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I'm Retiring (Sort Of)
What's in a name? Everything. And I'm saying "Adios!" to Love Sujeiry.
Love Sujeiry: Why are you doing this to me? Abandoning all we’ve built together.
Me: I have no need for you anymore.
Love Sujeiry: So you’re going to dump me?
Me: It’s time.
Love Sujeiry: But, what did I do to deserve this?
Me: You helped me, you did. I’m just not that person anymore.
Love Sujeiry looks back at me in the mirror, her lower lip trembles and her eyes widen. I want to hold her, I do. To console her and tell her that she can continue her role as Sujeiry’s representative and hype woman. But she has to move on, I have to move on. Like a kid that quits every job because he knows he can return to his momma’s basement, I need to grow the fuck up and do this thing called life as Sujeiry Gonzalez.
Love Sujeiry begins to pace, her curly hair dancing each time she spins on her heels. She realizes that she cannot convince me, that although she is a part of me she is no longer the boss of me. I’ve grown so much since I let her lead. Since she emerged from within to help us take the media by storm as a Latinx sex and relationship expert and radio personality. And I appreciate all she has done for me. We’ve accomplished every goal together. But she has also become a crutch. A mask to hide behind that I no longer need. Because I am fully embracing myself and my talents. I accept my imperfections and love every shadowy, ugly part of me. I continue to work through my deep-seated insecurities that manifest a need to be seen and heard and to be validated by others.
Me: I’m sorry, again, I am. You just don’t serve a purpose anymore.
I wave goodbye. Her lips curls up slowly as she waves back. I turn around and walk toward my computer, knowing what needs to happen next on this magical day of 2/22/22. I pull the plug on the Love Sujeiry brand and persona, changing my Instagram name and newsletter to Sujeiry Gonzalez. I buy sujeirygonzalez and begin working on my new website to fully unleash myself onto the world.
And with that, I’d like to introduce myself. Hello, I’m Sujeiry Gonzalez and I’m a Latinx romance author and freelance writer. And, P.S, Love Sujeiry doesn’t live her anymore.
News! News! News!
So, yea, I’m now Sujeiry Gonzalez on most platforms. I’m still working on changing a few others. If you are already following me on Instagram, no need to do a thing. If you haven’t followed me, you follow me on sujeiry.gonzalez.
My new website will launch soon enough! Still working on it and keeping it simple.
Stay tuned for more writing, romance novel bits and pieces, and publishing updates!
Subscribe to Sujeiry Gonzalez | Self Love Blog & Mindset
A self love blog by Self Love Advocate and Author, Sujeiry Gonzalez, sharing musings and insights on self love, self concept, and conscious awareness.