Beiser’s Back! (And He’s Still Running for City Council)
San Diego Unified Board Trustee Kevin Beiser reappeared at a school board meeting on Tuesday night after several weeks of laying low following accusations of sexual misconduct by four men more than a month ago.
One of the accusers has filed suit. Thus far Beiser has issued only a brief statement declaring his innocence.
The San Diego Democratic Party, the SD Education Association, and even his colleagues on the board have all called on Beiser to resign.
Sen. Toni Atkins, Assemblyman Todd Gloria, San Diego City Council members Georgette Gomez, Jennifer Campbell, Chris Ward and others leaders in the LGBTQ community also issued a statement urging him to step down.
“As LGBT elected officials who are committed to changing the overarching cultural and political climate to prevent sexual harassment, we want to ensure that every complaint is fully investigated and appropriately decided,” the statement read. “That said, even following the principles of due process, there are cases, especially those with multiple and severe allegations, where the obvious right thing is for the accused to step away from their position. This is one of those cases.”
According to Voice San Diego reporter Andy Keats, a spokesman for the Sweetwater Union High School District, where Beiser is a teacher, said he remains on leave and the district does not have an expected return date for him.
On Monday, financial consultant Patrick Ambrosio, saying he was representing Beiser, told the Linda Vista Town Council the School Board Trustee intends to pursue his candidacy for City Council District 7 in the 2020 election.
UPDATE: Voice of San Diego has a slightly different take:
Beiser was first elected to the school board in 2010, and re-elected in 2018 for a term running through 2022. Since he is in the first half of his term of office, a special election would be held to replace him if he resigns.
During information reports on Tuesday night, Trustee John Lee Evans declared the board hadn’t communicated with Beiser, adding the board's resolution calling for him to resign still stands. Since he was elected, the SDUSD Trustees can not force him to resign.
Parent groups have held discussions about mounting a recall effort. Any such undertaking will have to wait until Beiser has been in office for six months. They would need to collect signatures from 15% of the voter in the 2018 election.
On Monday, Beiser’s roommate attended a the Linda Vista Community Planning Group’s meeting as a representative of Beiser’s City Council campaign. There, Patrick Ambrosio told Keatts that Beiser will be making a statement soon regarding his future plans.
Sorry about the short post today, folks. I’ve been called up for jury duty. So far, I’m 0 for 3 in even getting asked to join a panel.
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A San Diego-based writer keeping up with the progress in progressive politics