Welcome to part two of our course! Below, you’ll find the contents of the video above in text form. We’re releasing the course one lesson a week, every Wednesday over twelve weeks. Enjoy!
In this post we’ll explore money’s role in our lives.
Take a pen and paper, or a notepad app on your device, and answer these five questions. You can answer with practical examples, like buying food for the first question, or more philosophical answers, as you wish!
Why do we need money?
What is money?
Who controls money?
What gives money its “value”?
What question do you have about money?
When you’re done, share your answers in the comments, and click ‘like’ on your favourites. Reflect on your unique ideas that didn’t match the top voted ones—these are good and useful!
After this exercise, you’ll have a clearer understanding of money, and in the next posts we’ll dive deeper. Keep these answers because we’ll reflect on them at the end of the course.
The quote up top is Friedrich Hayek. Pope St. John Paul II recognized Hayek as one of the most important Catholic scholars of the twentieth century, though the Austrian had long ceased to practice his faith. In 1980, Hayek was one of twelve Nobel laureates invited to meet with the Polish pope, an encounter that would inform the pope’s encyclicals and the 1992 Catechism.

Prepare for the course—answer these five questions
Why do we need money?
What is money?
Who controls money?
What gives money its “value”?
What question do you have about money?
Have feedback to improve this part of the course? Submit it anonymously here.
Read this post in Spanish here.
The next part of the course will be released on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
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