Ann? I hope you read Paul Revere's comment (below) that factually states some Founders indeed DID give their lives.
Also, the French 'jacobins' infiltrated the new American Republic - and their descendants TODAY are the Mobocracy that IS the so-called demoKKKrat 'party'
As early as the 70s, my High School history teacher was telling us "The American Flag is just a symbol", "America shouldn't call itself the greatest country", "Columbus only went on his voyage to make money", "America had no business intervening in Vietnam" and generally trashing Western culture and reminding us of the evil of Richard Nixon. At 16/17 I was naive enough to believe it.
Thank you so much for this, Ann! With academia currently in a Dark Age, your words of truth are needed more than ever. Your podcasts with polite guests have been great so far, but it's always best when you just speak to us. Your wisdom and perspective is sorely needed in the world, and I hope that historical corrections such as this one will be a frequent feature of Unsafe.
Ann? I hope you read Paul Revere's comment (below) that factually states some Founders indeed DID give their lives.
Also, the French 'jacobins' infiltrated the new American Republic - and their descendants TODAY are the Mobocracy that IS the so-called demoKKKrat 'party'
I didn’t know a lot of this thanks for sharing.
Happy Fourth of July Ann.
Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.
Good job Ann! Good to see you have your mojo back!
As early as the 70s, my High School history teacher was telling us "The American Flag is just a symbol", "America shouldn't call itself the greatest country", "Columbus only went on his voyage to make money", "America had no business intervening in Vietnam" and generally trashing Western culture and reminding us of the evil of Richard Nixon. At 16/17 I was naive enough to believe it.
You should wear blue more often, Ann. That really is your color.
The French tried to persuade Ben Franklin to stay in France after the peace with the British was signed. Franklin wisely declined.
Thank you so much for this, Ann! With academia currently in a Dark Age, your words of truth are needed more than ever. Your podcasts with polite guests have been great so far, but it's always best when you just speak to us. Your wisdom and perspective is sorely needed in the world, and I hope that historical corrections such as this one will be a frequent feature of Unsafe.
Happy Independence Day!