLEASE SIGN PETITION: "Bring liberty to the captives and release Mahmoud KhalilOn Saturday, March 8, former Columbia graduate student Mahmoud Khalil and his pregnant wife were returning home from an Iftar dinner when they were aggressively confronted by several men in the lobby of their apartment building. The men were ICE agents.
Khalil is a legal permanent resident who has not been charged with any crime. His wife is an American citizen. Yet Trump's ICE operatives handcuffed Khalil, threatened his wife, and dragged him away. The next day, his lawyers couldn't even find where they took him.
The Trump administration acknowledges that Khalil was specifically targeted because of his participation in protests against Israel's war in Gaza. A White House official stated on the record that it's "not that he was breaking the law.” And chillingly, Donald Trump is promising that Khalil's arrest is "the first of many to come."
If Trump gets away with "disappearing" Khalil over speech he doesn't like, he won't hesitate to do it again and again -- and no one who publicly disagrees with Trump will be safe, including social-justice Christians." (Faithful America)......
I signed. It's disgusting. I ll pass it on. Please put it on every social media site.
Signing a petition is not going to accomplish anything. Just like hoping there will be an election in 26 or 28.
Sorry, Timothy, but it's better than doing nothing.
Just my opinion but I think the outcome of the current situation is going to be either surrender or civil war Having spent my time in a war(Vietnam 1969/70) I know what they are like, sadly I don’t think the vast majority of people in this country have any idea what war means,but I am afraid we are going to find out
Ya u sure do. Not many people know what u know.ty for your service. I hope for our sake we don't end up in civil war. Yikes.
Voters are not only protesting to protect their rights, but also the next generations to come. Please refer to the indigenous North American. They were the first to lose everything under fascism- all others followed. Congress is still majority white male in 2025.Fight as if your life depends upon it (because it does) or be slave. Your choice.
Sadly, heartbreakingly, I agree Timothy. And thank you for your service. My Dad was a WWII veteran. 🙏
Thank you for your service, Timothy.
Signing a petition is not just a naive hope of change, these days it's fundraising, it keeps up the fighting spirit so we ALL don't rollover. Pressure is what comes of keeping the hope alive, it will be what gets Schumer drummed out of leadership. It will be what gets young people and working people to run for office etc. Keep the big picture in mind
It brings attention to the cruelty, illegalality, etc. How many people would want an 8 month pregnant American wife w/ her husband deported? My niece was in same situation but her husband [ at that time was illegal] he got deported.she was pregnant. Petitions helped. It was ted kennedy who got him home. He employs 100s now and he is a citizen. It was heartbreaking for my neice at that time. America has a heart.
Question: would trump write such fantastic executive orders if he believes that a democrat would ever be president again? All of his orders appears to me to be carefully written. What happened to legislation? With controlling all three branches, why are we not seeing any of these EO’s following the process?
Trump DIDN’T write them; they were ready to sign as soon as he took office. Heritage Foundation, using Project 2025 as the guide, prewrote them and Trump was recorded asking ‘what’s this one for’ multiple times.
For sure, I can think of a couple of times he made that exact statement while signing a stack at his desk. And yes, the EO’s are right out of the project 2025 playbook. But do you get the feeling those orders in no part ever see another democrat in the presidency?
Trump is deliberately bypassing legislation and signing EOs, instead, because he doesn’t want to be bothered with dealing with Congress. There’s a reason he’s signing one EO after another with rapid fire speed: to slow down the judiciary’s involvement and destroy as much of our country as he can until he’s either stopped or until the damage is so severe that it’s going to be difficult to reverse.
Which is why I can’t understand why Democrats and Republicans, generally speaking, are just letting Trump get away with burning everything to the ground. Surely, they can’t WANT this??
very short sighted and stupid on the part of the republicans. They don't seem to understand that if trump continues on this path, they will most likely be out of a job. He'll shut down congress.
If he, in the executive branch, takes away all of the powers of the legislative branch, there is no longer a need for that branch of government. THAT is what I believe his goal is and you're right - they will all be out of a job and they are clueless to not see it!
glad you see the truth in this. I really believe that's what he's after. that's why all the executive orders. No need for congress.
But even republicans in office have to recognize what is happening. They cannot be blind to it, there is a reason, even if I do not know the end result. The EO’s spell “republican forever “. So what will our next elections look like? Musk has unfettered access to systems that will never be secure again. Incumbent republicans are scared, either of what musk has on them or fear Trump will turn his supporters on their families.
There are probably more MAGA Republicans in thr House than during Trump's fiest term. Consider how many congressional districts are not competitive.
Cuts to govt agencies are a prelude to privatizing public services that drive up costs for the average person but financially benefitting tech bros and equity firms
We just had a major tornado outbreak and, the storm and hurricane season are just getting started.
Red states will be the most affected, let’s see how these state governments handle
no Fema, no Federal assistance, and a system that has been decimated by this rogue administration.
It will be a complete shitshow.
Don't forget no NOAA(National Weather Service) as that is being gutted as we speak
You can bet the Trump regime - thru back channels- will be helping red states. Already happening.
I like Dan Goldman
Right now I am listening to The Meidas Touch Network and Dan Goldman is weighing in on what’s going on
All this effort to stop trump and his minion is pointless if no one is going to confirm that the election was not compromised or manipulated. They can potentially repeat the process. Please check out Election Truth Alliance on YouTube.
