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Eric Topol is now a "Writer in Residence" on substack. Time to speak out.
Eric is a huge promoter of the false narrative. Please register your disapproval. Now.
I just got this announcement from Substack:
For the record, Eric Topol is one of the great misinformation spreaders on the pandemic.
In Topol’s view, the COVID vaccines are mankind’s greatest medical accomplishment ever.
Except that the evidence shows that these are the deadliest vaccines in human history, the worst mistake we’ve ever made as a country and as a world. Topol is on the opposite side of this. He’s a huge part of the problem.
I challenged him to debate our team of scientists and he blocked me.
Eric doesn’t want to be challenged. He won’t be held accountable by anyone.
Please take action now. It takes just 1 minute.
Please everyone go comment here to register your outrage that he’s been given “Writer in Residence” status on Substack.
You’ll be in good company. Virtually all the reactions are negative. Let’s keep it that way.
Substack should be ashamed.
Why not send Eric an email too?
Also if you want to send a message to Eric, you can ask the same question I asked. He’s going to ignore me. Maybe he’ll respond to one of my 120,000 followers. Shall we find out?
Want to help create an alternative to substack that does not promote people like Topol?
Does Substack make Robert Malone a Writer in Residence? Alex Berenson a writer in Residence? Nope. They made Eric Topol a Writer in Residence and basically ignored the comments of pretty much all their subscribers.
This made it crystal clear to me that they care more about promoting the false narrative than providing a neutral platform for publishing.
It’s time we had a neutral version of Substack.
If you are interested in joining such a project, please register here and be sure to check the “Creating a substack alternative that doesn't promote people like Eric Topol” checkbox.
The world needs a neutral platform for publishing and substack just showed which side they are on.
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I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
Respectfully, I think it's a bad idea to suggest taking away someone's platform when you disagree with them, because I think we know what happens most of the time, as you've seen with Twitter.
Good information drives out bad information over time and I believe that even people I disagree with should be able to express their opinions even if they are totally wrong about something.
I would disagree with pushing for censorship of an individual, as it's the very thing we're fighting against aside from this shots & mandates. True must have the foundation of sound morals and ethics. Goal here is to take the high road with sound research based on the data. Taking a quote from Substack's Press release, Dr. Topol claims, "What’s true today may be proven false tomorrow. That’s science.”
With his comment section open and uncensored, we as a community can hammer that "proven false" all over just like a spike protein.