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I’ve received several requests over the years about tips on reading. People who are new are curious about how to become eclectic readers. I will provide some answers, but first, let’s clear up some myths;
No one is born a reader. Every reader you see learned to read. No one was born with the ability to read from his mother’s womb. Remove that from your head.
Reading is a gift Reading is not a coincidence or some sort of special gift. No, reading is a choice. Remove that nonsense that there are gifted readers.
There are boring books. All books are books, but not all books taste the same. Some books are very boring. Seriously. Oh, let me add, they are boring depending on the person reading. (Well, there are boring authors too. Seriously). So, some books will be boring to you, depending on your interest.
Now, let’s talk about 1 Tip.
Don’t read boring books: Seriously. This is one mistake I see a lot of new readers make. You pick some book that you see someone else reading with the hope that you will read like them. That’s nonsense. Your interest and their interest is often not the same. And interest will determine whether you consider a book boring or not. Don’t ever stress yourself to attempt to read a book that you find boring. Just let it go. There are millions of books in the world, just read the ones that interest you.
The good news is that there are books on everything. Just use google. You will find your interest. Read them. Read the things that will hold your mind in one place for a long time. You are just starting your reading journey, there is no need to read the books that Bill Gates is reading. Also, that your mentor recommends a book doesn’t mean that you have to read that book. Book recommendations are good, they may not be the book for your interest right now.
For me, I consider this rule the first holy grail of reading, I will never read a boring book. Never. I don’t care even if was recommended by …… (hmmmm, who?). I don’t know, whoever.
Someday you find that particular book to be of interest to you, but today, read what interests you.
Good morning!
I love no 3, share what you have read...it's a beautiful thing. Thanks for all the tips