This week on Blocked and Reported, Katie and Jesse discuss a very hungry city council appointee in Lynnwood, Washington. Plus, the war on our nation’s cybertrucks, and online Nazi’s father speaks out.
‘The Interview’: Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy is Done - The New York Times
Driver cuts off, harasses Tesla owner in Lynnwood | FOX 13 Seattle
‘Dogequest’ Site Claims to Dox Tesla Owners Across the U.S.
After latest appointee withdraws, Lynnwood City Council discusses next steps |
The vore thing is exactly why we need to bring back shame. I will absolutely shame you for that. It’s disgusting and there’s a lot of similar shit out there on the internet and everyone who enjoys it should hate themselves just a little more after indulging themselves in it.
And talking about it with other freaks is so much worse! Keep your sickness to yourself! Jesus Christ nobody needs to know about that!
I think the other thing is that there’s a difference between having a kink and spending all your time online indulging your kink, especially when it’s violent. I think that’s what is kind of fucked up. I think if somebody has a kink where something pops in their head and they’re kind of freaked out by it because they think it is hot, that’s when people don’t need to be shamed. But if you’re spending all your time on the Internet, writing fantasies about eating women and it is your main hobby, that’s pretty fucked up.
The problem becomes when shame is part of the kink! When They seek out being shamed / getting a reaction for boners how do you respond? Not responding isn’t good, responding gets them off.’ There’s no good move!
Shame sadism while we're at it. Might capture a lot of pro-shame people, though, so...
This episode made me reconsider defending free speech. Seriously. I don't think groups of people should normalize this stuff for each other.
Vore is bad but furry vore is the absolute worst internet.
A lot of fucked up fetishes are connected to furry fandom — vore, diaper stuff, expansion, feederism, giant/ess worship, etc. these things exist independently of the furry scene but it seems there’s an over representation of furries within weird niche fetishes. I think paraphilias and weird fetishes kind of just exist in the same circles online and as a result there’s sort of a normalization that happens when you set foot through just being a furry or having a niche fetish.
What all those things have in common is alienation from one’s actual physical self. We gotta touch more grass as a species.
What is expansion? I dare not google
Probably the same as inflation?
Typically from what I’ve seen like nutting so much you “inflate” the recipient.
If that’s the same thing it’s more tame than some of the worst things out there.
But again, knowing the internet, I’m sure some freaks have made it worse somehow.
It’s part of it but it’s sometimes taken to some really extreme and disgusting places…
I’m glad (???) my only compulsion is digging and finding out what depraved weird stuff people are into. It’s horrifying but also fascinating to see what people are into and (maybe) why.
Has the opposite effect on me and that's one of the reasons I had to crawl out of the trans rabbit hole. That whole thing exposed me to so many things I never needed to know about.
This is half of why I listen to savage love! It’s weirdly fascinating, like looking at parasitic infections or something
Yeah it’s a lot!
Uhh I need to share this because it’s somewhat related and I don’t know if K&J have ever covered it but it seems sorta barpod adjacent (also involved some expansion related…elements)
It always brought me down back in the day lol
“Good, meh, good, no, great, WHAT THE FUCK!”
The YouTube algorithm will feed it to you if you just tart clicking on stuff.
I legitimately felt sick listening to it.
100% agree. Shame has its place in a functioning society and for a well adjusted individual.
I like to tell the normies in my life about the insane things I learn on B&R, to try to make them aware of how many whackjobs walk among us. I have not told anyone about vore because somehow I feel like they will think less of me for even KNOWING ABOUT THIS FUCKING SHIT.
100% agree. My take is “shame” is just a societal tool. It isn’t inherently bad to shame someone, it is just the flip side to “praise”, which isn’t inherently good. They’re both just tools to keep society from veering off into insanity.
They’re both greatest pushback I get on this is if you take it to an example and say “you should shame a 40 year old who has never had a job and are just sitting in their parents basement playing video games all day”. In this case people go “shaming them isn’t helpful”. My response to that is “do you think if they made a step in the right direction praising them for that could be helpful?”. If they think it could be I think that their worldview has just entirely been corrupted and they aren’t seeing anything clearly. Again, they’re both just tools. Just because someone is in a sad state and you feel bad for them doesn’t mean a tool loses its purpose.
I 100% support shame and I also support praise. They should both be used with reasonable thought and judgment. In this case, 100% agree these people should be shamed. Disgusting, weird, outlandish, inappropriate behavior. If they feel the shame and still decide that’s what they’re in to, more power to them. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to get into the stuff. I’m saying I never want like a coworker to think it is socially acceptable to start talking about their vore preferences to me. People should feel shame and society should shame them so that does not occur.
I do wish they wouldn't use female pronouns for trans identifying men who are displaying uniquely male fantasies of violence. Particularly violence against against women. It seems to add to the misogyny.
agree agree agree agree
They've addressed this before. They're trying to be logically consistent; they think it's hypocritical to only use preferred pronouns for people you like. Even if I disagree with it, it's an understandable stance.
They could avoid this problem by never using 'preferred pronouns', and only describing people in accordance with their actual biological sex.
Then don't use them. Be accurate.
A foolish contingency is the hobgoblin of a little mind as Emerson said.
Case in point: "Her desire to spit roast women". Come the absolute fuck on, for god's sake.
I think this is a point worth them considering.
Maybe I missed where they made it clear Jessica Robert’s was a trans woman, but it the behavior and fantasies were super confusing till they talked about her lady penis.
Then I was like ohhhh, ok.
They should make it more clear. . . For the reporting sake.
They did make it clear upfront. They said the CC appointed a trans woman, Jessica Roberts.
Ah, missed it. Passive listening for the win. I guess I just perked up when it got to the nitty gritty part and it was all she, her, etc.
I was thinking. Wow. Super weird fetish for a woman. Eating kids! Jesus. What woman thinks of turning children into breast fat!? And so on.
Dear god, yes. It's getting ridiculous now.
Amen to that!
Protesting against Tesla is legit. Targeting *individual Tesla owners* is psychotic.
Sometimes when I hear about the vandalism, I feel like wondering if this shit is just Astroturfed because it’s so dumb because all it does is make Musk seem vaguely sympathetic. He’s losing a huge amount of money because it’s embarrassing to own a tesla and that’s enough.
Tesla stock dropping by a penny hurts Elon far more than burning 1000 cybertrucks.
As long as anyone claiming to be "antifascist" more or less gets a pass from most of the media for engaging in tactics and activities which would otherwise best be described as "fascists", especially the use of threats and violence against anyone they've decided is somehow (even if by simply owning a car) supporting a person or idea they find objectionable. If they were honest, they'd ditch the moniker "Antifascist" and adopt "Counterfascist" instead.
Nobody anywhere is required to like or support Elon (maybe if they want to work for SpaceX, unless that's a secondary result and causation is going the other way), but it's definitely worth noting (as Jessie sort of mentioned) that most Teslas whcih are more than 2-3 years old were bought at a time when Musk had a somewhat messianic status among many progressives including a portion of the tech industry silo and Hollywood.
It's absurd that people have to justify the kind of car they have to the public. Who cares why they have a Tesla? It's not anyone else's business.
I'd love for anyone to come up with an explanation that would help me understand why anyone would actually want a Cybertruck, but that has nothing at all to do with Musk.
My biggest question for Musk is why he would apparently use the exact same steel for the body of the cybertruck and for the structure of his "biggest rocket ever built", especially when it's an alloy that even "budget" bicycle manufacturers upgraded from (to a different alloy with a better strenght-weight ratio) 30+ years ago?
I mean leftists have hated Elon for many years at this point, long before Elon ever said anything about Trump, and long before he bought Twitter or was involved in politics or the culture war.
They hated him because he was a rich straight white man, that didn't apologize for his own existence, and because wasn't woke (though he wasn't actively anti-woke at that point).
If you're rich and famous and white, especially a straight white male, then you MUST engage in frequent virtue signaling, so that we know that you're on the right team, and that despite being rich & powerful, you're one of the good ones.
He didn't do that, so we knew he was bad, even atva time where we couldn't point to a single specific bad thing that he'd done or even said..
It's true that good progressives who were well off still bought his cars until very recently, despite not liking him, because they're nice cars (at least as far as electric cars go). But it was in spite of their feelings about Elon.
Some of the deepest identitarians and "intersectional" believers may have felt that way about Musk, but until he publicly waljed away from the Dems, there were many who revered him for how much he had done in the field of "green" tech, and owning a Tesla was a status symbol in many leftist circles (hence all the "I bought this before Elon went nuts" stickers), and that reverence for Elon and his companies led to people believing for months that the "hyperloop" concept for rapid travel around CA was at some level viable (and in some cases even buying into the idea that scores of miles-long tunnels would be practical in such seismically active territory). The left were largely the investors who initiallly drove the market cap of Tesla to be higher than GM, despite Tesla producing less than 1% as many cars as the much larger and older company.
This feels like some rose-colored remembrance. He may not have been woke but he was woke enough and said shit he never would today.
I'm pretty sure that Elon, like Trump, still very much supports equal rights for LGBT people. That's not woke.
