The Great Reordering
The world is being restructured and there's little America can do about it.
The world is being reordered and there is little America can do about it. Lack of strength, lack of will, and rot from within are rapidly reducing America to a declining, has-been empire. This weekend, the United States declared victory in Afghanistan and slunk away with its tail between its legs. That will doubtless be reassuring to any remaining allies the next time we invite them to support us in another (mis)adventure.
Expansion-minded despots in other countries have noticed. Vladimir Putin of Russia has always considered Ukraine Russian territory. He should move now to retake the parts he doesn't already control. After all, who's going to stop him? A toothless NATO? Germany? Belgium? Joe Biden?
China will doubtless move on Taiwan soon, correctly perceiving a war-weary America will be reluctant to put up much resistance. Since Russia and China have expanded cooperation in recent months, what’s to stop them both from coordinating simultaneous invasions of Taiwan and Ukraine? By the time Joe Biden returns from vacation it’ll be over.
Having built up defenses in the South China Sea, China now threatens the Phillipines and Japan. Japan, in particular, is becoming increasingly concerned about China's advances in the western Pacific and the threat it poses to Japanese interests. Japan recently joined a consortium with the US, Australia, and India to determine ways to deter Chinese aggression. Don't be surprised to see Japan change its long-standing policy and begin developing nuclear defensive weapons. After all, it's reliance on the US for defense seems on particularly shaky ground these days.
And how long before North Korea, perhaps with China's help, decides it's advantageous to move against South Korea? While we have a troop presence in South Korea, can the South Korean leadership be blamed, in light of Afghanistan, if it begins to doubt America's committment? Will Biden wake up one morning and, over his breakfast Cheerios, decide it's time to bring the troops home?
The reordering will not be confined to areas outside America's borders, however. The reordering is beginning within this country as well.
Counties in Oregon and northern California are seeking to secede and join Idaho, which more closely shares their values. West Virginia has invited western Virginia counties to join them to escape the socialist onslaught there. At some point, Florida and Texas will tire of federal diktats from a senile president and say "enough."
Once the big sort begins in this country, America's internal map will look strikingly different. Some regions, like the northeast, used to being culturally dominant, will find themselves isolated within their own bubbles. If the deplorables in flyover country who control agriculture and energy decide to cut off shipments of food and fuel to the left and right coasts, the formerly ascendant "elites" may find themselves reduced to snaring squirrels in Central Park for food. Once it starts, who's to say where it ends?
The proverb says "May you live in interesting times." It was meant as a curse. Things are about to get interesting.