
"Oh, he's an immigrant."

Abortion ladies let the cat out of the bag on child rape in America.

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Immigration is the topic that made the most sense to me which Ann has brought up. It’s very weird that many other people don’t talk about it. As anti-Karen as I am immigration is the one topic that I just can’t seem to understand why it will not unite Americans. Many immigrants don’t understand what America is at its core and the freedoms that exist and why. Many immigrants who are not black also come in anti-black, I find this most common among Asian immigrants which doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Why not just stay in Asia since they claim it’s so great!?

I learned a LOT about the Hispanic community and the issues around sexual violence from this talk about equity which is important in the black community.


Jeff Duncan talks a lot about how Hispanic children who are commonly ESL learners are coming into the classroom traumatized because they are being raped at home by family members. It weird that so many people who talk about the Latino community talk about “family” and marriage as if it means the same thing to them as it does to most Americans when it does not. I don’t think this is true for the entire Hispanic community but for low income fresh off the boaters, they are coming from some really rough places and those men are not getting off of the boat as gentlemen. Look at the music coming out of the community, Annita bad bunny takashi69 maluma- every song is about hypersexualization and alcohol, every single song. It’s no wonder the community is in shambles and that community has never dealt with real American racism. There is no Latino Malcolm X or MLK who protested in civil rights movements in America all of that work was done by black Americans who fought for Americana. It’s ducking weird because we can’t all live here. Someone has to go

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To your question about why immigration isn't uniting Americans, it's like so many other things...people have been hectored by the anti-American Left for decades and conditioned into remaining silent about it because we've been told that it's "racist" to say anything negative about any ethic group (except White/Caucasian/Europeans) and that being concerned about the border and any ill effects an open border might have is "Nationalist" which too many recoil from just as much as they do from the danger of being called a racist.There's nothing at all wrong with Nationalism...it only means that you're a patriotic person who cares about their country and the country's culture but as with so many other terms the Left has twisted the word into being something dirty.

This is why the Left LOVES to change word definitions and police the language so aggressively...the words that people use and their perceived meanings do affect how people think about things and indeed how they vote. Changing the 'acceptable' definitions of words and bullying people into only using a new and 'accepted' word or definition is extremely effective in moving Leftist policy forward. Nobody wants to be called a 'racist' or a "Nationalist" so they are terrified of rallying around the immigration issue. This is how you destroy a Nation and a culture without firing a shot.

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Jul 18, 2022
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I feel the same way & I avoid using 'politically correct' or 'revised' language whenever & wherever I can. When thoughtful, engaged people encounter others who also resist politically-driven revisionism in language and culture they become encouraged to reject the toxic indoctrinal groupthink that is wrecking our country and our way of life. This is how the culture wars will be won.

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It's obvious that the efforts to keep certain words or language out of the press and off our TV screens is first and foremost. If we're not talking about it then it obviously doesn't exist. I purposely dropped this story from my mind as soon as I heard those words stumble out of Biden's mouth, and just recently catching back up on the obvious deception.

I'm happy letting Coulter do all leg-work on these stories. And nice city landscape in the background!

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I already provided all and Ann with the FBI Uniform Crime Report data for 2020 which shows that Hispanics have the very low number of rapists, but the largest number of rapists are good old boy White rapists. So what is your point in continuing to refer tonthisvsingle case of thev10 year old girl who was raped in Ohio and had to go to Indiana for an abortion. What is your point in continuing to this one case? Are you trying to emulate Law and Order Special Victims Unit which almost solely focuses on rapes of young children. It made Hartley a star.

As you know, I have done legal work on the constitutionality of State abortion laws. I have sent several emails to the Solicitor General and the attorneys for the Jackson Women’s Center, the Respondents in the Dobbs case urging them to file a Petition for Rehearing under S.Ct. Rule 44 arguing that the MS 15 week abortion law is unconstitutional under the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution. The argument is that if the State coerces a pregnant woman to go to term and endure labor and delivery and delivery against her intent and will when she wanted an early abortion but was prohibited from obtaining one under a State law, then she is subjected to State sponsored involuntary servitude violating the Thirteenth Amendment.

I am expecting the Solicitor General and Respondent attorneys to file this Petition by tomorrow, Tuesday, the deadline for doing so under SCt. Rule 44. This would reinstate Roe-Casey but with different standards or timelines as 5 or more Justices may agree to. No one raised this 13th Amendment before and it was not discussed in the Alito Dobbs opinion, though it should have been discussed.

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"So what is your point in continuing to refer tonthisvsingle case of thev10 year old girl who was raped in Ohio and had to go to Indiana for an abortion. "

How about this: pointing out that any nation already has enough home grown criminals, why insist on letting in more? It is funny when Jewish people vote liberal. They use the holocaust as a calling card of their victimization and special status because Big Government wiped out 6 million of them and then they can't wait to line up and vote for Big Government in the evil US. I guess they have no philosophical objection to gas chambers or abortion clinics as long as they are the ones dropping in the tablets or protesting the evil US. Fuck You.

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Wow let's bring in the Holocaust in reference to a little girl needing an abortion because she was raped by a Columbia. So, if she were raped by a Pole, or an Italian, or an Irish person, or a French person that would be OK? But a Columbian, oh my God!