Absolutely the work that Mark Thompson is doing supports the investigative reporting by Greg Palast and his work done to create the Vigilante Inc documentary See my comment in this thread
Lutnick is a fool and a Trump fluffer.
I cannot tell you how much I despise Howard Lutnick and have been saying this for awhile. This man, who escaped death on 9/11 for taking his son to his first day of school while his brother and every single person at Cantor Fitzgerald (almost 700 prople including a friend's daughter) died as the Saudi terrorists plowed into the World Trade Center in my city and in OUR country is now in bed with Nazis and Saudis wanting to sell them $5 million golden visas (and pay no taxes) to become US citizens. Who thinks that if people won't buy American because it is too expensive is happy to get rid of them and replace them.with robots. He is a cancer survivor, as is Steve Scalise (who survived a shooting too but as long as he has G-d and guns) and.a couple of other Repubs in congress who are happy to defund cancer research for the almighty buck. Despicable and power hungry and whose wife was rewarded with a seat on.the Kennedy Center board. Just as a human being, I will never understand this cruelty. Steve Jobs with all his billions could not save himself from death, but these others seem to think they will live forever.
I have read elsewhere that this instability is going to rescue Putin’s tanked economy
Putin's economy is a denial. Russia is part of BRICKS. Putin can wage war for years as long as he can find cannon fodder.
"Fighting back isn't a choice." (Steve Schmidt)......
Everything in the economy is interconnected. A tariff is a tax. If prices go up, there is less consumption. Less consumption results in less employment. Less employment means less tax revenues. It's a downward spiral.
DT has NO plan, and he never has!
This past Friday after weeks of requesting our Rep Brian Mast for Town Hall, this is what we got. Many of us didn't hear about it until the day of and couldn't make plans to be there. We aren't quitting either. I found contact info for the organizer and she said she will let me know if another event is held. He never even got off his motorcycle.
'Talk to us': Protesters gather in front of Rep. Brian Mast’s office to push for town hall - https://www.wptv.com/news/treasure-coast/region-martin-county/talk-to-us-protesters-gather-in-front-of-rep-brian-masts-office-to-push-for-town-hall
You are 100% correct, Rep. Goldman!
Yes, crush the traitorous MAGAts and the sleazy little fascist parasite Elon MuskRAT, but let's not forget how we got here - fifty years of neoliberalism, with corporatist, establishment Democrats and Republicans squeezing the middle class and pushing wealth upward. Bernie has been right all along.
Now, with even moderate Republicans gone, it is up to the Dems alone to realize the harm they've done and change course. The MAGAts are going hard after voting rights and will attempt to suppress the vote in every sneaky and subversive way possible, so be vigilant and get involved - even just for one hour a week. Our democracy is teetering on the brink of collapse, and we've got to work hard to make sure everyone votes since that is our only way back to power. Even just phone banking for a Democratic candidate one hour a week can make a huge difference in an election and will give you a strong feeling of personal empowerment and hope.
Complaining does nothing, and there is no one to save us. It is up to WE, THE PEOPLE, to save ourselves. Please... please, get involved and take real action. There is no other way.
So what do democrats/independents do to stop this disaster? I don’t see anyone saying how to stop this nonsense BEFORE we are in a crisis for everyone but billionaires.
Join Indivisible, Common Cause, or any of the many democratic groups. Frequently check https://mobilize.us for any volunteer opportunities and actions in your area. Write letters to the editor of newspapers and your legislators. Support Democratic candidates.
Damn straight. Elon bought the election and bought Trump. All so they and their billionaire friends can evade the law. They are everything America has and will continue to fight against.
"We will fight shoulder to shoulder, every day, and we will win in the end. The truth will prevail. Love will prevail over hate. Democracy will prevail over fascism."
Meidas Mighty = Truth, Facts, Empathy, Compassion, Strength, Sanity, Inclusiveness, Resilience, Diversity, Understanding, Intelligence, Morals, Values, Support, Determination, Equality, Patriotism, Community. TRUTH TO POWER.
Why can’t someone order a 72 hour hold on Trump?? He’s obviously dangerous to himself and to others! Seriously!
Thanks, Ben and Congressman Goldman for doing this!
They are the worst humans, we have to stop them.
That’s the big question, I know, but it will get more damaging if Americans don’t find a way.
"White-tie media snubs the president."
"For the first time in the 140-year history of the Gridiron Club Dinner, those gathered did not offer the traditional toast to the sitting U.S. president. Instead, leading members of the Washington press corps paid tribute to the First Amendment. The broken ritual capped off a night of ominous signs about the state of the Washington media’s fraught relationship with the Trump administration.
At the annual white-tie, off-camera and bipartisan dinner, where the guidance for jokes is to “singe, not burn,” a coldness marked the moment instead." (Politico)......
Watch: "BREAKING: Federal Judge BLOCKS Trump’s Invocation of Alien Enemies Act", on YouTube. (Meidas Touch)......
"A Sunday thought." (Robert Reich, Mar 16, 2025).....
Ben...Wish you all would focus on what I think is a major objective of the oligarchs: Slash as many govt services as possible, loot them, privatize them and charge as much as possible for what used to be common services for the public good. Haven't seen anything like this since looting of Russian assets after collapse of Soviet government. It's everywhere.
My roommate has an idea: instead of Canada becoming the 51st state, why don't the blue states become provinces of Canada? They have what we want: a stable government, universal healthcare, access to abortion.
