
Portfolio Update: Added ZM, DOCN, MNDY, MELI, TWLO

Why I bought Zoom, Digital Ocean, Monday, Mercadolibre, and Twilio today

Quick video update sharing my rationale for buying Zoom, Digital Ocean, Monday, Mercadolibre, and Twilio today.

I also shifted the allocation from 50% dividend growth and 50% tech growth to 75% tech growth and 25% dividend growth today because I like the risk-reward of owning more growth stocks over the next several years.

I’ll be adding $1,500 every two weeks to the portfolio so I don’t mind if my stocks or the market head lower over the short-term.

Below is a screen shot of this portfolio in M1 Finance. The goal is to grow this portfolio from $10k to $1 million from 2022 - 2035. Why 13 years? That’s when my kids will be set to go to college… unless they drop out and/or college doesn’t exist then.

Anyways the portfolio was started February 15th and we’re down 11%. I’ll be adding $1,500 every two weeks and documenting every step of the journey right here.

You can see I have two slices “Growth Monsters” with a 75% target and “Dividend Growers” at a 25% target.

M1 is really cool because it automatically invests my contributions into my set allocations as they come in.

This screenshot shows the allocations for the Growth Monsters. Remember these are allocations of the 75% of my port that is in growth.

This screenshot shows the allocations for the Dividend growers. These are allocations of the 25% in dividend growth. So 10% in here is 2.5% of the total portfolio.

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I paid the subscription and there is not a straight forward step by step on what to do in order to see the Portfolio. Also donO need to subscribe to substack. Thanks for your help

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Hi Luis, thanks so much for the subscription and question. Members get updates on my portfolio in a couple ways.

Before I make any changes to my portfolio, I send an email to paid subscribers and let them know (24 - 48hrs before I make trades).

I also have my portfolio linked through Commonstock which shows my current portfolio, performance, trades, etc. The communication from my brokerage to Commstock is usually delayed by 24 - 48hrs. Here's a link to follow me on Commonstock: https://share.commonstock.com/78euDlOJCpb

So in short, paid members get notified before I make any trades via email.

Another paid member only benefit is deep dives to get a deeper understanding of companies I feel deserve the most attention. I'm working on a Snowflake deep dive right now. Those are only sent to paid subscribers.

I hope that helped. Please let me know if you have any more questions!

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