The Art Desk Uncensored {Not Photoshopped Campaign}
I always smile when I see the curvaceous 'real' women in the 'Not Photoshopped' T-shirts, and now it's time for the Artist's work table version of that campaign! Yes, we are showing it all, keeping it real in Seth Apter's 'Studio Table' blog showcase. Real artists' tables and how their spaces actually look… messy, chaotic, wild, crazy and of course, worked on.
As you can see from the little bird's-eye-view peek I show below, I don't have much of a storage system going on…something I am looking to remedy soon. Currently I have boxes with other art materials & supplies under the table also. I'd love to get one (or two!) of those wheeled storage trolleys that I can stack all my supplies in.
I tend to spread out and take up a lot of space… ending up over the entire ancient wooden art table, sometimes taking over large areas on the floor also when I am sorting collaging papers and cutting things up.
I'm naturally quite a messy person… but have had to learn (particularly painting with watercolors) that a paint-covered work surface can lead to unwanted marks on white areas of paper I was hoping to stay white, so I have learnt the hard way to try keep the drawing board (under the paint-marked plexiglass) as clean as possible…and I ALWAYS have painters' drop cloths down over the carpets!
So here goes… This is my table from above…. (click on the image for a larger view)
Please come join the fun, as we celebrate real, uncensored artist's tables over at Seth's blog on Thursday 18 September 2014 >>
Wishing you a beautiful week of creativity!
Catherine Athena xo
Ps. Nearly a year on, and I'm showing my table and new workspace once more over here… August 17, 2015 version {please come on over and visit} >>
• • •My journey through the senses• • •
taste:: Crisp juicy apples
smell:: Rain on fresh cut grass
touch:: Yoga Mat under my toes
see:: Crystal rainbow light-flares as the sun strikes through the window pane
hear:: Haunting, melancholy calls of Canada Geese flying overhead as they head south for the Winter
think:: Happy thoughts regardless
feel:: Wonderfully optimistic & ready
read:: iPhone photo app instruction guides - always lots to learn!
intuit:: "Winter is coming" {and not in a 'Game of Thrones' kinda way!}…It's the migrating Geese that stir it in me.
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