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Tiger Woods by Armen Keteyian and Jeff Benedict
Tigers Woods had it all. Career Success. Family. Child. Money... He and his parents built this dream. Then his world came crashing down.
Tiger Woods. Not his original name.
The original name is Eldrick Tont Woods. Yeah!
The son of Earl Woods and Kultida Woods. A truly dynamic family.
When Tiger Woods was born, both parents made a commitment to raise a champion. Even before Tiger Woods could talk, Earl had already started teaching him to play golf. Kultida was the mother who stayed in an unpleasant marriage for the sake of her son.
Eventually, it paid off, in a big way!
Tiger Woods became a global sensation. The highest-earning athlete at that time. He turned the tables everywhere he went. He did this at a time when blacks were not participating in golf.
In this book, the author details in a very interesting narrative the story of Tiger Woods from birth to his fall - and resurrection.
Yes, Tiger Woods fell. Badly. His sexual promiscuities caught up with him. He didn't have just one mistress, he had more than 20! In a tragic sense, Tiger Woods followed the footsteps of his father. His father was also a promiscuous man, the very reason his mother ended their marriage. One time Earl Woods and Tiger were headed for a competition when they stopped at a filling station. Earl went in to buy some items, but after some minutes Tiger didn't see his father. Knowing his father, he went in. He found his father having his way with a lady that works there. Tiger told him "Dad, you are better than this, let's get going". Sadly, Tiger never became better himself. Tiger himself said the difference between him and his father was that he had opportunity and wealth, which magnified what he did.
This is the most tragic part of this story. That the son became like his father, in his failing! In many ways his mother tried to protect the son from this side of his father, yet the son eventually found out and he became that way too. The mother will never forgive the father for this.
This is another theme in the book, how Tiger's family were always unforgiven to other people and to each other!
Other than this tragedy, you will find a sweet story of a family dedicated to their prodigy child who grew up to become a star in the world! Tiger brought millions to his family, status, recognition and respect. For Earl Woods, that was what he knew the child will become! Earl Woods had been saying that his son was one of the greatest of all times. That his son will change the world. That his son will become so great, he will be an international figure. It all came true!
I am awed by the belief Tiger Woods's father had in his son. And the sacrifices Kultida Woods made for her son! This book gave me some principles for parenting already! Of course, Tiger himself was a hardworking dude. He worked hard man! Very hard! There is no single golfer quoted in the story who claims to work harder than Tiger Woods. They all acknowledge his hard work.
The book covers so many different aspects of Tiger's life, his relationships, his professional engagements, his fall, and his resurrection! The authors did an excellent job, finding unusual sources!
3 Things I Picked From This Book
1. Hard work pays.
2. Believe in your children and help them get more opportunities than you had.
3. Sin will ruin you.