Bottom Line Up Front:
Ukraine is on track to almost 27x its monthly drone production from January 2024 to December 2025, with recent 2025 plans to purchase 4.5 million FPV attack drones.
These new orders increase FPV density from a 2024 daily average of 7 FPVs per mile of frontage to over 20 FPVs per mile in 2025.
Concurrent advancements in FPV terminal guidance using edge artificial intelligence models combined with increased production numbers could drive a 900% improvement in Ukrainian lethality per mile of front.
Production Boom
Ukraine’s battlefields witnessed an unprecedented density of first-person-view (FPV) drones in 2024. The conflict has a well-defined World War I-style frontline extending 600 miles, but these one-way attack drones are changing the character of war as part of the emerging precision mass regime. Ukraine reportedly acquired 1.5 million FPV drones in 2024, and now says it will triple domestic FPV purchasing in 2025 to 4.5 million drones.

The Ukrainian drone industry could not produce at this scale at the beginning of 2024. In January of that year, almost two years into the war, Ukrainian industry ramped up to produce 20,000 FPV drones. This number would break records in any Western military, and represents about 1.1 FPV drones available daily for each of the 600 miles of battlefield frontage in Ukraine. However, this early 2024 production rate proved insufficient to meet Ukraine’s battlefield requirements as Russia continued to quickly replace destroyed equipment and soldiers.

Across 2024, Ukraine’s drone industry made immense capital expenditures (CAPEX) to expand its production capabilities and received additional funding from the United States. By the end of 2024, the industry had achieved a monthly production rate of 200,000 FPVs. This 10x increase in production capacity improved FPV density to approximately 11 FPV drones per day for each mile of frontage.
The graphics below show estimates of 2024 Ukrainian FPV production alongside 2025 production forecasts derived from open-source reporting and War Quants factory-to-frontline modeling. The 2024 estimates use the January 2024 and December 2024 production numbers quoted by the Ukrainian government, while the 2025 forecast reports monthly production capacity using the top-line 4.5 million cumulative production numbers. Monthly production is roughly linear, and modeled to meet known monthly production rates and overall production targets.
Overall, the modeling effort reveals that a production target of 4.5 million FPV drones is a lofty goal. Ukraine must increase monthly FPV production numbers through massive capacity expansion to meet its production targets. Base production in 2025 represents a continuance of the 200,000 FPV monthly December 2024 production rate. Increment 1 includes 50% of the additional expansion, with Increment 2 representing the final 50% incremental production required for the 4.5 million FPV target.
If it meets its stated goals, Ukraine’s drone industry will produce over 500,000 FPVs per month by December 2025, equating to 29.4 daily FPVs per mile of frontage using an average 30-day month and 600-mile frontage. This terminal monthly run-rate is almost 27x larger than January 2024. If achieved, this mass may provide an immense advantage in attriting Russian assaults and preserving scarce personnel for critical missions.
FPV Drone Deployment and Effectiveness
Concurrent with increases in monthly drone production rates, the end of 2024 saw improvements to Ukrainian FPV quality and effectiveness. Russia and Ukraine began integrating fiber-optic cables to control FPV drones and avoid jamming. Fiber-optic cable FPVs, however, have range and employment limitations due to their tether with the operator. To overcome these limitations, Ukrainian companies are improving terminal guidance systems that allow drones to maneuver to and attack their targets autonomously. Now, with AI-enabled terminal guidance, drone operators can designate targets from outside EW jamming bubbles. Drones can then fly into the bubble and engage the target autonomously so there is no link between the drone and operator to jam. Furthermore, we expect AI-enabled terminal guidance systems to improve as more battlefield training data becomes available.
We can model this improvement using the FPV kill chain from previous War Quants work. In the model, we estimate the success probability of a set of actions: the launch, movement, kinetic kill avoidance, non-kinetic kill avoidance, and strike of the FPV. In this case, terminal autonomy substantially increases the success rate of non-kinetic kill avoidance. In the example below, mission success rises from 15% to 60% similar to a recent CSIS report.
In aggregate, according to recent RUSI reporting, Ukraine’s FPVs account for 60-70% of all destroyed Russian equipment. While not an all-weather fire asset like artillery, confirmed numbers over 50% suggest that FPVs are quickly becoming the new “King of Battle."
Factory-to-Frontline Pipeline
Combining trends in efficacy and mass, we can measure the improvement in Ukraine's drone war lethality from 2024 to 2025. Assuming an average FPV attack success probability of 20% and seven FPVs per mile of frontage daily, as seen in 2024, we expect 1.4 successful daily attacks per mile. Scaling to 21 daily FPVs per mile of frontage based on 2025 production forecasts, we expect successful attacks to increase to 4.2 daily per mile. After adjusting the probability of a successful attack to 60% to account for the potential benefits of AI-based FPV terminal guidance, the successful attack numbers jump to 12.6 daily per mile. This capability and capacity improvement is illustrated below.
Improving from 1.4 daily successful attacks per mile of front to 12.6 is a 900% year-on-year growth. Is this decisive for the war effort? Time will tell.
Unprecedented Build Up
By the end of 2025, Ukraine has the potential to become a military-industrial powerhouse that can punch well above its relative size by deploying unprecedented masses of semi-autonomous robots along the front. If successful, this deployment could create an unmanned barrier that Russian attacks must breach to capture Ukrainian territory, and there is no doubt that nations and non-state actors across the globe have taken note. The future will likely see the export of AI-enabled drones to other battlefields, kickstarting an era of autonomy, artificial intelligence, and robotics in war.
“The Future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet.” - William Gibson
Read More of Our Work Here:
Sustained Russian Shahed Swarms: The War of Precision Mass Continues
Damn the Torpedoes: Smaller, Cost Efficient, Less-than-Lethal Systems
One Million Suicide Drones with Chinese Characteristics
Capability Analysis: AI Machine Guns for Drone Short-Range Air Defense
The views and opinions expressed on War Quants are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the United States Government, the Department of Defense, or any other agency or organization.
Interesting, but scary as hell. What will fighting a war mean, in the future?
Chinese are making a lot of money out of the sale. What else they sell.