The problem is when some of them (mainly the Ts) want rights and privileges above and beyond what everyone else has.
I will say that I don’t think it’s Astroturfed . I just think it’s so stupid that it would seem like it’s Astroturfed
The was the same feeling I had when I saw the “I’m a real man” add during the election.
I was like, this has to be conservative trolling, and I was stunned when I found out it wasn’t.
On Bleuski (yes, I’m spending time there lately, do not shame me for my new kink!), someone suggested that there could be agents provocateur helping to drive the violence. That seems like a reasonable theory, although there are also plenty of absolute turnips on the antifa far left.
Just like the Oct 7 attacks: “It’s totally awesome and I hope it continues and also it’s definitely an astroturfed false flag operation.”
Wait, you're saying you think it's reasonable that these Tesla attacks are a false flag designed to drum up sympathy for Elon? I don't think I'm hearing this correctly.
No, not false flag. But maybe you are replying to Damian?
My comment suggested there could be an element of provocateurs helping escalate the attacks on Teslas. I also have no doubt that there are plenty of hotheads on the left. I was not asleep when the whole Luigi thing went down…
Does it contribute to the dropping Tesla stock though? I know I’m less likely to buy a Tesla now than a few months ago if people will shame me for it.
I'm sure. In many places, owning a Tesla now makes you less physically safe, and certainly makes your car and even home far more likely to be vandalized.
I wouldn't be surprised if insurance rates for Teslas now increase as well..
…I don’t know if you’re just making an observation or to justify this as a valid protest. But, what you just described is definitional terrorism.
*In its simplest form, terrorism is the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to instill fear and achieve political or ideological goals*
*Terrorism aims to create a climate of fear and intimidation, often targeting civilians to exert pressure on governments or societies*
I agree terrorism is quite effective at creating societal change if used effectively. I also do not want to buy a car if I have to worry about some crazed lunatic rubbing their feces on it, let alone worry about it getting Molotov cocktailed. But that’s not a reaction to protest, that is being threatened and intimidated into making a different action.
Yes, an observation about the impact of protest. Certainly not an endorsement.
Definitions are never as clear cut as people want them to be, but I don’t think terrorism is actually that effective from what I’ve read. In this case the only reason it would be effective, I think, is not the low probability of getting feces on the car, but the idea that lefties in good standing now look down on people driving teslas (which these high profile actions help highlight).
I don’t get why Jesse and Katie and so many of the comments are going to Elon and a reaction or impact from/to him. These aren’t attacks on Elon no matter how deranged the people doing them think they are, they’re attacks on individuals. That’s fucking horrendous.
If the owner of a window pane manufacturer was a piece of shit, it does not give people any justification at all or any moral basis to start throwing rocks through peoples homes or burning homes to the ground to *protest* (what an absolutely abysmal misnomer in this context) the window manufacturer.
You are just assaulting an individual, you’re not protesting shit. I know clarity on this type of action got completely fucked to oblivion in 2020, but I think it’s time to bring back some sanity. Assaulting individuals and destroying their property is/has literally never been a valid form of protest. If you want to hang some bullshit euphemism on it, maybe you can attempt to use rebellion. It’s sure as shit not protest.
I agree with all of this and would just add that a sure way to alienate normies across the political spectrum is to resort to violence and vandalism.
I heard one of my (completely unrelated to politics) podcasters recently say, “oh if my Uber is a Tesla I cancel it now” with the air of someone committing a Real Act of Protest. Like… how does that affect *anything* you’re claiming to be against??? It’s a comedy podcast so I suppose he could be being facetious, but I don’t think so.
I don’t think protesting Tesla makes much sense. Musk sucks but not because of anything he’s done with Tesla. It would make more sense to protest Twitter.
I do think nonviolent picketing at Tesla dealerships is fair game. Boycotting his companies is more than fair game.
Musk is using his riches to seek domination over the US government and quite possibly overseas governments, too. Hurting him in the pocketbook is a reasonable and effective tactic. And he must be hurting at least a little, otherwise we wouldn’t have seen that absurd scene where the White House lawn got turned into pop-up Tesla dealership.
Dan Savage is in a bit of a bubble. I’m 40 and have never sent or received risqué pictures, either.
According to this source fewer than half of Gen Z, millennials, Gen X, and boomers have engaged in sending sexually explicit messages to someone they were dating:
Millennials had the most at 37%, for Gen Z it was 20%.
Yeah Gen Z is super prudish in many respects. As older gen z myself I would never share explicit pictures online precisely because I’ve seen the consequence of that shit.
That 20% is obviously an underestimate / not directly comparable since gene has had far fewer years and relationships to have EVER sent a naughty pic compared to the older generations.
I would guess by the time GenZ is boomer age that % will be higher than the current boomers, however prudish GenZ are.
Probably yes, but I’m curious whether it will surpass Millenials.
Dan Savage is an expert on people with kinks, i'm not sure he is an expert on the rest (majority?) of the people.
I agree. I'm 26 and I've never even taken a picture of myself undressed, let alone sent one, because I know the risks of things like revenge porn and I know that the internet is forever.
Ditto. I think it’s a no-brainer for Millennials and older that the internet is not like interacting in real life, anything out there is out there forever and you don’t send compromising material through it. But for people who grew up with the internet being ubiquitous from childhood, there’s no real world/internet divide.
I love Dan, but he's been saying this for at least ten years and it never materialized. AFAIK there are no risqué pics of Jon Ossoff or AOC floating around.
And let's be honest, privately sending a snap or two (even if they get shared widely without your consent) is in a whole different league than having an OF and sharing your nudes on reddit (!)
Same age, same lack of pic sending experience. When I was 18/19 I went on my (very churchy) best friend’s MySpace page and her recent ex had posted topless pics of her on her page. I obviously had to tell her. They weren’t particularly explicit, but it absolutely ruined her life at the time. And she was never really friends with me again, which sucked for me! I don’t think she’s used social media since. Other than that, I don’t think many of my friends (women anyway) have ever sent anything explicit.
Same! I’ve never been on the apps, or online dated, either.
Reading these comments is funny to me. I am 31. In 10th grade I got my first phone (an LG Scoop). I was sending/receiving all sorts of low pixel nudity. And then snapchat in college. Great tool for this type of thing. It is not often, but sometimes if my wife is trying to send pics of clothes in a changing room for my opinion, I might get something a little risque.
Came here to say exactly this.
I thought fewer than 1/2 of Gen Z is even having any kind of sex at all.
I know some who are sexually active within committed, loving relationships. I wonder where they came up with that idea?
I looked it up. It comes from generational studies like the US General Social Survey. The decline is sexual activity and age of becoming sexually active has been going on for a few generations.
But Gen Z is the lowest by a long shot.
Like here's a study -->
I would hope so given some of them are 13 years old!
Lol too true, though the article I read were about 18 and over.
For a long time, sex researchers have known that transvestic fetishism is associated with violent sexuality, but we're now not allowed to say it, even as these fucking psychopaths post publicly about their fetish of killing women and babies and turning them into "titty fat". Buffalo Bill portrayed a real phenomenon. That's what these men are. They hate women more than the usual male-identified garden variety misogynist. Their hatred of us is hysterical, extreme, intensified by a pathological jealousy. They pose a genuine physical risk to women and girls.
That's why Buffalo Bill makes TRAs so angry. It's one of the most realistic onscreen depictions of AGP there's ever been.
Thank you for pointing out that transvestic fetishism is correlated with other maladaptive sexual behaviors. There's fucking abundant literature on this but in the last ten years of all psychology has gotten collective amnesia for it.
Damn— those trans women are not trying to beat the autogynephilia accusations.
Operation Let Them Speak continues..
There is a quite wonderful post on Ovarit that I came across after the first Ana Valens episode when I went to look up whether the tweet I saw years ago about the terf breeding farm was still up. (It is.) The post points out the contrast between people like Valens – indeed, literally Valens – accusing cis people of being obsessed with genitals, then posting fantasies about breeding farms.
I saw today that Ovarit is closing down in a matter of a week or two. Posters were being urged to save anything that mattered to them. It looks like the site will shut down entirely and not be left up in an archived form, which is understandable considering that it would be a target for vandalism.
Anyway, this is your chance to read a real gem of a thread on one of our new favorite BARPod characters:
I'm sad to hear that. Ovarit was a haven after r/GenderCritical was booted off of Reddit. (Because it's fine to have any number of sadistic porn subs, but not one for women who don't believe that men can be women).
That vore subreddit is still on reddit and r/GenderCritical is banned. Make it make sense.
It makes sense if you understand that reddit is run by unwell men who will stop at nothing to protect their fantasies.
I think that GC subs are making a comeback though- there's one called Fourthwave something that's delightfully terfy. The barpod sub is of course pretty good too.
I used to post on Ovarit back when it first opened, but had forgotten about it, and just the other day was wondering if it's still up. Why is it being shut down?
Why is it getting shut down?
The admin is tired of running it. It requires quite a bit of effort and money
Ok, that's better than it getting forcibly shut down. I can see running a whole website as a labour of love pretty exhausting and thankless. Whoever the admin is has been amazing.