2024 wasn't a free and fair election. It was bought and paid for by musk-the whole thing was planned and perpetrated on the American people. I'm sure of it!!
Hey Midas, will you please keep pointing out for everyone to see, the amount of money czar Shitler is spending on lavish parties he’s hosting at his Florida fort and golfing, all at the expense of the American people, they are stealing everything from us for their own benefit, and the billionaires paying no taxes are at fault also get angry people, so angry we destroy them
Again...our government is efficient and if anything overworked!
Dems should never say we need to make it more efficient other than by cutting the private contractors like musk.
Instead we need to raise revenue so we can have all of the services the American people deserve!
So this bimbo thinks she knows what is constitutional and unconstitutional!!!!!😂😂😂 She needs to stick to controlling that podium. That is her place and she can't do that very well, either!
Ben, when will you interview women legislators? There are an awful lot of men here.
Do you think that the resue of the astronauts on the space station was delayed and not dealt with sooner by SpaceX because he wanted to add theatrics and act like he was the only one who could do it?
I checked on my Social Security yesterday. My ACCOUNT IS GONE! I rely on social security to live. I am happy to talk to anyone about this.
Let us know what they say when you contact them.
I will do that!! Calling tomorrow.
I will call tomorrow
Omg, Diana...I'm so sorry. Now I'm afraid to check mine.
Maybe just a glitch from the baby hackers, or in a darker turn by taking a women’s benefits. Husband’s acct is still there.
Re-boot/restart your device and try again.?
"Please sign now: I stand with the Postal Service!" (Democratic Turnout Project)......
A new article in the Atlantic emphasizes that the best way that media, Dems, protestors can fight back on Trump is emphasizing the CORRUPTION that is going on in this administration and to use T’s method of repeating it over and over and over just like he does. In other words, if just 3-4 examples of it are posted over and over, show up on billboards, on posters of protestors, on podcasts, opinion sections of local newspapers - you get the idea. If the accusations are factual and said over and over it works! Our history with Rump proves that. That’s how he operates. Isn’t that exactly how half the country believes that the 2020 election was stolen from him when he lost 60 court cases and it was totally disproven. By saying it over and over and soon it was viral and repeated everywhere. There’s not a voter in the US despite of IQ, education, media exposure that doesn’t understand that corruption,ripping them off, is not something they are in favor of. I think this is a strategy that Dems need to get out there and start using. Have a plan. Dem Congress people take turns doing town halls all over the country.
I haven't heard anyone say a thing about the amount of money, benefits and pensions these people in the senate ($175) and house (johnson makes $220) in salary. How many years does it take for their consitituants to make that much.
So Let them feel the pain. cut thier dalries in hals and no benefits. Icluding theirs assistants.
Also, I would like to see the documentation from the research as to where the waste and fraud is, beside the billions for elon musks endeavors. Certainly they did some research. They arent that stupid
Read what I just shared, I never imagined we would be experiencing this, that DOGE thing from a rich guy is enacting Project 2025
I think Trump’s unconstitutional dismantling of our government is about more than just enriching his corrupt cronies. I think he is also following Putin’s orders.
Here's an action plan the Democrats in Congress should implement:
1. Nationalize Starlink. An international communications system and national security asset. Should not be controlled by the whims of one human.
2. Nationalize Space X. A strategic security asset of the United States. Should not be controlled by the whims of one human.
3. Defund DOGE. This illegally formed and unaccountable group is based on a lie. It is not an efficiency program. It is actually a power grab by one whimsical and irrational human.
4. Pass a law to stop the Treasury from holding or investing in crypto coins/tokens/fake money.
5. Update the laws regarding bribery and corruption by elected officials, including the President.
Call your Congress members and suggest this plan.
Walk your streets and tell people what Trump is doing to all of us. He said on day one he wanted to be a " dictator. ' and he has been. Stop Trump with your midterm votes.
Donald J. Trump is a Communist only He does not love the USA and Trump has said so himself under a camera.
Trump is nothing but Trash. and deadbeat
According to the most recent Gallup poll, Trump's job approval rating was averaging 46% since he took office in this second term. His first term overall average was a 41% approval rating. At any given time during both terms thus far, his lowest to highest approval ratings have ranged between 34%-49%.
A Reuters/Ipsos poll reported that 44% of those surveyed gave him a favorable approval rating of his first month performance in office. There's also reporting that public approval of his current job so far has remained higher than his first term in office and higher than former President Joe Biden overall.
The Reuters poll broke down a 47% favorability rating on his approach over immigration, compared to 42% who did not support his immigration policy.
The ABC News project538 poll showed a 47.7% favorability of Trump's presidential performance as of Friday morning, and the same polls showed 54.4% of Americans disapprove of Congress. It shows Vice President JD Vance had a slightly higher disapproval rating of 42.8%, compared to 40.8% that viewed him favorably.
Trump is doing exactly what Musk, Thiele and Putin want him to do.
1. Derail the government
2. Crash the economy
3. Continue his rants about Canada, Greenland and Panama.
4. Spend more time on the golf course and away from the WH so he can can claim ignorance later.
With the government and economy in shambles, and trump doubling down on his crazy schemes, it will be easy to declare him unfit for office, 25th him, and put Thiele's protege, Vance in the WH. Trump was just a useful idiot, Musk and Thiele needed his maga base to win the WH from Biden. When Biden dropped out, and they saw the ground swell support of Harris, they moved to plan B - rig the election. Which Trump admitted to at his rally the night before the inauguration. Voter suppression, voter rolls deleted, Muskrat's bribery in PA, all played a part in rigging the election. And don't forget the "secret" Trump said they had - "Elon knows all about the voting machines".
