Beware of Cramped Theology
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Beware of Cramped Theology

If the problem of liberalism is to expand theology beyond God’s revelation, the problem with orthodoxy is to reduce it to very cramped intellectual quarters.

Dear friends and supporters,

For a while I’ll be alternating the conventional CultureChange e-newsletter with an audio newsletter like this one, which is a sort of podcast. That should offer appeal both for those who prefer reading and for those who prefer listening — or both.

Today’s topic is one I addressed from a different angle many years ago in the old Chalcedon Report and that was reprinted here. I’ve wanted to revisit and revise it many times, and today’s post fulfills that desire.

If you benefit from it, why not share it?

Will you consider a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo? Or mail a check to CCL, Box 100, Coulterville, CA 95311. God uses you to keep us going — and expanding.

CCL publishes a unique bi-monthly hard copy newsletter available via USPS. The October article is “Cultural Bipolar Disorder.” If you’d like to get a copy for free, please private Facebook message me your surface mailing address or send an email to: sandlin[at]saber[dot]net.

Pious Unbelief is Still Unbelief


We’re just putting finishing touches on plans to visit our son Richard and his wife Samantha in British Columbia in early October. We haven’t seen them since 2019, but the border is now open, though the numerous hoops through which we must jump to get there are onerous, and there’s still no guarantee we’ll get into Canada.

Richard earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of British Columbia in May 2020, and he’s soon to be ordained to the diaconate in the conservative Anglican Church in North America. He also teaches philosophy at Corpus Christi College. Sam is a digital designer and artist. She regularly gets commissions to paint in various media. Here’s a sample of one of her lush watercolors from several years ago:

Please pray with us that we can get into Canada to see our precious son and daughter-in-law.

I hope next week to write on “Statism as Toleration.”

Yours for Christ and His Kingdom,

Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership

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The Chief Cultural Battlefield of Our Time is Sexual

"Acute and astringent, forthright and grim, this extended tract for the times calls Christians and churches to face the fact that the sexual disorder which America currently legitimates, radically and ruinously undermining marriage and family life, is a revolutionary tipping point in cultural apostasy, and to recant appropriately. Dr. Sandlin should be listened to; his case is, alas, compelling.“

J. I. Packer

Our broad thinking about life doesn’t just shape our view of human sexuality. Our view of human sexuality shapes the rest of our thinking. Western society’s sexual views and practices over the last few decades haven’t changed so dramatically only because the prominent worldview of our society has changed; our society has changed because its sexual worldview has changed.

This book is about why and how that change came about, how injurious it has been to our culture, and what Christians can do to reverse it. A distinctively Christian strategy for reversing the sexual revolution and its worldview is a restoration of a full-orbed, biblical faith in every aspect of thought and life.

You can order the e-book or paperback here.

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Center for Cultural Leadership

P.O Box 100

Coulterville, CA 95311

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