“To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven”
— The Byrds (and The Bible)
A heavy weight carried,
Yields a slow and difficult path.
I am not a hoarder, but I carry too much. I develop sentimental attachments to things and people. And I dare not miss out on the potential utility of something in a not too distant future.
The weight I carry slows me down. Bent over am I with many burdens. Some of them of my own choosing. Others not. They drag me down all the same. Feet shuffling. Body lumbering.
I wish instead to be light footed and free of spirit. No burdens to weigh me down. Quick and nimble. Feet agile. Body floating. Deftly maneuvering through this obstacle course called life.
I spend many a night awake... fretting over my burdens and their weight. If only I would set them down. Just kneel to Mother Earth. Let them roll off my back into her loving care. It would be so easy if only I would let go.
But letting go is the most difficult of all burdens. It clings like an unruly child. Gripping. Pulling. Playing on my heart strings like a virtuoso.
Letting go means separation... from things and people I’ve carried too long. They have their own inherent value no longer aligned with my own. We are all better off if I would just let go.
So today I try in earnest. It is a season of unburdening, acceptance and forgiveness. It is a time for lean, fast, efficient movement.
There is a season for everything.
In this one I must travel light.
Traveling light means letting go.
🤔 Food for Thought:
How much weight do you carry?
What burdens can you unload?
Must you lumber through life?
⚙️ One Small Step:
The best way I know of to let go? Focus intently on two things:
Other meaningful things you can make room for
The freedom and joy of no longer carrying that crushing weight