Sorry I didn't see this when I asked before. Kind of sad, but understandable.
God the salacious replies to his tweets in the archived threads... wtf.
Seriously. They’re not subtle and we’re letting them get away with it.
Another thing I found when I was trying to track down that old tweet is what appears to be Ana Valens’ main website - did cancellation go so far as to destroy an otherwise brilliant career as a writer?
The site is brimming with anime girldick pics, vore, breeding kink, and other forms of nonconsensual smut. You’ve been warned.
I'm just going to take your word for it I think
No fantasies aren't crime, nor should we shame people for their thoughts. Once you write those thoughts and fantasies online, however, you are making them public and open to judgement
If Ana Valens is actually a man then I'm really done with the hosts use of inaccurate pronouns. I'm so confused.
Please stop attributing this despicable male behavior to women.
This episode pissed me off A LOT on the pronoun front.
You're not confused, you just disagree with their policy. Which isn't going to change, never was, so deal, or indeed be done with them.
Don't tell me if I'm confused or not. I was confused. I could not figure out if the people they were talking about were biological males or females. That's the problem with this pronoun nonsense is it makes communication impossible.
I was confused.
It actually confuses me too. I don’t know anyone who talks like that irl so my brain has not been retrained to think of “they” as potentially singular or “she” as potentially a male etc. I get the position they’re taking on pronoun usage but it would be less confusing if they just repeated the person’s actual name instead of using pronouns at all.
I think they could keep the policy in general, but modify it by excluding clearly insincere "tws", e.g. those with "arrest onset dysphoria", convicted rapists, and men who fantasise about rape... you can't possibly be dysphoric if you fantasise about using your penis in a sexual assault.
It is grim and something that is always gonna wind me up, they won't change it though unfortunately
It really gets in the way of reporting on reality though, to the point that any sociological analysis of this internet bullshit by K&J is practically non-existent: if all we are told is that people are posting their fantasies about raping, killing and eating people, then what can we really know about which people do this and which people are their preferred victims? Some people are sexually violent towards other specific people, but it's just some people, and who knows which ones or why.
To be fair, even in this episode Katie had a throwaway line about cis women never doing this. So it’s not like the awareness of the biological factor in motivating this stuff isn’t there. They’re uncomfortable harping on it for a mix of reasons, and how justifiable some or any of the reasons might be will depend on your general shade of perspective on the whole gender political phenomenon.
He is, yeah. I made a joke in last episode's comments about how he looks like Garth from Wayne's World. And he really does, it's uncanny.
Blocked and Reported is old enough to go on puberty blockers now.
We could socially transition it to a YouTube show.
It told us it wanted to be a YouTube show from early on because the hosts *described images*.
However, TransYouTube shows don't owe you video. All that's required is that we keep posting how good the camera work is.
Actually, the camera work is superior. And henceforth, we will no longer speak of trans-YouTube. Only of YouTube and cis-YouTube.
That Never Happens
As a father, I non-satirically want to toss all people who post about vore as a sexual fetish into a volcano.
Agree. Directly into a volcano.
I wouldn't worry if they bounced off the sides a bit on the way down.
Five years! Wow, congratulations!
Thank you for your commitment to regurgitating the internet bullshit, making it digestible for us.
Like a mother penguin with her young
Like a mama ruminant, except with even more methane
A penguin-slash-mom with her trans egg
Sorry all, I’m disgusted. Why should we treat Valens or the city council appointee differently from any other male who openly fantasizes about raping women and murdering babies in front of their mothers? Because they bought a wig and fake breasts? Because they’re taking hormones?
Oh, no, that’s right: because they “feel” like women. Okay, super!
I’m a live and let live kind of person, but I’m pretty sick of chosen identities obscuring the actual reality of the situation: these are men who hate women, and they should be judged accordingly.
I swear, every day that goes by “Pronouns are Rohypnol” gets more and more real:
Yes. 100%. These men are sick pieces of shit. If you masturbate to eating children and raping women you should be shamed out of public life
I have to admit, it speaks to the strength of Katie and Jesse's convictions that they still she/her trans-identified males even after reporting on the sick shit many of them get off on. At what point are they going to acknowledge that there's a pattern here? Paraphilias are known to cluster, so it makes sense that a lot of AGPs are into all kinds of sick shit, often involving violence against women. How can someone say they "just want to pee" with a straight face when so many of these guys openly fantasize about raping and murdering "cis" women? Fascinating how TIMs suddenly remember what "female" is when it's time to victimize somebody, or fantasize about it at the very least. This is why it's so sick when they make violent threats against people like Jesse and JKR; you just know they're getting off on it.
In any case, I wholeheartedly agree with the thing Dan Savage said about judgement, though I object to some of his other generalizations; a laissez-faire attitude towards nudes being proliferated online is a much easier stance for him to take as a man, because the social fallout is way lesser for him than it would be for a woman. But yes, if a candidate or elected official l has a fetish for cannibalism or killing minorities, I absolutely want to know about it, because it would be a determining factor in how I vote. I don't care how much the fetishist thinks he can "compartmentalize," you don't develop a fetish for killing marginalized people without being a bigot on some level.
Dan Savage has no idea how most people actually conduct themselves. He actually thinks that most people share nudes online and have a sexual presence online, which is nuts.
I do think he’s exaggerating for effect when he says “everyone” is posting nudes. But i think He does have a point when he says it’s bound to increase in frequency when everyone over the age of 13 has a porn production facility in their pocket now.
Dan has always had a skewed perspective as a gay man, where these behaviors are pretty ubiquitous, Because it is a hyper male community. Still he is relatively realistic about differences between men and women when push comes to shove.
Katie, Hanania switching from being a racist to making fun of racists would be a “face turn,” the opposite of a “heel turn.”
I think she's mixing it up with "turning on [one's] heel".
But from the perspective of the community Hanania used to ID with, he did a heel turn?
I understood what she was saying but Jesse should have corrected her
But that would have spawned another minute and 30 of Katie obnoxiously clapping back like an unfunny ten year old.
Honestly I think Hanania is just an irrepressible but erudite troll and the stupid right just makes an excellent target, especially for a man who is perfectly happy to get down in the mud and engage with their ideas rather than recoiling in horror like most libs do when confronted by Captive Dreamer.
He will turn on progressives or liberals or anyone else so long as it’s entertaining.
Just saying -- Katie were a racist, then it would be a heel turn from her perspective ...
Why confuse libertinism with liberty? It’s not okay that people who have violent fantasies and express them publicly (part of the kink) are viewed as liberated—they are disregulated libertines who cannot control themselves. That undermines their ability to serve as sober, thoughtful, concerned public servants.
Back in the day, Reagan’s divorce from Jane Wyman was considered a political liability. Now we’re debating if a man with publicly displayed sexual fetishes is being “cancelled” because constituents are concerned that he is not a stable rational person. It’s not cancellation to reject unqualified candidates—it’s politics.
Right. I don't care about "lack of judgement" due to posting dumb stuff online. Dumb I could forgive, depending on the context. Publicly sharing your violent sexual fantasies about murdering women and babies and flushing their remails down the toilet as shit? No. You are an objectively fucking evil person. Stay away from public service, stay away from all normal humans, preferably leave the planet.
Only psychopaths have sexual fantasies about something so sick and grotesque.
That's what I was thinking, I'm not a specialist but this definitely feels like psychopathy (one prominent aspect of it being the total lack of empathy/the sadism). I honestly had such a profound sense of unease when they read the "promptly flushed into the sewers" comment. This is the sort of evil shit you would read in a Stephen King novel, Jesus fucking Christ.
It reeks of hatred. Men who jack off to the absolute worst thing imaginable should be in a maximum security facility for the criminally insane. To hum and haw over whether it's ethical/illiberal to bar people like this from gaining positions of power and authority shows us just where "rationalism" is fundamentally lacking in a good dose of humanity and common sense.
It’s the sort of thing that serial killers write in their diaries. It’s creepy and suspicious and sickening to all well-adjusted people.
Katie saying she wouldn't go out with a guy if she were straight and he came to pick her up in a Cybertruck truly convinces me that she hasn't the faintest interest in men.
Does he drive a Cybertruck? is not the question! Is he hot? Does he look nice in slacks and a button-down shirt? Is he gym buddies with Greg? Does he have a rich baritone voice that you'd like to listen to if he asks enough questions and doesn't talk too much about himself? These are the questions straight women ask!
Idk, I don’t care much about expensive cars either way, but I also don’t especially fancy being driven around town in a large municipal trash can.
My kids were totally into them a year ago and now say they're not so cool anymore. If anyone's curious about what the middle-grade set thinks!
My young kids thought they looked neat. . . But that was my thought too. Seemed like a truck they 8 year old me would have thought was AWESOME.
Well put
If these priorities make a woman straight then I am definitely something else. Baritone voices are fine but i would like a guy with better judgement than one who would spend 100k for a vehicle that looks so much like a dumpster it tricks innocent raccoons.
