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How Will You Measure Your Life?
"Have you ever, ever sat down with a piece of paper and a pen in your hand and written down your mission statement in your life?" Ravi Zacharias
I have a book on my shelf titled “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton Christensen. I haven’t read it yet but the title is something I use every day.
The big question at the end of your life will be “what do you think of your life?”. It is not what others think. It is not what your family thinks, and it is not the society thinks. It is, what do you think of yourself? What do you think of your life?
And how you will view your life will be predicated by how you measure your life. The big question is, “How will you measure your life?”.
How? By what metric? What is most important to you?
Is it the number of cars you have? The countries you’ve traveled to? Your academic degrees? The number of children you have? Or what exactly?
It was Ravi who asked the question "Have you ever, ever sat down with a piece of paper and a pen in your hand and written down your mission statement in your life?"
As far as I can see, this is one of the most important question’s you will ever ask yourself. And no one can do this for you, neither can anyone else provide the answer for you. This is your question. This is your life. And what are you going to do with it?
I didn’t come with an answer. I just wanted to help you ask the question.
How will you measure your life?
Good Morning.
This is deep, and a clarion call to quick introspection
This is a call to deep self reflection...