Once Trump is out and Vance is in, Trump can enjoy all the money he made while in office with no worry of prosecution or culpability.
Musk, Trump and Vance along with the GQP will have the authoritarian government they've always dreamed about.
I'm in and up for anything! Even with my cane. I'll pull a Mr Greene stunt!!
I think his base is strongly entrenched no matter what he does
yes, they are. it absolutely infuriates me how hypocritical the entrenched are. during biden’s admin, i heard a constant barrage about the terrible this, the awful that. during the whole of november, it was the escalating price of eggs. now, they are ‘reasoning’ away the volatile stock market, the increase in prices, et al, by asking us (insert gag emoji) to ‘be patient’. ‘there may be some pain’. ‘it will take some time for 47s brilliant policies to take effect’. oh my god!
APRIL 5 2025
I’m not scared. I am ANGRY with everyone that did not vote for HER! VP Harris!
89 million people did not vote at all. 2,284,967 people did not vote for either trump or VP Harris. 🤬🤬🤬
Don’t forget to mention how felonious musk went into system to cut the FAA contract w Vzn and gave it to himself. 😡🤬
Goldman is easily among the very smartest, sharpest, knowledgeable members of Congress. He could make at least 4x the $$ in the private sector. He’s right. He’s awesome.
He said ”ridiculous” but did not say no!
Thank you for doing all of these interviews. Are you going to interview the candidates running for special elections on April 1? Gay Valimont? Joshua Weil? Blake Gendebien? Or maybe you already have and I missed them. So much news!
While I appreciate Mr Goldman's perspectives and Ben's interviewing of him and others, I find myself frustrated when I see headlines that imply that there will be solid ideas or plans for fighting back somewhere in the video, only to watch another laundry list of abuses. I think by now anyone who is a paid subscriber to this network knows very well what kind of monstrosities are occurring. I also think we need to be laser-focused on every angle of counterattack available to us.
Everything that is happening today was totally predictable. I've been having discussions with people about this very situation ever since Trump came down the escalator. We all know how he was in his first term and he told us over and over how he was going to be in his second term long before the election. Trump is incredibly easy to read and predict. If I had to describe the general American electorate with one word it would be COMPLACENCY. You hear from the MAGA supporters all the time, "I had no idea he would actually do all of the things that he said."
I’ll upgrade soon.
Love Dan Goldman. He is a great democrate and very smart as illustrated during hearings.
Curious here - the Canadian Ambassador to the US said today the Mark Carney "respects what Trump is trying to do economically." Am I missing something?!
IF DAN GOLDMAN is one day elected President of the United States, we will have returned intelligence and integrity to the White House.
Ben, what's up with the polls saying dems only have 27% approval rating? I can't believe it!
People! We have 2 special elections in Florida for House seats. FL 1and FL6. Josh Weil and Gay Valimont. I've been donating money and spreading the message but they can use all the help we can give them. If we flip these seats it would be HUGE! It would go so far to reclaiming our Democracy. Right now it is 217 R to 215 D. If we can flip these seats, we would be in a MUCH better position to stop this regime and reinstate rule of law. Now if Stefaniks nomination to the ambassador of the UN was confirmed that would actually put the Republican party at 216 but they won't do that if we win. They are in fact waiting until the special elections in Florida to move forward on her confirmation. THATS how CLOSE WE ARE! Please try to help in any way you can!!!!
We can actually male change THIS year. Now. There are a lot of registered Republicans but also A LOT unaffiliated voters there!!!
Rep Dan Goldman is well-spoken. Come back soon!
The chaos and fear, destroying the economy etc. are all part of the plan to create a dictatorship. With a strong economy and a free press a dictator has no power.
Trump is following the playbook of Victor Orban; taking over the Justice dept. firing all competent heads of agencies and replacing them with loyalists. Going after the Universities with flimsy accusations (n this case anti semitism ) in order to stifle free speech..
He will take over or destroy independent media. There will be no more fair and honest election (elections have already been rigged by republicans for decades).
What Trump is doing is all part of the rightwing plan to destroy democracy.
Trump is a grifter and a puppet for Putin, he is also a master manipulator and a showman
he is cruel and sadistic, he only cares about himself, empathy and compassion is for suckers. Money and power at all cost is for winners. Musk and Trump are both sociopaths
2 peas in a pot.
Thank you Rep Goldman. Excellent report!
2007 Recession. The Republicans rebranded it, as they do. Bush was still president in 2008, but people blamed Obama. Obama was not sworn in until 2009.
There's going to be a shitload of Republicans looking for another country ro live in where they're safe once we get this country back. They won't have a friend in the world, though they might have a few in jail
I applaud Rep Goldman. He is a man of with integrity and focus. This has nothing to do with his wealth. He was brilliant in the felon's impeachment. Unfortunately, the repukes all kissed the ring even then.
I’m not so sure the people behind the President lack a plan. Anyone heard of the Mara la go Accord? All this talk about a few bumps in the road is to buy time.
I am glad he is speaking up.