Tbf of all the things women THINK they can change about their partner….this is one with a fair chance of success.
You could probably have him in an Odyssey mini van within two years.
Fair, when I was dating, I always saw an inexpensive apartment and a clunker of a car as a sign of shared financial values.
I’m a straight woman and I also would not go out with a cybertruck guy.
Idk, I'm very straight and a cybertruck would give me a major ick
I'm a straight woman. I wouldn't date a guy with a Cybertruck, because it demonstrates that he has horrible judgement and is obsessed with wasting money on status symbols. That's the kind of guy who will cheat on you the first chance he gets, trust.
If Katie were straight she’d CLEARLY prefer men in cargo shorts.
I've long imagined a scenario where Katie is sitting under a coconut tree at Kamala Harrs' house. After getting bonked on the head with a coconut, Katie wakes up liking men. She then immediately processes her love for Jesse. She even agrees to procreate.
Creepy and unfunny
IDK. I'm straight and would be put off by a cybertruck. Nothing to do with Elon, but they are ugly and garish.
A Cybertruck per se wouldn't do it for me -- it reads to me as attention-seeking, which I find unattractive in a man-- but a Model X would impress me, absolutely.
After overhearing my daughter and I ranting about how ugly cybertrucks are, My husband confessed to me he thinks they look cool…
Not grounds for divorce unless he actually went out and bought one.
I would date a woman who drove a cybertruck, but she's have to be very desirable on other axes. Probably not as much as a cigarette smoker, tho.
I'm a guy and I think cybertrucks look so hideous and absurd that it's comical, and I find it baffling that anyone actually thinks they look cool..
But if I found out that someone owned a cybertruck, it would have very little if any effect on my opinion of them.
I'm a Rightie who lives in a super-liberal part of Los Angeles and I can't wait to see how the Tesla-shaming plays out. Every third car in my hood is a Tesla---will people just vandalize their own cars to save time?
More interesting, my CPA tells me that most Teslas are leased, with tricky rules about lease transfers. So a lot of these owners may be stuck.
Aaaaand people wonder why adolescent girls all across the Unites States, growing up with access to all the wonders of the internet, are choosing to cut off their breasts and become male.
Can’t remember where I heard it, but a year or so ago I listened to a podcast that hypothesized both MtF and FtM transitioning increases were substantially due to porn. For males it was because the increasingly disturbing nature of porn caused them to develop increasing paraphilia (obviously including autogynephilia). For females the porn and the expectations it arose in men were causing them to forsake their sexuality all together.
I miss when people had run-of-the-mill kinks, like spanking and feet.
Vanilla kink. (Nostalgic sigh.)
The spanking people exist, and they write erotica, but they can also satisfy themselves in real life because it’s a common kink for both sexes that directly translates into real sex you can really have (especially if your real-life spanking is more like “touching ass with extra steps”).
I am… familiar… with erotic content written by and aimed at women, and the only time eating comes up its a metaphor for oral. I really don’t think women in general are into vore (or, to be fair, feet). BDSM in general, yeah, stuff that ends in the death or the female participant, no. Instant turn off-how is there going to be more emotional drama after she’s dead?
It reminds me of Armie Hammer. The cannibalism made the news, but I think that’s because the other BDSM stuff in the messages was pretty extreme but in ways that are shared by a lot of women who find cannibalism repellent and wouldn’t have made the headlines.
Boy, I really wish I had remained ignorant as to what “vore” was.
Have you read an Atlantic article from 2000, which predicted how the internet would allow heretofore rare fetishes to flourish?
Thank you for sharing that. What a terrific article that anticipates much of our world in 2025: "I am simplifying a very complex and subtle argument, but the basic idea should be clear. By regarding a phenomenon as a psychiatric diagnosis—treating it, reifying it in psychiatric diagnostic manuals, developing instruments to measure it, inventing scales to rate its severity, establishing ways to reimburse the costs of its treatment, encouraging pharmaceutical companies to search for effective drugs, directing patients to support groups, writing about possible causes in journals—psychiatrists may be unwittingly colluding with broader cultural forces to contribute to the spread of a mental disorder."
I remember reading it when it first came out, 25 years ago, and how struck I was by it. Recommended it to friends, talked about it for months. The beginning of Hannah Barnes' book, Time to Think, about the origin of the GIDS clinic at the Tavistock, is an illustration of this idea, how an iatrogenic social contagion was created.
Oof, that was a difficult read. I remember watching the BBC documentary it mentions. One of the makers, Malcolm Clarke, is a prominent voice on UK terf twitter.
Don't look into "anal vore".
Somehow I feel like we can figure it out from the name.
Honestly, disturbingly, pick an orifice of any size and there’s vore of it.
Maybe not the ear. Or nose. Hopefully. But knowing the internet…
The worst of it is combining vore and guro.
With complete honesty I stumbled across that once and had a physical reaction so bad I was afraid that I’d broken my brain in some way. I can’t fucking fathom jerking off to that shit.
In another era, people who parade their violent sexual fetishes in public (including dressing up in public) would be considered abnormal, socially unacceptable, if not dangerous and a threat to the public.
Today, unfortunately, such people are leading a “civil rights” movement and their fetish is handled with so much respect that even a smart person like Jesse refers to a violent heterosexual male fetishist as “she.”
Happy Anniversary! It’s my fifth year as a listener and 4.5 years as a happy supporter.
I remember those early months where it felt like the world was burning down & trying the podcast on a whim because I admired some of Jessie’s reporting. I did not have high hopes for the show but was tuning in dutifully to support someone who stood apart from the Twitter mobs.
I was immediately charmed by the chemistry and the quick witted, irreverent banter that seemed far away from Jessie’s earnest Twitter persona. —-And so I discovered the unknown (to me) journalist holed up on her private island in Washington, Katie Herzog.
Both Jessie and Katie’s informed, funny and thoughtful reporting and conversations kept me more sane than I otherwise would be and I’ve listened for so long they seem like friends—a part of my life.
I got to meet Jesse (and the great Ethan Strauss!!!) at a SF meet up (I was the bow tied librarian) and was quite thrilled at the great people who also follow Blocked and Reported. Of all the Internet communities I’ve been in, this is the best.
All the best to everyone for keeping this going. I feel personally indebted to you all!
A primo subscription is the best deal on Substack because you can access five years of archives of pure internet bullshit. Minute by minute, that’s an amazing value.
I wonder what the Venn Diagram is of trans women who are constantly pushing into female spaces + vore looks like?
How many of these stories do we need to see before we can finally admit that a large percentage of 'trans women' are mentally unstable degenerate men with weird sexual kinks and often violent and misogynistic tendencies?
It’s been surprising to hear about the cave-man drives of these “queer” males.
I am so done with any sympathy with the trans movement. The sooner it ends the better.
Male aggression is so incomprehensible to me. What the fuck.
Ditto male sexuality. And the overlap between the two.
I just saw a Tesla with a bumper sticker that says I BOUGHT THIS BEFORE ELON WENT NUTS
I find these so cringe. Like, why do they feel the need to assure all other drivers that they have the correct politics?
Well, right now they probably just want their car to not be set on fire…
The cyber truck looks like it was designed by the props department of a low-budget 80s/90s dystopian movie. And I know that's exactly the point but it's just such a dumb immature product to make, sell or buy, and it tells you everything you need to know about Elon's psyche and that of his biggest fans
Totally, they look like cardboard dumpsters
It would have been right at home in Demolition Man.
Armie Hanmer got absolutely cancelled and lost a lot of jobs for texting supposedly consensual partners about Vor stuff. Nothing at all as awful as what Jesse had to read.
I do wonder how many women would text about this fetish consensually, though. And by women, I mean actual females, as Katie points out. If I were texting with some dude and he sent me a vore fantasy. It would be curtains. Blocked, for sure, and possibly reported (but to whom?).
I thought this. I mean, it's fucking weird that he was texting his sexual partners stuff about eating people, but they were private messages. He was also accused of actual assaults and admits at least "being a dick" but the cannibal stuff was just overblown.
Jesse is starting to lose me more and more. The extreme EDS and TDS not withstanding, in this episode, when discussing a misogynistic, horrific fetish of WANTING TO HARM AND EAT women and children, Jesse says just leave it up to the voters next time around and that although weird, having these fetishes “and if you are into that it’s just fine” ARE YOU FUCKING kidding me? No, it’s not fine. It’s not fine to be accepting of freaks that think torturing terfs (a la Gretchen Faulker or whatever that “author”s name is) or EATING BABIES or keeping “breeders.”
Should males go to prison or face fines for such garbage? No. Should they face maximal public shame. YES!
The whole being accepting of “kink” culture is a mask for how utterly misogynistic and sadistic the male sex drive can be.
Fuck I love bar pod so much but Jesse lately is making me lean toward cancelation….
Edit to add - all males (and females) in public facing positions or positions that involve caring for women and children (teachers, social workers, health care workers) should be absolutely outed if they post or promote violent sexual acts. 100%.
I’m with you on wishing to introduce critical thinking when it comes to kinks.
