
Who's Matthew McConaughey Arguing With? The Psycho Killers?

They're listening to the voices in their heads.

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They are mad at Republicans. Always. They hate us, hate our country, hate our history, hate our monuments. This is an exploitable tragedy and an exploitable tragedy is a terrible thing to waste. They are opposed to God Given Human Rights because they are sure there is no God. They are Pagans and believe in Pagan Autocracy. Our differences are irreconcilable. If only we were the Constitutional Republic described in the Tenth Amendment we might have a future. We could assemble in the state of our choosing and thrive. They could rot.

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How about if your caught with a gun that is illegal you due minimum 5 years federal crime

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Everybody has a medical marijuana card. Without a genuine medical need marijuana is junk. It just makes people stupid and god knows that bus is standing room only.

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People like Matthew McConaughey live in such a tiny, tiny echo chamber that they honestly think that the only possible solution to violent crime is the Democrat/Totalitarian/anti-American solution of "let's ban guns!". They literally think that's the entire equation, and anyone who dares object to the lunatic Left's "solution" is supporting mass murder. They are not even aware of other, far more effective options because they're part of an ideological movement that hates America so very much that they are eager to make it all collapse as quickly as possible and don't even want to spend the five minutes it takes to learn about the totality of the issue at hand.

They also know that if they present it as anything other than a one-dimensional black and white issue that they will lose. It's either 'our way' or 'you support mass murder' and for the Left there can be no complexity allowed and no middle ground.

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they always tell us that marijuana is not addictive and the only impact is has on you is to make you hungry and chill when you're smoking it. but I've known a couple of people who are heavy smokers and admitted to having nasty withrawal when they stop using it for a time.

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If you're predisposed to psychosis marijuana can, and often does, trigger an episode in first-time users with recurring psychotic episodes thereafter.

The incel shooters of Buffalo and Uvalde are exhibit A.

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EXCELLENT commentary! In my life, I've known several women who've been stalked by various people (ex husbands or boyfriends, weird neighbors, etc). everything Ann is saying about the need for concealed carry is SPOT ON.

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The left used to be very patient as they incrementally pushed for gun confiscation - not any more. And who would vote to let Dems and the comprised Right dictate red-flag laws?

Not me!

Nicely quaffed hair transplant, Mathew -- but that was your worst gig so far.

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The left assumes the point at issue. That taking guns away works.

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The gunman, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, PULSE NITECLUB EPIC FAIL SLEEPER CELL?

In May 2013 the Federal Bureau of Investigation declared Mateen to be “a person of interest” and launched a preliminary investigation of him after he told coworkers at a security firm that he had ties to al-Qaeda and Hezbollah. The 10-month investigation ended with no charges being filed against Mateen, but the FBI questioned him in 2014 after an associate of his became a suicide bomber for the Nusrah Front, a terrorist organization in Syria. THEN 2016

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This guy is an idiot. If you haven't already seen that...we are all too stupid....and we are doomed.

The media sends us a Hollywood actor to talk 2nd Amendment rights and gun violence. They also think we are stupid....

We will eventually be ruled by stupid rich and famous people --- hand-picked by the media and the politicians. Buy Gold and invest in microchip implants.

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