Thank you guys for taking the time to write up summaries of podcasts for those of us that prefer print and/or don't have the time to sit/sift through podcasts.
I know it's a lot of extra work. Much appreciated.
I love Dan Goldman he is absolutely right
It may well be that Donald Trump is not only pretending that he is an economic genius, he may also be pretending that he was elected President when he might know he was not due to now highly suspected vote manipulation!
✨🕯️🗽⏰📜 Everyone, as voters, donors &/or hard-working volunteers in many elections, please help get the word out by seeing & sharing the crucial work and provided information done by the non-profit organization Election Truth Alliance (ETA) at: https://ElectionTruthAlliance.org/videos . We across the U.S. & our allies all need & deserve to know why & how Kamala Harris & Tim Walz may have truly WON vs. lost #Election2024, incl. in the swing states. Help ETA and its partners to #VerifyTheVote with paper trail audits that can still be done!
“…stop (Ch)ump’s descent into kleptocracy…?”
He’s already there, Ben! He was there during his first term; he’s just more blatant about it this time around!
Well Trump has succeeded in making people afraid enough that they don't speak out against you now if that's not a dictator I don't know what the hell it is and if people are scared into silence we will never get our country back with all of our freedoms democracy and most wonderful constitution in the world so stop being afraid of trump scream from the rooftops let everyone know just how much Trump is doing it's illegal and let's get in the hell out of Washington
over throw the trump regime.
The Orange Shit-Stain lied on the campaign trail? I am shocked, I tell you, shocked.
keeps you from seing how much he is doing PUTIN's bidding..
How do we do this? I feel so helpless. And depressed. I'm certainly not afraid... I am just pissed off! 😔
I don't want Trump handling war time bombings and shit! He does not have the knowledge. And he has nothing but a career criminal!
We all know everything Goldman is describing. We want to hear what the Dems are doing to combat this!
We are not hearing this anywhere.
He needs to be charged with "crimes against humanity".
Trump is still living in the past 8 years against anyone who ever said anything bad or according to trump has done Trump wrong. He will take it out on them.
Trump is a loser and always been one.
Trump has only worked for Trump and Musk only. Musk has made since trump took office on 01-20-2025 over $400 Million dollars.
Donald Trump is a 2 times Impeach president and a 34 count Convicted Felon and so many brainless people elected Trump President again.
The USA will be in a Depression in less than 6 Months under Donald Trump leadership. Just wait and See friends.
We have to be very careful how we read things at this time. We need to educate ourselves as much as possible to what's really going on.
I think what's going on is worse than just money. It's a power play and the dictatorship Trump wants... It's ignorance par excellence!
Social Security and Medicare should be safe. Tax Musk and other billionaires!
Marc Elias wrote this morning about how the Trump regime is consistently NOT complying with court orders. Elias (Democracy Docket) says we should be watching not for what the Regime says but what they do.
It would be great if you could have a conversation with Marc Elias - what are the steps we should be taking now and what steps do we take when Trump & his henchmen thumb their noses big time at the courts - as seems very likely.
Purely the WORST administration EVER 🙈🙈💩💩
It's an Oligokleptocracy
I like the congressman but he should probably moving the Cartier book behind him might be a good idea.
If enough people don't rise up to stop this we are done for.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
Winston S. Churchill
He's busy grifting. He doesn't give a fk about all this
Great question! Anybody got a great answer?
I got this from Ian Boothby: People are still trying to attack Trump by pointing out his hypocrisy, the incompetence of his staff and the reality that the economy is tanking and his policies have no hope of actually working.
These would be solid hits against any other politician, but they don’t work on Trump. Democrats are like the soldiers still shooting at Godzilla. They do it because it’s all they know how to do but it’s not working and they keep getting stomped on.
They’re attacking him like he’s a politician and he’s not. He never has been.
He’s a celebrity. That’s it. Sometimes he’s a celebrity real estate mogul, sometimes a celebrity reality tv host and sometimes a celebrity president.
Do you remember when The Apprentice was cancelled? You do? Well, good news if you liked it, bad news if you didn’t, it never stopped. It just went global. You’re living in the show right now, Black Mirror style. Nothing he does makes sense as the leader of a country and everything makes perfect sense as a reality show producer.
Everyone he’s hired have no idea how to do their job but are great reality show material. The anti-vax nut in charge of health care? The guy with no experience and a drinking problem in charge of the military? The head of the FBI can’t believe he got the gig and hired an extreme right wing podcaster as his voice of reason? How can you not watch that train wreck? Actually it’s plane crashes but you get it.
It’s a TV show and so all that matters to him are the ratings. He’s said it over and over. After the terrible Zelenskyy meeting the last thing he said was, “This is going to make great TV”. Almost 60,000 Ukrainians dead and he and Vance set up their own Real Housewives scenario where they called Zelenskyy ungrateful, bragged about themselves and made fun of his clothes. Made no sense in reality but perfect sense if your goal is ratings.
Trump is producing a reality show because it one of the only things he knows how to do. And he’s learned that it doesn’t matter how bad things get, he’ll be safe and the show will be renewed as long as there are eyeballs on him interested in what he’s doing. In the world of real life he’s a felon in court answering charges and paying for sexual assault. As long as he’s on TV he’s safe. A million Americans died from a disease he called a hoax because reality wasn’t good for the plot of the show he was producing.
