Media: Depp-Heard Case a "Set-back" for Women
I think it was more a set-back for believing the media have any idea how normal people think
NYT on Depp-Heard jury verdict:
Why Nobody Wins in the Depp-Heard Verdict
June 1, 2022
<<But the truth is, there are no real winners here.
Whenever liberals say “there are no winners,” they just lost. Same thing with Paula Jones and Bill Clinton. No, she got her reputation back and he lost his — and also was impeached (which, for a Democratic president, requires real crimes).
«The trial dredged up Depp’s history of substance abuse and violent outbursts. His text messages about his ex-wife, read aloud, were so crude they cannot be printed here. Heard admitted to hitting Depp, which she said was in self-defense. And she was forced to recount graphic details of alleged physical and sexual assault. She has also received death threats.Meanwhile, victims of domestic violence watched this case play out with horror.
Oh my gosh! I hope no false accusers of domestic violence are discouraged!
«It seems we are no wiser about the complicated and sometimes messy realities of intimate partner abuse. If anything we have perpetuated every last trope.The trial didn’t spark any new understanding about the #metoo movement.
I think our understanding is very clear: What started as the exposure of serious cases of sexual assault, rape, and sex trafficking at the highest levels (Weinstein, Epstein, Lauer, etc) was seized upon by dingbat feminists to cancel innocent men.
«Even after all our declarations of being better now, of having learned from the treatment of women like Monica Lewinsky or Britney Spears, we are no closer to being the kind of culture that does not televise such events, that does not capitalize on celebrity misfortune, that does not salivate over watching a woman brought low. As Lewinsky put it in an essay this week for Vanity Fair: We are all guilty.
Poor Monica! She just wanted to perjure herself to defeat a sexual assault case against the president — and that made news (despite the best efforts of the media).
How about the treatment Nick Sandman, Kyle Rittenhouse and Matt Gaetz?
«Earlier in the trial, I wrote about how the courtroom drama seems to have exposed our deepest misogynistic tendencies. Heard, whether you chose to believe her or not, has endured what is essentially a good, old-fashioned public pillorying — only memes have replaced the stones.
More like the #MeToo movement exposed the media’s deepest misandrist tendencies.
«And yet at the end of the day, this is about more than Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. This is about us.»
For half a century it has become de rigueur to win a cause by garnering pathetic sympathies by becoming a sniveling victim. Heard is the Target discount version of this product…a 3rd rate narcissistic loser at a dead end takes a shot at some attention, renewal and relevance by claiming faux victim status but she picked the wrong target. What next? Maybe now that her pants are down in public she might take a crack at porn. 🤣
Excellent commentary as always, Ann. As expected, this is also being twisted into a racial issue...because for the lunatic Left, EVERYTHING is a racial issue: https://www.theroot.com/amber-heard-verdict-sends-a-message-to-black-women-ever-1849004234?utm