But people who are noticing how Trump and Elon are breaking our government on every possible level aren’t deranged. Do you have an elderly relative reliant on Social Security? Do you believe that every person deserves their day in court if accused of a crime? Then you should be extremely skeptical of what’s happening in DC.
“Trump derangement syndrome“ is a thought-terminating cliché on par with “trans women are women.” Jesse obviously realizes that this is true, and so do I.
I welcome disagreement, but I’m not interested in dogma from anywhere on the political spectrum. TDS is dogma.
Yes, “TDS” is indeed a thought-terminating cliche. Watching the pendulum swing between tribal intolerances is wild.
I heart Jesse and I suspect he sees things from a different point of view because he’s not a woman and he doesn’t have children.
I think you’re right. I view Jesse as being in a slow dawning recovery from the standard insouciant anything goes free thought ideology of default progressivism. He would probably be recovering faster if he had more moral skin in the game.
I agree. And at the risk of sounding patronizing, I think he will shift on a lot of issues once he has a kid.
I cancelled my subscription a while back in connection with the episode on the UK rape gangs done with accents by Jesse and some other jerk. Being a long time listener I am wavering though. There is much I like with the show, but some things, especially with Jesse are just grating.
If that is your attitude toward Jesse and Jeff Maurer, then yeah you def did the right thing canceling your subscription. This is not the podcast for you. How is it you are here in the comments thread?
I hear you. I only stay because of Katie.
Maybe Valen’s vore commentary on Reddit is also just a subtle satirical take on the trope of trans activists frequently having absolutely insane and discrediting backstories?
Valens maintains a website devoted to vore fantasies. That’s a lot of commitment and labor if it’s only a bit.
Perhaps my sarcasm didn’t survive translation to text? 😂
Oh boy! A new episode of Blocked and Reported! I wonder what horrific fetish fantasy we will be exposed to this week!
Nothing to see here, move along, it’s totally vanilla, maybe next week.
Jesse, I believe the words you were searching for re: Curtis Yarvin are “up his own ass.”
(Although, somewhat more figuratively than the Tesla bandits mentioned in the show.)
Could we maybe agree that people with penises who publicly fantasise about using said organ to rape and impregnate women with a view to then murdering and eating the resulting baby don't get to use female pronouns?
We need MORE “kink” shaming. It’s an absolutely disgusting psyop? Or something nefarious to try normalizing extreme kinks. Ffs, choking in sex has become so ubiquitous even teen girls are being exposed to it during their first sexual experiences and male teens consume porn that normalizes it.
Almost all of these kinks involve violence toward women and children. I used to be libertarian on sex work and porn, but I have two teens now that I’m trying to raise without exposure to this festering garbage. I’m now in the camp of banning all porn (why is prostitution illegal but paying people to perform sex in camera isn’t? Or at least ban depicting violent sexual acts.
I’m with you. I was also much more libertarian on these issues before I had kids.
We need to shame the kink shamers. When they aren’t promoting a blind eye toward harm to women and children, they are defending master/slave relationships, including those that eroticize the slavery of African-Americans in the United States. Including those between men and women that look no different to how the scariest patriarchal evangelical men wish to treat their wives.
You can't ban all porn without increasing the police state and violating more people's rights. "My body, my choice" has to mean what it says in order for it to mean anything at all. Many people will always want and make porn, just like they will always want and use drugs, just like they'll always occasionally need an abortion. Prohibition just makes those things more dangerous for everyone.
Like all of media, most of porn is terrible and some of it is just fine. Its ease of availability is a challenge, especially for parents, but that just requires good explanations/education on how to use the super-computers in our pockets. When kids turn 18 and (theoretically) leave home, they're not going to automatically know how to navigate a world where erotic material is always available. Getting them used to the idea and practicing moving through life knowing it's there, maybe even using it, while knowing the signs of unhealthy use, is no different than how we should be teaching them about sex, itself.
I’m fairly apolitical, so this isn’t coming from a pro-Trump/Elon mindset, but I don’t really have any heartburn over classifying some of these Tesla attacks as domestic terrorism. From the FBI’s website: “Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.” So some random douchebag keying a Tesla in a parking lot is probably just vandalism. But a planned arson attack on a dealership burning numerous vehicles with Molotov cocktails to send a message pretty much fits the textbook definition of domestic terrorism.
I always think Jesse especially is way too quick to dismiss that violence and vandalism is the point. People like to loot, people like to destroy. Look at any toddler play with blocks, sure they'll build, but they get WAY more excited when they smash. Focusing on how shitty of a way this is to get your message across is completely beside the point.
I am curious, what fraction of this vandalism etc is caused by single men in their early 20s? I've always found that this demographic is the one most likely to be violent radicals, and I'm curious if it holds up in this as well. Maybe a social program encouraging marriage at an earlier age could be helpful!
Happy anniversary! You're my favorite and ✨only✨ podcast.
And Jesse, I totally agree with your definition of Yarvin as a dumb person's idea of a smart person. Well said 💅
I recently heard him on Bridget Phetasy’s podcast. My Impression was that Bridget was smarter than he is. This is not me trashing on Bridget either but I see her much more as a weather vane than anything, and she’s funny too. He was so underwhelming I wondered why anyone ever paid attention to anything he said.
I think this sort of verbal masturbator owes his success to people's fascination with someone putting smart sounding words together with the aplomb of a guru. It's intellectual laziness and submission. There's also the radical chic that comes from the ideology itself and that's why I think his whole brand appeals to parts of the cultural bourgeoisie (see the Redscare hosts).
I guess I could see that. I was just stunned though. He couldn’t answer her questions, and when he tried he got lost in his own bullshit and just hoped that she accepted where he ended his monologue as an answer.
Wow, must have been painful to listen to, even if one hates the guy.
There aren’t many people around making a full-throated case for monarchical rule. Quite a few Silicon Valley bros like the idea, though, and since they’re too busy actually pursuing world domination, they glom on to anyone who is willing to sit back and theorize how to do it. Even if the person’s not very bright.
Bring back kink shaming
i need the severance procedure after hearing the "vore" section...
Ok I just read the article from the Lynnwood Times and that shit is revolting. This whole ownership and consumption kink is the pinnacle of misogyny and dehumanization. These people need help.
As an aside, I find it pretty sickening to see such spaces are allowed to continue to exist on Reddit when some Marxist subs have been banned. Not that I care much, I've deleted the app from my phone and don't intend to download it ever again.
The thing that confuses me about the people telling others to sell their teslas is who do they think they’re gonna sell them to? And then are they gonna get mad at the new Tesla owner who bought the Tesla from the original owner? It’s crazy to expect people to just take a loss of thousands of dollars because the owner of the company ended up being evil. Also vore is uniquely horrifying, something deeply and terribly wrong with those into it.
I think it's weird to characterize someone with differing political views as evil. Unless you buy into the "actual nazi" rhetoric....which is its own kind of weird belief.
I mean...kidnapping and eating women and children. Now THAT'S some actual evil shit. Eliminating the Dept of Ed is certainly controversial. Doesn't seem to cross the threshold of literally evil though.
I think spacex and Tesla are cool. I call him evil because he supports afd, republicans, says deranged shit about Ukraine, is a billionaire, follows a bunch of race scientist and nazi twitter accounts, has ivf children with a bunch of women, supports Trump, is trying to fire a bunch of people in the federal bureaucracy, and turned twitter into a racist cesspool of trumptards. Any one of those things doesn’t make someone a bad or evil person but taken all together I have no qualms with calling him evil.
Well, apparently MAGAs are being encouraged to loyally buy them to protect Musk. Which is a bit of a weird way to achieve a green goal, but we’re now in the topsy-turvy world of Anything That Pisses Off My Enemy is Good. Just don’t look for consistency.
I honestly heard at first "Ana Valens' little audio diarrhea".
After listening to this episode in full, I'm not surprised to find out he's into even weirder shit than that awful "satirical" rape fantasy we were graced with last week. And the classic line about us TERFs being obsessed with transwomen's sexuality... you fucking wish.
Congrats to Katie on getting back at Jesse with the vore comments. Truly the stuff of nightmares. And to answer your question, I have NEVER heard about such batshittery taking place in any city council meeting in continental Europe (I'm not taking Ireland and the UK into account because they belong to the Anglosphere and are thus more receptive to American culture war madness). And more importantly I think no politician in their right mind would think about being even borderline public about their sexual life, as that doesn't tend to be an identity you wear like a badge of honor or whatever essentialist derangement we're seeing in North America.
But most of all, all of this is seriously fucking creepy. I agree with Dan Savage and Katie about these people's right to have a sexual life online without being condemned for committing thought crimes, but this shit tends to be talked about and spread around publicly in the name of the "Thou Shalt Not Kink Shame" Commandment, as if it's something to be proud of and people want you to traumatize them with. Keep your fantasies to yourselves and your co-masturbators. I don't know if this is even about being sex positive or negative, forcing your kinks upon others is just gross and wrong, especially when you know a lot of people are going to be deeply disturbed by them. These fuckers are constantly talking about consent but do not seem to care about their stuff being seen by people who would never consent to seeing it (plus the vore fantasies we heard in the podcast were basically all about non consensual stuff, much like Valens' rape dystopia, so that's just hypocritical). I think that city council member did the right thing when he resigned, as I personally wouldn't want someone like that in a position where they make decisions impacting my community.
