This is a weekly newsletter of what I've read and created a sketchnote of. Because we recall information visually. Not yet a subscriber? <add your email here>
The most fascinating story of the week is clearly how Steve Jobs got 219 patents AFTER he died (it takes about 2 years for the approvals to come through). Jobs got 620 patents in his life time. Jeff Bezos was the Designer-in-Chief for Kindle and has 155 patents to his name. Jun Young-hyun, CEO of Samsung SDI has 145 patents. Elon Musk has 5 patents (That’s it?). Leaders must have deep expertise to be respected by their employees & customers. That’s just the new model of Leadership. Agree? <click here>
Peter Thiel is one of those people who is unafraid of challenging established ideas. You may not agree with everything he says (for example, I don’t agree with his views on education). Zero to One is not a new book. But it is a book that triggers ideas in my mind. I found a powerful interview question in the book. You must answer it for yourself. Love to know what your answer is. <read the question>
One of the biggest drivers of who interacts with whom in organizations is physical proximity. WFH makes the most amount of interactions go virtual and that can have sharp impact on the level of trust and collaboration in organizations because people are more guarded when they engage online. It has that feeling of a “virtual dinner” done with colleagues on Zoom. Trust is built on spontaneous face to face interactions <how to build it>
The pandemic has wiped out decades of gains for working women in India. 70% of them are in the informal economy. Between 2005-2018, female labor participation dropped from 32% to 21%. More women lost their jobs than men. Because they need to spend more time doing domestic chores, they have less time to find jobs. The family then pressures them to get married. There is a 32% increase in new registrations on matrimony websites in India. <read more>
I love coffee. But even more than that I like a coffee maker than spends more on employee benefits than coffee beans (bean counters, pl note). Customers load up money on the mobile app and millions of people’s deposits have turned them into the seventh largest BANK!!
Want to share a great read with everyone? I will create a sketchnote of some key takeaways. Email the article to me
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@AbhijitBhaduri for more links