He won the popular vote because doing extreme things is interesting. Keeping things in chaos keeps you the centre of attention. There’s no winning in winning, only in saying you’re about to win. Ratings go down when plot lines are resolved. You can never have a healthcare plan, a great one has to always been a few weeks away. Once something exists it becomes reality and people can judge it. Keep things nuts and all hope in the future and you’re gold.
So how do you beat him? Run a qualified sensible candidate against him? Maybe, reality has the advantage if it actually being real. But you need to weaken him first.
Remember how mad he got at Alec Baldwin’s impression on Saturday Night Live? Really got under his skin. Because Trump is about image and Baldwin’s impression was a counter image that made him look ugly. Baldwin was enough of a celebrity to enter into the only world Trump cares about. It made Trump number two on the call sheet.
The same thing happened with Steve Bannon. The hashtag #PresidentBannon started to trend after a popular editorial cartoon and some Tweets saying Bannon was the one actually in charge and it caused a big split between them. Because Trump can’t be the co-star. He needs to be what he was on The Apprentice, the be all and end all voice of authority and power. Unquestionable. With the final say on all issues. If he’s not, he’s got nothing.
He was furious at Spy magazine for saying he had small hands. So much so he bragged about his penis size in a debate. He has doctors tell people he’s taller than he is and weighs less than he obviously does. He cannot have any shortcomings. He’s a reality show character, and like most of them with the name of a real person but more fiction than an actual person.
So to bring him down you need to attack one thing, his image. You need something fictional with a core of truth that takes the place of the fiction he’s presenting. Like JD Vance having sex with a couch. A stickier narrative than the one they’re putting forth.
The problem with just attacking with the truth is it’s not as interesting or appealing as a good made up story. You need to back up the truth with facts and by the time you do that people have lost interest. It’s what John Oliver has shown, wrap the medicine of the truth in the tasty cheese of jokes and made up scenarios and that pet might actually get better.
The only things that have worked against Trump are image based. Jokes. Memes. Sketches. Cartoons. They’re the first thing you need to do in the boss level of the video game before any of your truth based hits can land and bring them down.
You’re in Season 21 of The Apprentice. Like it or not. Time to be like past Celebrity Apprentice winner Joan Rivers and get mean and hilarious. All that matters is today. No one remembers last week. People write books with the most horrific stories but they might as well take place in the Roman Empire. You’re on the reality show now, make a scene, take focus, mess with his image, it’s all he has. Once that’s gone, he falls.
Time to cancel this terrible show.
The supporters are just as gung ho and giddy as Trump white they are mired in his BS and lack of ambition to do work and honor any sort of plan or law or the constitution itself. Trump continues his criminal behavior with Maggots cheering him on
Great interview Ben. Rep. Goldman is a true patriot like yourself. The resistance must start getting louder before it's too late. Keep growing the Meidas Mighty. Have a great day!
Medicaid meets expenses beyond healthcare for the people who rely on it. It has an impact on housing, a food source, energy assistance. Those people cannot live without assistance. They will be homeless, without health care, unable to find food. I have relatives who will die as a result of the loss of Medicare. I don't have resources to help them with all they need.
This sounds plausible: People are still trying to attack Trump by pointing out his hypocrisy, the incompetence of his staff and the reality that the economy is tanking and his policies have no hope of actually working.
These would be solid hits against any other politician, but they don’t work on Trump. Democrats are like the soldiers still shooting at Godzilla. They do it because it’s all they know how to do but it’s not working and they keep getting stomped on.
They’re attacking him like he’s a politician and he’s not. He never has been.
He’s a celebrity. That’s it. Sometimes he’s a celebrity real estate mogul, sometimes a celebrity reality tv host and sometimes a celebrity president.
Do you remember when The Apprentice was cancelled? You do? Well, good news if you liked it, bad news if you didn’t, it never stopped. It just went global. You’re living in the show right now, Black Mirror style. Nothing he does makes sense as the leader of a country and everything makes perfect sense as a reality show producer.
Everyone he’s hired have no idea how to do their job but are great reality show material. The anti-vax nut in charge of health care? The guy with no experience and a drinking problem in charge of the military? The head of the FBI can’t believe he got the gig and hired an extreme right wing podcaster as his voice of reason? How can you not watch that train wreck? Actually it’s plane crashes but you get it.
It’s a TV show and so all that matters to him are the ratings. He’s said it over and over. After the terrible Zelenskyy meeting the last thing he said was, “This is going to make great TV”. Almost 60,000 Ukrainians dead and he and Vance set up their own Real Housewives scenario where they called Zelenskyy ungrateful, bragged about themselves and made fun of his clothes. Made no sense in reality but perfect sense if your goal is ratings.
Trump is producing a reality show because it one of the only things he knows how to do. And he’s learned that it doesn’t matter how bad things get, he’ll be safe and the show will be renewed as long as there are eyeballs on him interested in what he’s doing. In the world of real life he’s a felon in court answering charges and paying for sexual assault. As long as he’s on TV he’s safe. A million Americans died from a disease he called a hoax because reality wasn’t good for the plot of the show he was producing.
He won the popular vote because doing extreme things is interesting. Keeping things in chaos keeps you the centre of attention. There’s no winning in winning, only in saying you’re about to win. Ratings go down when plot lines are resolved. You can never have a healthcare plan, a great one has to always been a few weeks away. Once something exists it becomes reality and people can judge it. Keep things nuts and all hope in the future and you’re gold.
