Hey everybody, it's Rick Wilson. Hi, Stuart Stevens. Joined by Stuart here. We just wanted to pop on and do a quick recording because the response to Lincoln Square Media yesterday was absolutely overwhelming. A half a million folks have joined the team and become followers of Lincoln Square Media. Many thousands became full supporters.
We're deeply, deeply honored and grateful for that. And Over a million and a half people tuned into one of the segments yesterday. That is absolutely amazing. We are thrilled beyond words, and we are so motivated to keep giving you guys an alternative to a lot of the
media you've been stuck with or been unhappy with for a long time. So just wanted to thank you personally. Stuart and I were just, we were on the phone talking about this. We're like, we should thank people more directly than just an email or whatever.

Thank you for blowing our minds!

We're overwhelmed, grateful, and confident we'll stomp authoritarianism because of you! And a reminder that Punching Up with Maya May is coming up at 7 PM ET with guest comedian Gary Gulman!

You guys…y’all are just the best! Thank you for an amazing launch!

Discussion about this video

I am a former corporate advertising photographer and have concentrated my efforts in helping last 10 years on social documentary work. I have created a series of ads/posts that I would like to share with you and discuss how to get them distributed to people having buyers remorse for supporting Trump. Could you please email me so I can share them with you. I am at mark@tuschmanphoto.com

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Thanks for all you do keeping people informed. Thankyou again for your honest truthful reporting.

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That rant at Leon was a thing of beauty. I could listen to it all day.

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Thanks guys. Everyone, keep bringing it. Do whatever you can to fight this.

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As my favorite media begins to fold (WaPo, MSNBC), I'm hoping that the best journalists and subject experts find new outlets so that their viewers can continue to get great reporting without the fascist caste of the oligarchs. I could imagine a reconstituted network formed as a cooperative.

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I'm a black woman. As part of the 92% who understood the assignment, I've been really disheartened lately by the anti-black, anti-woman direction our country is taking. Seeing you fine upstanding lesser-melanated gentlemen stand up for what's right gives me hope. Hope, not just that we could possibly survive this crapshow, but also hope that there are some members of the majority who still have a heart and soul- trump hasn't ruined all of you yet.

While I'm not yet ready to jump back into the fight with both feet (we're TIRED!), I'm happy to support y'all's efforts from the background. Let me know if you guys need help editing copy.

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Y'all are the best - thank you for keeping us sane during this very difficult time.

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Thank you for being here with us on Substack too!!! My sister is visiting and we were giddy listening to you guys on the kickoff day with those great guests!!! Both of us joined as paid immediately and we are grateful for your voices!! Haven’t tuned into any corporate media. With you, MTN, Acosta & Bulwark who needs anything else??? Looking forward to honest and inspiring conversations and news. Thank you!!!

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It figures I say that and then yesterday's episode was full of nothing, but scary shit Elon Musk is getting away with. Everyone call your Senator and demand Musk is brought before congress!

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Dear Lincolns: This is a rallying rant. I hope not inappropriate.

It is time for every leadership institution, every leader in every walk of American life, whose values those of us opposing the coup in progress in our country honor – to stand up and speak out.

We are at a tipping point. A critical mass of us has had enough. We are ready to do whatever it takes to stop this. Our judicial system is not holding. It's time for the Court of Last Resort: THE STREETS.

We need leadership to rally us across the country all at the same time, in unison. We will need experienced protection – judicious but forceful protection. It’s time for our leaders to approach and rally friendly law enforcement and military to ensure they are ready to support a nationwide protest and have our backs.

Who accomplishes that?


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Next plan up: pressure campaign for Schumer to stand down as Minority Leader.

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I'm glad to be here with like minded people.

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Love you guys. I'm so glad you're in the trenches with us.

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Every day America becomes more of a hell scape under Trump.

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Already I'm so glad I joined!!

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Fabulous launch, Rick and Stuart!

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I am anxious to hear your comments on the changes from the EPA (Environmental Protection agency) to the EDA (Environmental Destruction Agency).

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Congratulations on a great launch. I'm thrilled to be part of this community.

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Good evening from the beautiful SF Bay Area. You all and the Bulwark have been a life raft for this old Leftie Bay Area hippie. I have learned so much from you all and just wish the tired old Dems would listen to your advice. We cannot let the Malignant One win!!! We must stick together and aggressively oppose him and his Maggots! Love you. Say hi the next time you're here. 🥰

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Loud and PROUD !!!

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It's a credit to the Lincoln Square team that so many people watched live, or like me, had to catch up on the shows later in the evening. There's a hunger in this country for leadership, inspiration and a willingness to FIGHT to take our country back from those who don't believe in it AT ALL. The Lincoln Project and now Lincoln Square are trusted voices we've all seen in action. Thanks for all you do and for staying in the fight with us!

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When I watch Rachel Maddow's show, I'm am always inspired by all the protests she airs. Will you be doing something like this?

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I was proud to sign up as a supporter. You all are essential to the fight.

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Thank YOU ✨🙏🇺🇸🏵️💫

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Thanks for being here, everyone! Love seeing all the familiar names and a lot of new ones. We're gonna win this, y'all!! (It's me, Lisa Senecal)

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The shows were awesome. If this is what we have to look forward to, it will be worth every penny of the subscription. I'm sick of the sugar-coating and trumpsplaining from MSM, and I chuckle and fistbump every potty mouth word from Rick. Sometimes, fuck is the only word what works. Thank you so much for doing what you do. You are the true patriots who will save us from the great orange demon and his ignorant spawn.

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Love y'all LFG!

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Love, Maya May.

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Thanks, guys.

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So glad you are continuing the fight. We need you all. 💙

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So happy you are doing this!!!

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Rick, good to reconnect with you after I left Twitter/X. I wrote the memorial to a soldier re: scatter bomblets during Desert Storm.

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I’m so happy for you!

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Don’t be distracted PEOPLE There won’t be any more free and fair elections after 2024 according to Trump https://bit.ly/3FqVCYa July 27, 2024

This bit.ly/41UelTx will open your eyes as to a RIGGED ELECTION by Republican power brokers Since they were successful in 2024 they now have a plan for all future elections And Trump has removed all agencies that would protect future elections CISA(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency), EI-ISAC (Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center) EI-ISAC, EAC(Elections Assistance Agency)

Vigilante Inc America’s New Voter Suppression Hitmen https://bit.ly/3DM7d3F is a voter stealing project originating out of the Georgia Republican party but now spreading to many states and by state legislative actions that led up to the rigged 2024 election(in 2024 9 states had laws allowing vigilante voter rejection….4 of them swing states) The vigilante movement’s sole purpose was to deny voters particularly Black voters their right to vote It’s out of the 1946 KKK violent Black voter suppression playbook with a contemporary 21st century twist that evolved out of the Big Lie movement after 2020 In the 2024 election the removal of 3.5million with voting rights by an estimated 40,000 vigilantes worked to knowingly eliminate voters

Voter intimidation by creating fear amongst the electorate particularly among the Black leads to voter suppression It would not be surprising that part of Trump’s pardoning of the J6 insurrectionists among many others is to use them as vigilantes or an armed militia to suppress not only the Black vote but the white Democrat vote This is probably in full swing as you read this

Don’t be naïve Don’t vote provisionally because it won’t be counted Vote early to be sure that the voter registration is secure and be wide awake We are reliving the beginnings of Hitler's Nazi Germany


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