The Tesla terrorism makes me so angry. Even though the whole idea of a person's "carbon footprint" was literally invented by BP and is mostly a psy-op, driving an electric vehicle does reduce my own carbon footprint more than almost any individual choice I could make. By making EVs mainstream and setting up EV infrastructure nationally, Tesla has made the world a better place. And Teslas are awesome cars; I have a Model Y and I absolutely love it.
Something which seems odd in most reporting of "public opinion" or reactions to high-profile individuals is that those opinions are chosen by those holding them and not by the subject. Musk's public perception almost entirely reversed within a span of ablut 7 days after he gweeted that he would no longer support Democrats (at a time when there was a strong objective case to make that leaving the Dem party was actually the best way to actually protect democracy), as with Tulsi, and Rogan, and RFK, Musk didn't really take up any affinity for trump until after the left went completely "scorched earth" on him and at some level left no other place for them to go.
It does also seem notable how many of the prominent faces among this second trump administration are people who were highly regarded within Dem circles as recently as during the first trump administration (Tulsi having been ejected a little earllier for the sins of making a run in a primary which HRC had been anointed to win).
Take me back in time to this morning when I had yet to hear all that vore shit. It was a better time and I shall never see it again.
Like if this was the most disturbing episode of blocked and reported you've ever listened to ✋🏼
Zoophilia episode still takes the cake for me, but this might be a close second.
It's not so much related to the topics themselves as their being treated in the same episode, but "The Self-Immolation at Aellas's Gang Bang Birthday Party" did a number on me (first and foremost the title).
There's about 6 cybertrucks in our small Kansas town. I've only ever seen them driven by women.
I didn't begin listening until the end of August 2020(I believe), so I must have missed the first 24 episodes. Personal favourite:The Hilaria"There are a lot of white people in Spain" Baldwin saga circa January 2021. Admittedly, I never made it through Keffals(Metokur broke my brain on that one), and generally switch off if Aella is the topic of conversation.
I genuinely wonder what J&K find so interesting about Aella.
To be perfectly honest, and quite male, I really don’t get the
hype. She’s a nice looking, thirty something, with a nice figure-like millions of other women, and there are millions of other women who are more attractive and get nowhere the attention. And, she’s seems grating. And, the fact she started crying when in that debate with Megan Murphy was not particularly endearing for a grown-up.
I have been thinking for a long time about how we could create a rule that people like Katie and Jesse could follow that would allow them to use so-called preferred pronouns for regular trans-identifying people while still referring to rapists and murders and creepy sexual fetishists as their actual sex.
I wonder if the idea of courtesy is a good starting place. We use these preferred pronouns as a courtesy, right? Even though we know they are lies. Is there a group of people to whom we can agree we do not owe courtesy?
I have had the same thought and it's basically what I do. I'll use preferred pronouns as a courtesy until someone violates the right to that. To me, of course a TM is not a man and a TW is not a woman, but it's okay to treat them as if they were for most purposes just to be polite and because I don't care if they want to be, socially, a man or woman. But if you behave in a way that is anti-social, no, sorry. Also, I think it is important when reporting on anti social behavior or crimes to at least make clear what the actual sex is, and while K&J try to do that, most media does not. (And basic information gathering, like the sex of those who commit crimes, needs to be accurate.)
Yes, it really irks me when they call an obvious pervert "she"
He wants to “serve his community” with fava beans and a nice chianti. Next!
Honestly, the reason I don’t think this is cancel culture is that cancel culture is not a thing/not a problem in politics. In politics, it’s perfectly fine to lose your career due to anything that upsets enough of your voters. That’s how democracy works.
If the mob tried to get him fired from some other job (non-childcare—that’s a third thing) I’d call it cancel culture. Same as if they attacked his friends and supporters for contact cooties. But it’s perfectly fine to get kicked out of being appointed to political office because you freak people out.
It also should be okay for women to say they don’t want to see this creepy man’s dick in their spa, but this is Washington.
Your comment points to exactly why I was frustrated at how our hosts ran aground when they tried to place this municipal scandal in the framework of cancel culture. Elected office is in its own category. I’ve still seen people hounded out of office for reasons I would associate with a moral panic. I’ve seen many more resign under pressure that was warranted.
But honestly, seeing a moderately functional local government gives me hope in light of the dysfunction and horrors at the federal level!
why do we lump this into the "sexual kink" bucket? Vore has nothing to do with sex. It's all about violence against women. Some things should be beyond the pale
If it gives the guy a boner, it’s not just about violence. It’s also about sex.
I disagree. If someone likes earthworms, they’re weird, but that’s a variation on normal eating habits.
Being hungry for dirt isn’t a quirky snack preference. That’s pica, a sign of iron deficiency anemia. That’s disease.
Craving hair isn’t the latest low carb fad, that’s mental illness.
So just because these involve “eating”, they have nothing to do with food preferences, they represent true pathology.
The brain has hundreds of reward centers and pathways.
We tend to reduce every compulsion to some variation of sexual gratification or “kink”, for lack of a better term.
It has the effect of laundering the depravity like “oh well, that’s just his kink”.
These aren’t kinks, this is mental illness.
For all we know, this person’s normal sexual pathways are diminished to non-existent. And that some other aberrant, diseased part of the brain has taken over those functions.
So just because the end result is a boner, the origin of the stimulus has zero to do with sex.
I don’t think wanting to eat women is *just* a kink. (I barely believe there is such a thing anyway.) But if it arouses the guy sexually, it’s certainly sexual.
Sexual does not necessarily equal wholesome.
Well, vore is listed as a known paraphilia.
I’m not referring to the lack of wholesomeness. I’m referring to the complete lack of semblance to anything sexual.
None of these posts involved him actually having sex in any way.
His dick saw no action in these fantasies.
I don’t even think this kick he was getting required a boner at all.
This is all about turning girls into “fat” so his tits can grow.
There are numerous references to “nutrients” and “fat”, zero to using his dick in any way. Or him cumming for that matter.
If you were to sanitize this, it’s a food fetish if anything.
It’s just about owning and destroying life, destroying and consuming women, girls, and babies, destroying innocence, destroying hope. It’s purely about power.
There’s a better word for that: demonic.
I don’t think this supports my position, but This discussion made me think of this song.
Did we listen to the same episode? This is a fetish. Fetishes are sexual. This guy gets sexually aroused by (and surely masturbates to) thinking about eating women.
Whatever turns on a serial killer, whatever part of the brain goes haywire, that’s where this guy is.
I think when a thing mutates to such an extreme degree, it ceases to be the original thing.
Sure everything’s on a spectrum, but for the sake of the health of our society and our civilization as a whole, we need a different word for this.
It’s important that we understand this sick stuff is sexual. That knowledge affects our understanding of the etiology, the course of the condition, the prognosis, potential treatments, every aspect.
Ok, we agree that this stuff is sick, and that this abomination doesn’t deserve female pronouns.
2/3 ain’t bad.
I think there’s more to it. I think there’s a general reward center with multiple inputs. Sex, food, power, risk/reward, et al.
The power input has obvious evolutionary advantages, Otherwise we’d have no leaders, hierarchy, nothing would get done in an organized manner.
The sex/power inputs have crosstalk of course, especially in males (and a healthy balance makes evolutionary sense), but they’re distinct.
I believe this guy’s normal sexual inputs atrophied or never developed, or was being overridden by a deranged power center.
The reward center just “gets off”, ie, dopamine, and doesn’t care where it comes from.
But I think the source of the pathology is the power-reward center exchange.
I just think it’s a category error, that’s all.
I have no way of proving this, I’m just riffing.
I think you’re making that assumption. I’m reading his posts. It’s devoid of sexual content.
An awful lot of violence against women is interwoven with sex. The classic formulation of why rapists rape came from Susan Brownmiller, who said that rape is about power, not sex. Catharine Mackinnon countered that sex itself is infused with what we would now call rape culture.
In light of Mackinnon‘s arguments, we should be skeptical of any claim that kinks have nothing to do with sex. The opposite is almost always true. There’s a straight line between mainstream content on pornhub and the eroticization of vore.
I was raised on the feminism that said rape is about power, not sex. But my study of men who are sexually violent has showed me that that’s not the case. Men who violently sexually offender are more likely than other men to have hyperactive libidos. They’re more likely to have sexual fetishes. They consume more porn and more violent porn. And on and on.
Yeah, what I’m saying is we need to have a redefinition of terms.
Calling everything that gets you off as a kink no matter how depraved is destroying our understanding of “sex”.
Getting turned on by shit, vomit or corpses?
This is more on the spectrum of mental illness than human sexuality. The wires are crossed.
This is not a moralistic stance.
I’m just sick of bending over backwards to normalize or even celebrate clearly fucked up shit.
The Venn overlap of incels in the 2010s and dudes-in-makeup in the 2020s is on full display with that vore story.
