28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada?
But get this... it's only happening to vaccinated moms. I wonder what is causing this? When Canada's top health official was asked for evidence, she said to trust the authorities.
Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada in Fully Vaccinated Mothers.
Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase exposes the exploding cases of stillbirths in Canadian women and tells Canadians what they can do about it. November 23, 2021
This is a story we hear nowadays from everywhere, especially from morticians who've been horrified by the huge increase in deaths of these babies in vaccinated mothers.
The 4 minute video shows Dr. Nagase explaining the stillbirths are happening in different parts of the country and they are ONLY happening to vaccinated mothers. Start listening at 45 seconds.
Dr. Nagase reported the rate of stillbirths in Waterloo was 28X times higher than normal but only to vaccinated moms.
Nagase’s source for the Waterloo data is a provincial prosecutor (comparable to a State Attorney General) who in turn got the data from a nurse who works at the hospital.
People that Nagase talked to in the past are now staying completely silent. Something has made them afraid to talk. That’s odd.
Denial from hospitals
On the flip side, there is a denial that anything bad is happening.
They can’t both be telling the truth. Note that the hospital can lie (there is no penalty for lying apparently).
So now you have to wonder who to believe.
Fact checking the fact checkers
There was a “fact check” disputing this published in CBC news: False claims of stillbirths among vaccinated mothers at B.C. hospital slammed as harmful disinformation.
So they never showed any of Nagase’s claims were false!
Here’s the story:
Here’s one of the comments from my readers:
The studies cited in the fact check do not prove their point at all about stillbirths to vaccinated mothers! They assume that nobody is going to click on those studies and compare them to the assertion (still births, vaccinated moms). This is very misleading, but the reporter didn’t seem to mind.
The fact check says “Vancouver Coastal Health says people spreading rumors have no association with Lions Gate Hospital.”
Yes, that’s right. But Nagase never claimed that!
Perhaps these fact checkers are better off showing the exact quote and then showing the proof they are wrong. This fact check does none of that. Are you surprised?
The fact check also says ivermectin doesn’t work. I’m still looking for a doctor who has tried ivermectin and then dropped it.
Ontario’s top health official: “trust me”
Ontario’s Minister of Health Christine Elliott was questioned in the Ontario Provincial Parliament by MPP Rick Nicholls about it and asked for evidence. She just said that it has been tested, it is safe, and we should all trust the health officials.
In other words, there’s no evidence that she could cite, but you should trust us because we’ve all concluded it is safe. Comforting, isn’t it? No real data on this, but as Bobby McFerrin would say, “Don’t worry, be happy.”
Note that Nicholls is one of the really good guys: he’s now an independent after having been kicked out of the Progressive Conservative Party due to his views about the vaccine. You aren’t allowed to tell the truth in the Progressive Conservative Party apparently.
NEJM study
And that NEJM study on the matter? Well it, at the time that was written, it was too early to know the outcome of the pregnancies since many of the women were just vaccinated. The study should have finished by now, but we only hear crickets as to what the final results of the study were. I wonder why that is? Does anyone know?
It kills me that pregnant women will go as far as not take an advil for a headache or eat deli meat while pregnant but think nothing of getting an experimental jab, all in the name of safety. I cannot wrap my head around it!!!
AWFUL. I had a baby a couple of months ago. I don't vaccinate my children period and I had a normal pregnancy so I chose a homebirth. I got so much grief for "risking" my baby's life from women who chose to inject themselves while pregnant. My baby's perfectly healthy.
I can't ask my doctor what's causing this but I can ask my midwife. She knows.