So how do you beat him? Run a qualified sensible candidate against him? Maybe, reality has the advantage if it actually being real. But you need to weaken him first.
Remember how mad he got at Alec Baldwin’s impression on Saturday Night Live? Really got under his skin. Because Trump is about image and Baldwin’s impression was a counter image that made him look ugly. Baldwin was enough of a celebrity to enter into the only world Trump cares about. It made Trump number two on the call sheet.
The same thing happened with Steve Bannon. The hashtag #PresidentBannon started to trend after a popular editorial cartoon and some Tweets saying Bannon was the one actually in charge and it caused a big split between them. Because Trump can’t be the co-star. He needs to be what he was on The Apprentice, the be all and end all voice of authority and power. Unquestionable. With the final say on all issues. If he’s not, he’s got nothing.
He was furious at Spy magazine for saying he had small hands. So much so he bragged about his penis size in a debate. He has doctors tell people he’s taller than he is and weighs less than he obviously does. He cannot have any shortcomings. He’s a reality show character, and like most of them with the name of a real person but more fiction than an actual person.
So to bring him down you need to attack one thing, his image. You need something fictional with a core of truth that takes the place of the fiction he’s presenting. Like JD Vance having sex with a couch. A stickier narrative than the one they’re putting forth.
The problem with just attacking with the truth is it’s not as interesting or appealing as a good made up story. You need to back up the truth with facts and by the time you do that people have lost interest. It’s what John Oliver has shown, wrap the medicine of the truth in the tasty cheese of jokes and made up scenarios and that pet might actually get better.
The only things that have worked against Trump are image based. Jokes. Memes. Sketches. Cartoons. They’re the first thing you need to do in the boss level of the video game before any of your truth based hits can land and bring them down.
You’re in Season 21 of The Apprentice. Like it or not. Time to be like past Celebrity Apprentice winner Joan Rivers and get mean and hilarious. All that matters is today. No one remembers last week. People write books with the most horrific stories but they might as well take place in the Roman Empire. You’re on the reality show now, make a scene, take focus, mess with his image, it’s all he has. Once that’s gone, he falls.
Time to cancel this terrible show.
Thank you to all of you who are keeping track of the numbers for us.
Just an aside; this 'Substack' place is hard to navigate at first! Lol. Anyway - great work as always Meidas!
Thank you so much, Ben! I don't know Representative Goldman's demographic, but I do believe he works for us all. I am advocating for a change in Dem leadership in the Senate to a more responsive person, who will better represent all of us citizens and publicly tackle each action against our democracy.
I'm having trouble keeping track of the many actions against us; 1st amendment and Mr. Khalil, 1st amendment and the law firms that prosecuted Trump, the attacks on many fronts against federal service agencies, and on and on. I am thinking real value would be added by us setting up a permanent, online matrix showing each of the actions that degrade our democracy, the purported reason for each action, and the responses that are in play with status. This woukd help me understand better what I need to focus my calls to Congress on in real time. Think I'll take a stab at creating such a matrix at home and see how it works.
Thanks again, Ben and Rep. Goldman
They need to cancel the tax cuts!! They are literally millionaires and billionaires!! Give me a break- they won’t be homeless and starve!!
I bet that I have several Vietnam Veteran friends who also read this? IF there are cuts in either SS or Veterans disability ($$) benefits, my wife and I just might lose our home that we have lived in for 16 years now. I could NOT have gotten a mortgage otherwise. As a permanent and totally disabled Veteran I can have a home of my own. Without it, nope. I hate that sonofabitch and his sidekick for putting me and my wife on pins and needles over his stupidity. He's a Damn Traitor. He could care less about those of us who live month to month, or where and how we live. We MUST take back our country. We must.
Trump and Musk want to destroy the economy. They've already hidden their money offshore. If they break it, they can privatize it. We'll have no monetary resources to fight back. We'll turn on each other, as resources dwindle. That's the plan!
So, Dems what is our plan?
Cruelty is the whole point. The bullies are full-blown.
Hang them high.
So have more news conferences calling out all the bad stuff Musk is doing!!!!!
Dems need to push progress; Tech, climate, infrastructure and mostly innovation! Corporations have sat back on their "assets" and innovation on inner space severely lacks our endeavors in outer space. Time to bring George Jetson out of the past!
I respect Rep. Dan Goldman so much. Thanks for having him on, Ben.
Well worth listening to. As Rep Goldman says, Trump/Musk motives and true objectives (which are not only anti-American but also unconstitutional) are slowly coming to Americans’ consciousness.
that first chart looks like 47s signature
The entire world can't be wrong. The only world lead leaders that argree with djt are Orban of Hungray and Putin, authoritarian dictators. Your democracy is under attack.
Rep Goldman is an excellent communicator.
I really like Dan and high respect for him.
Non violent…. Sorry- need to proofread.
If I lived near one of his golf courses I’d be at a protest. I’m all for protesting at everyone/ he will hate that!!! We have to keep them non biometric becuz as soon as there is any kind of throwing things etc. he’s just aching for an excuse to call out military and start arresting people like HE claims was done at the capital- all innocent people but he sure gets upset with protests at Tesla etc.