Righteous anger Katie is my favourite version of Katie.
Top three for me, for sure!
I also like gleefully un-PC Katie. She sounded so happy when she called Mark Zuckerberg a wigger.
What should "sell your Tesla" even help? Someone has to buy it and they have a new guy to shame.
It helps if you sell it below market rate and all the other teslas deprecate. It would make new Teslas harder to sell.
Put a Recycled bumper sticker on it.
Or give your tesla to a homeless person to sleep in. that would stick in someone's crawl.
> they have a new guy to shame
That's the point.
I’m part of a Facebook group for female Tesla owners and someone today started a private chat about vandalism fears. And my biggest takeaway from the whole convo is not about Teslas, it’s a depressing question I’ve asked myself many times — “Gosh, am I fundamentally unlike other women?”
Because this chat is full of women who agree the vandalism is wrong but who nonetheless are sharing tips on how to disguise their cars and when/whether to sell. This appeasement, this fawning — they are all doing it and I just CAN NOT with that. I find myself thinking, have they no dignity? I feel like this is a female thing. I feel like if the chat were all men, we’d be talking about fighting back. Why am I different from women in this way, I ask myself? So many times in life I’ve found myself asking this.
Maybe I am just going through life with a huge chip on my shoulder. The threat of vandalism honestly makes me want to Tesla even harder. I almost wish someone would try to fuck with my beautiful 🚙 so I can catch them on my camera and send their ass to jail.
I just, I will NOT be bullied. I won’t.
But I can’t say most of this to the other women without sounding like I’m accusing them of being wimps. But how can they live with themselves, rolling over and waving the white flag 🏳️ at bullies?
Sorry, just wanted to rant.
A lot of people just want quiet lives. That’s why the huge uptick in online rhetoric and monstering is so damaging for society, because people can be so easily dissuaded from even holding onto nuanced ideas in the face of an aggressive and dismissive crowd of “peers.”
That’s why thought-terminating cliches are so effective at getting them to think/do things. Just shout TWAW or TDS at them and they’ll fall in line with the group, no further need for nuance.
This is not “kink”, this is mental illness. This person needs therapy, not a community that revels in depravity.
Leather is kink.
Clown make up is kink
Some things are so deviant they no longer fit into “variation of normal” and enter the realm of “pathologic”
By analogy, someone who eats fresh roadkill or worms is weird, but ok.
Someone who craves hair has a mental illness.
Those two things are very different.
One is a variation on normal eating habits.
The other is mental pathology.
If you crave dirt, you’re not living your truth, you have fucking iron deficiency. That’s a disease.
Get help.
Happy Birthday. So proud of how far you have come. The audio quality is better these days, at least.
Since I've been with you from the beginning, do I get a pin or something? I feel I have earned a pin.
Curtis Yarvin is JD Vance’s MindBabyDaddy so everyone say a prayer that Trump is never assassinated.
Vance is the VP. He’ll be the next republican presidential candidate unless something goes particularly badly for him the next 3 years, which I doubt it will. I listened to him on Rogan and he’s very smooth and clearly brilliant even if you don’t agree with his ideas.
He’s not brilliant.
Yep. Vance is not stupid. He’s also far from brilliant.
I mean it looks like they’re already trying to put his ideas into practice, like firing federal employees etc.
Ana Valens also wrote a defense of the Zoe Post while Gamergate was going on and made two hour-long videos defending it. I don't think they're up anywhere on the internet anymore, though.
Who are these bullied Tesla owners supposed to sell their cars to?
Vandalism and firebombing are fun stuff on BAR because Trump or something. But it’s bad because most of the owners are probably left leaning.
My headphones died at 36 mins and now reading the comments I feel like I should maybe just count myself lucky/ happily ignorant and leave the episode there…
I don’t know man… anyone ever read Anne Rice’s Sleeping Beauty smut? As far as women would never write that. Maybe it’s not an equal number. Maybe more men do it. Never say never.
I read the three Sleeping Beauty books and I don’t think they are even the same ballpark.
(I read them for science! 🤓)
No they’re worse because you could actually put yourself in the hospital trying some of the butt stuff, and most people aren’t stupid enough to put themselves in the hospital trying vore. If someone takes that bet with a real life story of vore hospitalizations I will lulz.
I read the first one and it was kind of disturbing, but nothing like this.
The second or third one has pony play in it. Do we consider that Furry stuff? I do, someone ask Trace.
That’s fair. Just spend any amount of time on ao3 and you’ll see women are into some shit.
Omg that Sleeping Beauty stuff was crazy.
Can't work out if "vore" is Moss and the German from the IT Crowd or Jeffrey Dahmer. Can't work out if "vore" is fascism or would tip you into becoming a fascist. I am not sex negative, but Savage's response was silly and self-contradictory. I think doesn't take into account that being a sex columnist will both colour and curate what he sees as being the norm, just like the Trump voter consuming ONN, or a tankie who thinks most people think like Hasan. To elide the difference between online dating, and even sending sexy pics and videos, and producing pornography for money shows in his case, ironically, a lack of judgement. He seems to think that most people view the particulars of these very different social mores as a continuum, rather than as discrete activities, with discrete moral or ethical valences. It's such a fucking fart-sniffing pseud's take.
Finally some vore content! 🎉
I read your username as "OkayAtBites", no lie
I hate to say it but I was never exposed to that kind of thing until I went down the trans rabbit hole. Not to say that they're all like that but, as you might imagine, I followed a lot of feminists and they shone a spotlight on all the depraved things that men are capable of regardless of how they "identify" Still I was quite taken aback to see how many of these creeps with violent fantasies did id as trans (women) since I had previously been led to believe that they were all vulnerable and in need of protection, that it really wasn't about sex at all but just needing to live one's "authentic" self.
Alrighty: I’ve decided I don’t want to hear the vore stuff. Assuming I can listen to part of the episode up to the vore? Or is it mixed in? Does anyone have minute marks where the icky stuff starts?
It starts after the housekeeping and/or when Jesse says the name Ana Valens. Its more about Tesla burning until then
Not being a part of it does one just have to come to the conclusion that the LGB community has been taken over by perverted men with hyper sexualised fetish and kink fantasies?
I think kinda.
Last week I showed my 13yo daughter a leather belt I bought that had a big metal ring on it. I thought it was cool but she thought it was sexually provocative. Her specific words were, “Mom, you can’t wear this. It looks like a Pride Parade.”
Made me sad.
I am outraged, outraged, that so-called progressives would use a fossil fuel bomb to ignite a Tesla. Don't they know this is exactly what we are fighting against? Why hasn't someone devised a solar or windmill fueled bomb for this purpose. Too difficult?
Perhaps we should put Elon to work on this.
Yes. Perhaps some sort of zero carbon lithium based incendiary explosives.
Anyone who thinks cis women could never come up with online fantasies this viscerally unpleasant has never spent time in fanfiction communities.
I have, and I’ve never seen cis women write shit like this (and that includes Dead Dove Do Not Eat dark romance). I don’t think women (or non-mentally ill people in general I should say) get off to eating babies in front of their crying mothers.
Yes. My college students who tell me about these dark corners of the Internet are not into fantasies of being eaten, whether alive or dead. They mostly fantasize about gay male relationships where they are cute boyish twinks. They are mostly same-sex attracted or bisexual.
Again, and I repeat: I have never detected an iota of desire to be eaten among women.
There certainly is disturbing sexual content written by women on these corners of the internet and elsewhere, but I personally have never come across something like *this* before, and I’m not going to pretend like it’s on par with BDSM or some other kink.
There’s also a difference between fictional writing with disturbing themes, and a person writing Reddit posts about how they personally want to hurt women. On top of that, there’s a huge difference between women working out trauma that has been enacted on their bodies via creative writing, and a man fantasizing about trauma he would like to enact on a woman. I think this is why the she/her-ing of the subjects of this episode got to me in particular this week.
Does nobody remember the Cannibal Cop?? That guy got prosecuted for conspiracy to kidnap!
I liked how Katie proposes having Hanania on, and then adds that he should be on with Jesse, because she knows it would be another opportunity for people to lose their shit in the comments section.
I’m just here to say how impressed I am that Katie pronounced “Dedham” correctly
Cutting off a driver, and threatening and intimidating her is not free speech. Please tell me Katie doesn’t seriously believe this.
I think she was half joking? But it kinda muddied the waters on their general takes on free speech because it was so clearly not a free speech thing.
Yeah, in hindsight, I think it was meant to be a joke.
It was an obvious joke.
I guess where I land on the violent fetishistic thought sharing thing is... Because it's understandably alarming to outsiders, I would hope there's more care modesty in the communities in how they talk about it, how it's broadcast, instead of what feels like a bit of a "Yass Queen wave your freak flag" default. Maybe reddit itself isn't a good place for it, maybe Discord is a better place for the more in depth fantasizing.
But most sexology seems to agree that to a significant degree, people really are into what they are into and there's no undoing it. I say most because the internet has mucked things up and made researching and figuring out etiologies of this stuff a lot messier than before.
