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Photos and News Summaries by David F Watson
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Big yikes. Especially coming from a Chinese American elected, this is a gross & irresponsible distortion of history. Those who want to revise the past and pretend racism doesn’t exist are the first accuse ppl of not “understanding” history

Neil Park-McClintick @neil_park_

Does disdain for women increase the pay gap?
Evidence from Google
In US states where search terms are often misogynist, employers are probably more prejudiced, and women earn less than men.
economics.uci.edu/files/docs/202… Elizabeth Malony, JMP.

New technology (whether smaller “advanced” fission reactors or this fusion thing) could get us out of that bind by reducing some of the concerns.
But fundamentally any technology can be made unviable if you demand it outperform alternatives by a large enough margin.

Our system has changed radically over the last 200 years, but everything we do keeps getting called "capitalism", while whatever utopia we fantasize about having someday keeps getting called "socialism"

sid 🌹 @lilbabygandhi

New Year new rules

Conor Sen @conorsen

@IanColdwater This is not to let anyone off the hook, but cryptocurrency has been a slow train wreck of one horrible externality (environmental, fraud, scams) after another. Those who worked in that space and stayed could have walked away, but sunk cost fallacies apply to career choices, too.

Biden could have said he’s against canceling Christopher Columbus, a great explorer and an iconic figure to Italian-Americans.
Harris could say she rejects the idea that America is systematically racist, her parents moved here because it’s the greatest nation on earth.

Would those things matter to persuadable voters or is that too trivial? Well, they’d matter to the people leftists who’d get angry about it on Twitter (before voting for them anyway) so why not?

Why pander like this instead of educating people?
Well, because it might get you the votes you need to cut child poverty and greenhouse gas emissions and appoint an Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights who’ll vigorously uphold anti-discrimination law.
It’s politics.

To win elections, and thereby obtain political power that can be used to enact policies that help people in concrete ways.

Josh Knight @thejoshknight

And I agree with Adam here, by the way:
“Democrats should be less ‘woke’ by which I mean just pander to people’s simplistic and naive patriotic ideas and selfishness” is an idea that it’s awkward to express in public so people talk around it.
But it’s still true! https://t.co/pRDYSnDX5x

Adam Serwer 🍝 @AdamSerwer

Yes, Obama is lying about which tactics he employed in order to make himself sound more high-minded.
(And of course this is the point, Obama is a good politician — he has a different constituency now so he’s changed his story)

trizzlor @trizzlor
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By David Watson · Launched 4 years ago
Photos and News Summaries by David F Watson