What’s the deal with the Hermes purse sale at MLG? Where were profits going? What an embarrassment -
Are you able to get some organizers on this and turn it into a real town hall instead of a
a book tour/grift by BOTH of our PA congressmen:
March 29 Pittsburgh PA
The Power of Mentorshiphttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-power-of-mentorship-tickets-1284442575319?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=wsa&aff=ebdsshwebmobile
Yeah well he can say all that but then you have Chuck Schumer who had sided with Trump! Schumer needs to retire immediately. I thought he did an awful job as Senate leader now as a minority leader he’s even worse. What must has gotten into his brain? Resign Schumer, resign. We don’t need his type of conciliation and bowing to Trumps demands. He has sold out the American people!!!
No, it was Jared Golden. I just looked it up..
Sorry for the mistake .
Donald Trump is ready for prison cell not again let him as free man is crazy corrupt criminal
The only conclusion I come to is that Trump is doing his best to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY - WHY?
Is he a Russian asset?
Why are his “best buddy” and Vice President openly spouting Russian propaganda, giving Nazi salutes, and openly racist proposals?
Why is Trump allowing Musk to access extremely sensitive data and fire people when Musk is not supposed to have any power?
He is inflicting so much pain and suffering for everyone but his “friends” - who include white nationalists, racists, and Russian and Nazi sympathizers - there should be no reason to support him unless you too are one of the above
Trump is a Russian "ass"et.
There is a local church that gives away free food on Sundays. I just passed by, and the line of cars waiting to get the free food was about a mile long. This in a fairly affluent suburb of DC. So, anyone who tells you the economy is just fine is a damned liar.
Have you checked this out? https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/1869859
This is what I keep talking about when it came to the November election. The economy and affordability. The Dems have lost touch with the American people. They are focusing on the wrong things!!! They need to listen to Bernie Sanders.
PR shit post by Trump Regime lies to American people in his non existent medical care or US aid program can cut Elon Musk has to stopped by investigating against Elon Musk
Wasn’t Goldman the only Democrat that voted with the Republicans on the CR?
I may be mistaken.
If not, I would like to know why he voted with the Republicans ?
Why are most Republican lawmakers still supporting Trump? Can't they see that they're going tp suffer the same results that we are? Unless they're insanely rich, in which case they will probably benefit from Trump's actions. I think we must remember that it was a handful of colonists who took on the British Empire--and won. We must all work together to support our democracy and defeat those who hope to dismantle it.
They don’t care. They’re stupid, not realizing they’ll be swallowed up whole when DJT is through with them.
Ben, antisemitism is rising to greater heights here in the US. It will affect our military soldiers too as it has done for too many years to Black people who serve. Please address this issue and you can have Goldman back on to discuss this. I can’t help but think that Bibi fueled the fire. I am very religious-lite but I am Jewish and this is reminiscent of what my parents, Holocaust victims, heard in their countries, in the 1930’s.
They don’t care. They’re stupid, not realizing they’ll be swallowed up whole when DJT is through with them.
Thank you so much Rep Goldman for mentioning the most critical and very dangerous Musk latest of removing Verizon from FAA communications to install his StarLink in place. That is so dangerous!!! Can you imagine at a whim, when he decides to shut this down, like he did to Ukraine??? Shut down our entire Air traffic in the US or the world??? NO!!!!!!!
This is actually constructive criticism on how democrats communicate! There’s a grand into then the meat of the message they need to get to the point bc this guy almost lost me in his introduction! I’m a retired professor and this is the kind of talks that academics use like they’re introducing their thesis then they get to the point! They don’t match their constituents’ level which is how republicans speak but they are ignorant
Ask NATO to arrest Trump
Ty dan. We need all the facts. Nice to see some wins too.
Watch: "Tim Walz BRUTALLY Thrashes GOP In One Sentence", on YouTube. (Tennessee Brando).....
"Rep. Dan Goldman on Fighting Back, as Trump's Plans Backfire. We break down the economic fear, corruption, and cruelty of Trump’s agenda—and why we must keep fighting back." (Ben Meiselas and MeidasTouch Network, Mar 16, 2025)......
LYING Republicans
What is your opinion about the validity of
Leavitt is a moron.
We have a fight to do. We are supported by the courts. Trump is big on stupid antics with no basis. He wants to see if you will but it. We do d buy the National Emergencies Act invocation. A big mistake. There was no emergency. Shame on us. No more. It is now to the streets, people. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/alien-enemies-act-of-1798-invoked?r=3m1bs
The Universe is Watching.
Take care..
So true.
I have read elsewhere that this instability is going to rescue Putin’s tanked economy . I too, don’t understand why the Democrats have waved the white flag at damn near the onset of DJT’s term. I didn’t expect anything less from the GOP but it feels like, as citizens, we’re on our own. The mass firings of government employees and dismantling of government agencies is an attack on the American people. The impact of these actions on the government workers, especially our Veterans is cruel heartbreaking to watch.
As a senior who relies heavily on SSI, I’m really frightened and angry but it’s much bigger than that. The suggestion to fight back is a noble idea but how do we go about doing that? We’ve already been threatened with violence and legal consequences if we do. I live in a blue state which offers more protection than elsewhere but what do you suggest to those who don’t? Call my office representatives? Schumer and Gillibrand have sided with the GOP. With the exception of a very FEW brave members of Congress, they have given up. And I understand that they are scared of being targeted by the TERRORIST in the White House, I would be too. But in that case, step aside!
How do we deliver a message that clarifies the focus of our protest when there is so much going on? I clearly don’t have the answers and would like some help.