And yeah, maybe public figures just can't be weird like that, and it's not entirely fair but there are edge cases where liberalism fails. But if it goes beyond edge cases is where it should worry people in the other direction.
People are not just into this, they find it via the internet and then they fall down rabbit holes and meet other people who are into the same thing and egg each other on. Sexual fetishes can develop, intensify and morph into something different (or worse). And porn desensitises men to extreme content so they seek out ever more extreme content. It spirals. People aren't just "born this way" with a destiny of being into vore, come on now
No, not born that way. And yes, I agree that the “toaster-fucker validation” meme is a thing (look it up if you haven’t heard of it, but it’s basically what you’re talking about)
But it might not be reversible…
At the same time, other than extreme illiberalism or a religious revival *combined* with extreme illiberalism, all you can really do is raise awareness of the dangers. Get out while you still can, etc. But unless you have smoking gun evidence that it predictably crosses over into active bad behavior towards others - and not just those who happened upon it on Reddit or got it sent via concerned social media - you’re playing with serious fire in terms of illiberal precedent. “Ick”, even severe “ick”, just isn’t enough to break that particular piece of emergency glass.
Rape and violence against women is an endemic problem the world over. I think I'll worry about that before I start hand-wringing over whether it's truly ethical to tell the guy who fantasises about painfully devouring a pregnant woman and her baby then turning them into shit and "titty fat" that no, he can't run for election.
Oh, he can run for election, but he will lose if he does so and anyone knows about this shit (which his opponents will make sure they do).
Nothing illiberal about that - it’s free speech baby!
The “lack of organization resistance” is a fascinating take.
That they say nothing about Elon’s allies in China.
I can’t drive anymore, but I don’t think I’d buy an EV if I still could. Certainly not a Tesla. I had one for a rideshare ride not long ago; “this is chintzy.” The GM one for NYE was better.
As far as the compromising pics go, it’s something I absolutely can’t understand. I think I went back to campus the year after I graduated, and someone had a QuickCam vid of some girl raising her shirt for people to see.
There’s only been one person aside from me who’s seen my nether regions at work over about the last quarter-century. I’m very much okay with this.
It’s none of your business. And whatever judgement I make about you for holding a different view _are your problem_. It wasn’t long ago that keeping things to yourself wasn’t a minus.
I wish I didn't know vore existed. Knowing that it exists is damaging to my mental health. However, in the grand scheme of things, it's the logical conclusion of powerful people gaining sexual satisfaction from the act of hurting less powerful people, which has been a human problem for a very long time.
Re your opening:
1) That Yarvin account likely isn't Yarvin, in the past at least it was shown to be a parody account, unless he purchased the @
2) I have heard tell from several people connected to Hanannia that his face-turn is 75% an ironic performance, 25% an influcence op on liberals. Which you can see even in this case with his post about Martin's dad, highly calibrated to maximally outrage his near-group rightists, and inconsistent with a lot of his CURRENT stated beliefs you correctly IDd in your commentary: he's a trump supporting racist commenting on how a father's Mao-esque denouncement of his trump supporting racist son is good and correct for [liberal reasons which are inconsistent with my established character]. Notice your confusion there and tread with caution with Hannania.
So these vore people just think it’s funny, right?
God I hope so.
Happy anniversary, kids. Time to get Katie assessed for dyslexia?
I've been thinking that for a while. My son was recently diagnosed. He's 18. He can read well, until it comes to names or terms he's not familiar with. Turns out, he's very good at guessing and has a great vocabulary thanks to audiobooks, podcasts and having a chatty family and lots of friends. It's quite fascinating. I think these 'milder' dyslexics, especially of Katie's generation and especially when they are smart, are podcasting amongst us completely undiagnosed.
I think it’s just that Katie, by her own admission (though certainly not her fault), never learned to read phonetically, as her school preferred the “vibes-based” method.
The more Tesla is perceived as toxic and not worth buying, the less money Elon has.
Most of Tesla stock is owned by mutual funds, in people's 401ks and pension funds.
My mom texted me an article about Curtis Yarvin while I was listening to this episode lol
Jesse was seething inside about the "slightly fatter" comment
Anecdotal evidence, but fully half of the cyber truck owners that I know are married, successful men with families. These were bought before Trump won by many months.
What are the other half like?
People who thought they were cool. It’s the same mix of people who buy 3/4 ton and 1 ton trucks. It’s a mix of people who use it for function and for fun. Obviously here it’s loaded to the fun side but it’s just wrong to think it’s all incels and Elon fan boys.
Don’t get me wrong, if I were to go buy a truck right now it wouldn’t be a cybertruck. I think electric has a long way to go before it replaces farm and work trucks that do much other than be pavement princesses. It does have a foot in that market now though.
It’s also very true that they’d be way more popular if Elon wasn’t right coded now.
As someone who goons to Vore pornography frequently, I hope Jesse and Katie will treat my community fairly
How’d you feel about the specific vore material in the episode? Is this considered extreme for someone who is into vore, or par for the course?
Honest to God, I don't know what goons means in this context.
I’m kinda surprised Grok agreed to create that image.
It should be an album cover. Fantastic aesthetics
Can I say "groomer" if a person has a fetish about being a school teacher that eats children?
Thank you for referencing that Simpsons episode Jessie, I've tried to explain that same episode to multiple people when talking about the Cyber truck and nobody else remembered it, I was starting to think I had imagined it.
Who else got up today and started listening to the latest episode and thought, shit, has another virus been called overnight?
I love your rant about the Cybertruck and what you think it means when someone actually purchases one. My friend and fellow songwriter Rick Vines wrote a song about that exact subject. Feel free to share- he’s a really good writer from Chicago.
Just so my cards are on the table, I'm a aspy kinkster who creates AI erotica which (usually) gets a pass from social media censors, because my content does not involve genitals or sex acts.
Vore grosses me out. It offends a lot of people. I'm judgy AF about vore and ABDL among my friends. But at the end of the day, for most people, most sexual fantasies are just erotica, not aspirations. I know a lot of people on here are familiar with the "per capita" retort on right wing media when it comes to anything involving BLM. Can we have the same attitude towards this shit when it comes to kink and trans people? The idea of vore is abhorrent, but is merely fantasizing about vore actually leading people to kill or physically abuse people? Can you verifiably claim to know who is an AGP and is this really a good proxy for targeting sexual predators?
I'm not defending Ana per se. I just want people to not call for illiberal measures to fight an epidemic that may not actually exist.
I think what many people are reacting to is the fact that vore is being presented as a kink like any other and that Ana and the would be city councillor are being presented as normal trans women (by the people defending them). Add to this the fact that many of the loudest trans rights activists feel comfortable sending death and rape threats to women who disagree with them (so long as they are labelled TERFS) under their real names on social media. At a certain point, I think many women are kind of like, “We get your message loud and clear.”
Every time a trans woman tells J.K. Rowling to choke on their girldick, 100 trans rights activists need to come out and denounce that person for misogyny. Every time people like this are calling themselves trans women, other trans women need to disavow them and state that they are not actually trans women. Instead, the opposite usually happens, and people draw conclusions based on who you are sitting with at lunch every day. They just do.
I don’t think that all trans women have a vore fetish and I know for a fact that there are trans women who do not agree with the current TRA ethos and stance on most issues (some of them subscribe here!). I don’t think this is a problem with outsiders getting the wrong idea about a community: the issue is with people loudly proclaiming themselves a part of that community and making everybody else in it look psychotic. In that case, it’s necessary for the non-psycho community members to step up and say something about it, publicly. I guess you could say Brianna Wu is doing this now, but not without also saying how much hotter she is than cis women first.
Honestly, I think most people are just over it.
I don’t know if there is research on what percent of men with violent sexual fantasies are actually offenders. I could do some digging. But I do know that the vast majority of men who violently sexually offend have violent kinks and violent fantasies and consume violent porn.
Jesse said if Trump said punching your balls is good for you and suddenly people would. We'll, Jesse, the internet is waayy ahead of you.
And the full documentary
There’s a cartoon meme of a woman working in an office. Guy one comes to her office and says something and she says it’s sweet, guy two comes in and says the same thing and she calls HR.
That feels like people interpreting Ana Valens writing versus it being written by a stereotypical 4chan incel, except instead of HR it’s ruining his life.
Nothing Ana Valens has written about women is remotely sweet. Do you fancy being forcibly impregnated? Then hit Valens up. Otherwise, please understand that this is a fantasy I’ve ever only observed in men, and I have trolled the Internet to try to understand such subcultures.
If you read Valens thread on KF you'll get additional insight into the person, and see that Jesse if anything was being too generous to them.
Oh boy. You are providing nightmare fodder!
Happy Anniversary, you sick vore apologists
I think the fact ‘she’ wasn’t elected in the first place is the issue. Let her run and see if people elect her!
The observation that Yarvin drapes his nonsense in wordiness that yields what a dumb person thinks a smart person is perfectly describes Scott Alexander as well.
Dude. If I ever get attacked by someone online, I want Herzog on my side. That was very sweet to Jesse.
Happy Anniversary!