transmission 039 - what it means to be the architect (CAREER WEEK)
The 39th transmission from Starship Commander Miquiel Banks.
The Matrix is a system Neo, that system is our enemy.
Grand Rising People, Grand Rising.
Before we begin today's session, I know that many of you came here for Somar's Notes, but we pushed that session back another day.
You can leave and return tomorrow, but I'd recommend you stay for today's thrilling session.
Today's Guest is a bit off the radar, but he's going down the rabbit hole and showcasing some interesting insights into The Matrix.
Please give a big round of applause for today's guest.
He is going to answer a powerful question.
Who or What is The Architect?
Who is the Architect?
In The Matrix, the Architect is a human persona given to the Mainframe of the Machines.
However, how he ACTUALLY looks spills over into layers and layers and layers of historical propaganda.
Is it any wonder the Architect looks like any of the following:
Andrew Carnegie (Industrialist and Philanthropist)
Sigmund Freud (An Architect of the Modern Era)
Vinton Cerf (Creator of the Internet)
Norbert Wiener (Mathematician, Founder of Cybernetics)
Ray Blanchard (Sexologist, known for his research studies on transsexualism, pedophilia, and sexual orientation)
The Patriots (Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty)
The Judeo-Christian God (A White Man in a Chair, watching down on Humanity)
The Demiurge (Gnostic and Platonic Traditions)
The Great Architect (Freemasonry)
Lord Brahma (Hinduism, Depicted as a white bearded man)
Santa (an Anagram for Satan)
Colonel Sanders (symbolic logo character for Corporation)
But what's going to really blow your mind?
When you realize that all those names listed above, somehow and some way, have the same attributes and tendencies matching what we know about the Architect?
Is it possible, that the above names are not symbolic, but literal "threads" of this character's identity that were woven together into what we know as the Architect?
I'll leave you to decide for yourself.
What is the Architect?
This question has several layers, going down deeper into the Rabbit Hole.
First, let's imagine a Dynamic and Layered Funnel.
Next, this funnel has 4 layers:
The Actual Meaning
This is going to hurt a lot of feelings and there will be gnashing of teeth.
However, we are promoting TRUTH, so TRUTH we must present.
At his core, the Architect is the Cosmic Opponent against Humanity and our Freedom.
PAY ATTENTION to that statement. . .
He is not a Contagonist or Minor Opponent, he is the PRIMARY Opponent and he is a Cosmic Entity.
This makes him the Primary, Cosmic, and Eternal Enemy of Humanity and our Freedom.
The Spiritual Meaning
This is easy, he is the greatest threat to Humanity, the reason for our enslavement, and the BARRIER to our Eternal Freedom.
The Social Meaning
He hides behind the name of God and tricks the entire human race into trusting his Commandments and Lies.
The Physical Meaning
He hides behind the name of God and changes the Human Perception to view him as the Good Guy and not our Main Opponent/Enemy.
His Names Throughout History
Before we go into the What, let's get past all the names that have allowed the Architect to maintain his "HOLD" on Humanity.
We'll list the many names he's used in Modern History:
Semyaza (Book of Enoch, leader of the Watchers)
Azazel (Book of Enoch, leader of the Watchers)
Satanael (Book of Enoch, Leader of the Watchers)
Leader of the Grigori
The Demiurge
The Devil
The Judeo-Christian god
The Demiurge (Greek, Craftsman)
The Craftsman
Leader of the Archons
The Great Archon
Father of the Archons
The Dark Father (Darth Vader)
Yaldabaoth (Aramaic, Aborted and Fetal Child of Chaos)
Saklas (Aramaic, Fool)
Samael (Aramaic, Blind God, God of the Blind)
The Mythical Character
The Architect's role is the same in every story.
His job is to enslave Humanity and use any and all diabolical measures to maintain this objective.
In the Biblical Tradition, we read the words and never truly heed this warning:
So the great dragon was thrown down. The old snake, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was thrown down to the earth; and his angels were thrown down with him.
I want you to read that statement again.
What's the key word in that sentence?
Look again.
Your eyes should eventually CLAMP down on one word:
Now, I want you to imagine this scenario. . .
If I want to trick an entire species of workers (Humanity), what's the best way to trick them?
First, I will establish that someone else is the Bad Guy (Satan) and start my propaganda campaign for Humanity to hate this Entity.
Next, I will appoint myself as the Helper of Humanity, explain to them that the Bad Guy is really bad, and then I will tell stories upon stories about the Bad Guy's atrocities.
Then, I will trick the species by changing my name to a Name they will associate with being Good.
Since I am unable to create anything myself, I will take the word Good and take out one letter and create this new title for myself - God.
Finally, I can announce to everyone my new title is God.
I will allow all the Humans to create their own stories about me, but I will control the Narrative and make it easy to maintain power by using this new title in all their stories.
Here's a list of my names across the world:
Marduk (Babylonian)
Enlil (Sumerian)
Yahweh (Israel, Judas, Jewish)
Amen-Re (Egyptian)
Jesus the Roman (Christian, Creation of the Flavian Dynasty)
The Lord God (Christian)
Adonai (Christian)
Elohim (Christian)
Allah (Islam, Muslim)
El Shaddai (Hebrew)
Jah/Yah (Hebrew)
Attiyq Youm (Christian)
The Eighth Dynamic (Scientology)
An Exalted Man (Mormonism)
Brahma (Hinduism)
Waheguru (Sikhism)
Ubangidi (Hausa)
Chukwu (Igbo)
Olodumare (Yoruba)
Abasi (Ibibio-Efik)
Woyengi-momoemi (Ijaw)
Osanobwa (Edo)
Soko (Nupe)
Dagwi (Birom)
Oghene (Urhobo)
They will never expect that I, their Almighty God, is the bad guy.
This is how I will deceive the whole world.
I have a question for you.
Let me ask you, if this is what happened, did his campaign work?
Did you make it this far?
Many, and I mean many, students walked out on this session.
So, why did they leave?
We can keep asking, but why are we wasting our time on those who are stuck in the old way of viewing the world.
We live in a new age people, get used to it.
I see your hand Tristan, so I'll stop this session and respond to your curiosity.
The reasons for the students leaving are as follows:
Stuck in the Past
Stuck in the Kali Yuga thought process
Stuck in linear time
Stuck in the Status Quo
Stuck in their Parents' Rules and Regulations
Stuck in their emotional baggage
Stuck in a Bad Paradigm
Stuck in Modernism
Stuck in Vertical Thinking
Stuck in Commerce, Finance, and Politics
Let's stop there, we've exhausted enough energy in the Negative Direction, which is Blue, synonymous with the Machines.
Before we go into Q&A, don't forget people.
Just like I promised in the beginning, tomorrow is all about the Oracle.
Tomorrow's session starts at 10:00 am, not our normal time of 11:00 am.
If you're late, we can't help you.
Now, back to our current session.
People, what are your thoughts on our Guest's presentation?
Were you inspired or are you disappointed about his role in Humanity's past, present, and future?
People, before we go into Q&A, don't forget that tomorrow we have a very special guest.
That's right, tomorrow we're going to meet the Legend herself, listen to her journey, and explore what it means to be the Oracle.
We've got so many hands in here.
Awww, let's see. . .
That female student in the rear, in the Red Dress and matching Red heels, what's your question my dear?