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A Monmouth University Poll from January 31 shows that about 70 percent of Americans agree with the following statement:
It’s time we accept that COVID is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.
Throughout the world, vaccine and mask mandates are being lifted. Travel restrictions are being removed and the world is normalizing again. Contrast this with what is happening in Canada and the USA.
Biden Extends US National Emergency Over COVID-19 Epoch Times, Feb 20, 2022.
From the White House:
“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the Nation. More than 900,000 people in this Nation have perished from the disease, and it is essential to continue to combat and respond to COVID-19 with the full capacity and capability of the Federal Government,” adding that his office has “determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared” almost two years ago.
What powers does the National Emergency Powers give to the President?
The Congressional Research Services report states that federal law provides a variety of powers for the President to use in response to crisis, exigency, or emergency circumstances threatening the nation.
The report summarize his powers as follows:
These delegations or grants of power authorize the President to meet the problems of governing effectively in times of crisis. Under the powers delegated by such statutes, the President may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and control the lives of United States citizens in a variety of ways. Congress may modify, rescind, or render dormant such delegated emergency authority.
For further reading, The Heritage Foundation has written an interesting report on the President’s National Emergency powers in the time of a pandemic.
So, the question is- will Congress act to “modify, rescind, or render dormant” Biden’s emergency authority?"
We all know there is no emergency. We have early treatment for Covid-19. Omicron is much milder. Almost all of us have had Covid-19 or have been vaccinated. Most of us will have symptoms of a cold if we get infected with Omicron.
This is not an emergency.
Why did Biden extend the emergency powers? Why is Congress not standing up for our rights?
Will congress fight for our republic or let it slip away into the hands of the globalists? The party of Davos is knocking at the door. How will Congress answer?
Canada Freedom Convoy: European Parliament member compares Trudeau to communist 'dictator' Fox News. February 20, 2022.
European Parliament's Cristian Terheș, of Romania, blasted Trudeau as acting like a 'tyrant'
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was lambasted this weekend by a member of European Parliament for cracking down on anti-vaccine mandate protesters in the capital of Ottawa.
"The prime minister of Canada, the way he’s behaving right now – he’s exactly like a tyrant, like a dictator. He’s like Ceaușescu in Romania, If you raise doubts about the vaccines, you’re outcasted. What’s the difference between what he does and what happened under The Inquisition?"…
Terhes said he is offering support to truckers peacefully participating in the Freedom Convoy in Canada. "I hope this movement for freedom and for rights is spreading all around the world," he said. "Because at the end of the day, we have to make sure that those elected officials understand that they were elected into those offices for the people. Not to behave like masters of slaves."
Did you think Francis Collins was really gone from the US Government?
Heck no! He just got a promotion from Biden!
Francis Collins, former N.I.H. director, will fill in as a science adviser to Biden.
New FDA Chief Says He Will Prioritize Fighting ‘Misinformation’ By Jack Phillips February 18, 2022 Updated: February 19, 2022
“The new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chief said he will prioritize fighting so-called “misinformation,” although he did not specify anything in particular.
A purely reactive mode is not appropriate, particularly in this new era of social media,” incoming FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, who was just recently a senior adviser at Google Health and Verily, told FDA staff in a letter that was made public this week.
Califf did not elaborate on what he considers misinformation. Also unclear is how the FDA will attempt to counter it online.
Critics of COVID-19 rules have said that the term “misinformation,” often deployed in mainstream media outlets and by public officials, is not clearly defined, and its meaning is often changed to serve their political goals.
Free speech is free speech. Scientific discussion, the analysis of papers in a public forum is part of the process of how good science is conducted.
It appears that Dr. Califf may be another person in the Biden White House determined to oversee the dismantling of the US constitution, as well as the dismantling of the scientific endeavor.
Who needs free speech when the FDA is so free of political bias and regulatory capture?
After all, the FDA is “totally honest.”
For a well-written article on the dangers of big tech, social media and legacy media.
America Is Not Divided; It’s Being Hijacked American Greatness. By Alexander Zubatov. February 19, 2022
We must break the propaganda spell and realize that we have the strength of numbers on our side.
Lest we forget that healthy children and young adults almost never die of COVID-19.
It is the elderly and those with significant co-morbidities who are much more likely to be hospitalized and die. Covid-19 is a disease that is stratified by age, weight and health. This means that there is no need to vaccinate the young and healthy.
Data from the CDC shows that elderly people are 340 times more likely to die and 10 times more likely to be hospitalized than 18-29 year old adults.
Data shows that the elderly are much more likely to be hospitalized and die than other groups.
The data shows that these differences are not in the range of few percentage points but by a huge margin.
We do not need to force vaccination on healthy young adults, healthy middle-aged adults and children. The idea behind universal vaccination with a flawed vaccine for a virus that mutates rapidly is absurd. It is time to stop the madness and the mandates.
BTW - the numbers below from the CDC are cumulative over two years. They do not represent the data from Omicron, which has a much milder course of disease.
This week, in response to ongoing litigation over the release of public records related to coronavirus research funded by National Institutes of Health, the NIH sent The Intercept (magazine) 292 fully redacted pages rather than substantive material that they requested. These pages could have helped us to understand how the virus first came to infect humans. Below is one of the 292 pages that The Intercept received:
In order words, The Intercept received 292 completely blanked-out pages and a few pages almost completely redacted. So, what is the NIH hiding when it comes to their role in the gain of function research that developed the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19?
Dr. Ryan Cole and I are at this Puget Sound conference today and tomorrow. There will be four sessions. In person tickets are sold out, but on line registrations are still available. Focus is on stopping mandated vaccines for children.
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Politics, homesteading, medicine, science, bioethics, analytics, and a heady mix of sarcasm and life.
I urge everyone including Dr. Malone to read the piece Dr. Naomi Wolf wrote yesterday, February 19. The title is The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the US. It’s a big wake up call.
I disagree with one statement in your news round up. We should not be forcing vaccination on ANYONE.