i am 63 today happy birthday to me i have a full schedule today from now til midnight friends have flown in the cake is made i've got my outfit chosen for the late late show tonight been watching Patrick Kielty since being booked wednesday charming man - smart and funny i am thrilled to have been invited its been a while since doing a talk show can't recall which one I last did tonight will be different as its in ireland - not the USA I grew up watching and loving talk shows - merv griffin mike douglas - dinah shore never missed an episode I feel in love with stand up watching phyllis diller totie fields - joan rivers all regulars - killing it at a time when women in comedy was rare - unheard of truly i can't imagine how difficult for them to develop and deliver yet they did - in the 60's when women could not practice law - serve jury duty get birth control - get divorced domestic violence reporting not a thing then - we women won't go back it was not GREAT then for anyone other than the straight white men who want to run the place and sadly now do i look to AOC - to Jasmine Crockett for daily inspiration n affirmation their courage in the face of fascism is one for the history books but if this administration remains in charge there will be no mention is feminist leaders or Jackie Robinson or doctor MLK we all will be erased - deleted - denied as half the country cheers the cutting of programs for public good claiming life is about to get better lacking the understanding to see what it right in front of them willful blindness is so dangerous til we wake from slumber hope u enjoy this second day of spring when life bursts out in color igniting r human souls reminding us to bloom
thank u 4 these beautiful flowers ... #feelingLOVED