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The Book You Have Been Waiting For
Dedicated to my wife, without whom I should have completed this months ago!
Reading has become an easy activity for me. Perhaps, due to this, I became blind to the fact that most people do not read as I do.
Nearly every day I get a question from someone;
“Hello Lengdung. I want to develop a reading habit”.
“Hello, Lengdung. I want to read more books than I did last year”
“Hello Lengdung. I know the importance of reading but I still struggle to read”.
These and many more, I get every day. It is in response to this that I have put together this book.
See, this is not a book for experts. This is not a book for those who have developed a healthy reading habit.
This is a book for the struggling beginner.
A book for the chap who falls asleep whenever he opens a book.
A book for the sister who hasn’t read since she graduated from secondary school.
By the way, this is a short book! Just 50 Pages.
I had a choice, make this long and bore the new learners or make it short. I chose short and tried hard to pass all the messages in that span.
Anyone who is learning to read doesn’t need a long book. Actually, this is one of my cardinal beliefs, START WITH SHORT BOOKS.
You have no business with big books. You will get there someday, but as a new reader, find short books and dive in! Finishing a book gives you the momentum to begin the next one. Not finishing a book dampens the momentum you need to begin the next one. You are less likely to finish a big book, and you are more likely to finish a short book. Choose short, always!
Sorry for the drift, back to this book… it will be available on 20th May!
PS: I am dedicating to my wife, and dear friends, without whom I should have written this book long ago!