Your last two words were the highest point of your intellect in your post.

Of course, you know Poles, Mr. Zilkowsky, worked actively with the Germans to annihilate the Jews. I grew up in an Eastern European neighborhood in Chicago. Since you have a Polish name, what did your family do in WWII?

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Why are Leftists so adamant that we increase the number of innocents killed? What is wrong with you people? Why is killing the most innocent the hill you want to die on? I don't get it!

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To a liberal, there's nothing more important than sexual freedom. I've never seen anyone more genital-obsessed than a lib.

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What in the world are you talking about? Have you read data on killings or are you just bloviating without facts?

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Vinas, in addition to the essential point Poinzy makes about sexual freedom, there's also the matter of the Left's need to devalue human life in order to further their political agenda.

When human life has value and is protected, we also tend to value things like The Individual as well as Family. When the Individual...and a human soul...has no value then it's The State (the 'collective') that takes precedence in all matters of human endeavor...including the family. We can see a multitude of examples where the definition of what a family is has been forcibly changed by The State and every day we hear examples of how the authority of families is being undermined in Government (State) schools. This is why pro-Life organizations also encourage traditional family life and it's why Leftist organizations are so violently triggered by them...it's because they remind everyone that an indiviual human soul and the family all matter tremendously and they are the keystones that hold Western Civilization together. Without them, it all collapses and The State moves in to take their place.

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Where you got your FBI crime report? From Law & Order SVU universe? According to them over 83% of rapists are upper class white people.

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Here is the FBI 2020 data. If you are able, you can search the data for other classifications.


You can search for other tables by race and ethnicity.

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From your own stats, Latinos are counted as Whites, that's explains why White people lead in the percentage of rapists.

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Sorry that is not correct. Click on the tab for Ethnicity and there are separate listings for Non-Hispanic and Hispanic rapists. There were in 2020 26,559 Not Hispanic rapists and 7,271 Hispanic rapists. A 3 to 1 or more ratio between NotHispanic and Hispanic rapists.

Facts are rough stuff.

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Sounds like a real cliff-hanger.

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I've had people tell me that we desperately need immigrants to come here because we aren't reproducing at high enough numbers... (that might be in part due to abortion?)

let's assume this is completely accurate. how about we start bringing them in from Europe?

the demographics of immigration should be proportionate to our national population, just like the Left wants crime statistics to be....

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when "Law & Order: SVU" does their version of this it will be an immigrant little girl and a white guy.

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Adios America is the first book I bought, followed by 12 others. It is still the best book she has written. It also has changed American history by basically helping Trump in 2016. For those who has not read this book, it is the must read - how much media and big tech / corp are hiding is astonishing, especially what she describes as "rape culture" of the third world that is arriving to the U.S.

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Liberals don't give a crap about women, children, Blacks, Latinos, gays or Muslims, they just using them as tools to dismantle Western Civilization.

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Ann, what in the world are you talking about? The Indianapolis Star published the entire story and they got it right unlike you, WSJ, Fox, NY Post and others lied about the case.

I published the 2020 rape statistics from the FBI, and rapes of children below 10 years of age were the fourth from the most frequent.

Your tirade is based on nonsense and false statements and a total lack of reference to data.

Immigrants to this country have routinely been termed filthy, dirty criminals by those who got here before them and then wanted the drawbridge raised so no more could get in. There was massive discrimination against Italians and Irish. Jews like myself were treated as not fitting within American society. Chinese were totally excluded from the US by law. Japanese citizens were put in detention camps in WWII. Blacks were referred to negatively despite there having been enslaved by White people and brought here involuntarily. French were hated when the US banned reference to French Fries. And of course there is the mother country of the U.S.: Great Britain, and during the Revolutionary War we killed them and held King George III in great contempt. Poles were looked down upon as were Lithuanians, Croatians and others. Then of course the Arabs are hated. And on and on. We hate everybody. What a world to leave for your children.

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Oh, grow up. It is not arrogance to correct your misuse of terms (whether deliberate or not), but it IS arrogant to refuse to admit it when you're wrong. And regardless of whether you're referring to illegals or not, they're STILL not "migrants." (Why is that so difficult for you to accept?) "Immigrant" refers to one who moves to a foreign country and takes up permanent residence there. "Migrant" refers to one who moves from place to place. That is literally the Webster's Dictionary definition. It's not my fault if you don't like what the words actually mean.

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From the OED --

Migrant -- A person or animal who migrates.

Migrate -- Of a person, a people, etc.: move from one country or place of residence to *settle* [emphasis mine] in another.

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Oh, and by the way, from Merriam-Webster, I quote:

"Definition of migrant: one that migrates: such as a: a person who moves regularly in order to find work especially in harvesting crops b: an animal that shifts from one habitat to another"

Doesn't say one word about permanent settlement.

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You sure don't have a sense of humor, do you?

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Not when it comes to the subject of immigration and the crimes committed by immigrant I don't, no.

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What edition/year of publication is your "OED" source? If it's within the last few years, then it is a reflection of the same politically-correct rewriting of the English language to which I referred earlier took place. My definition came from Webster's, edition several years BEFORE this rewriting of Language was underway. My definition is therefore the more original and more-accurate & correct one. Because this "to settle" addition is a recent one, I know that for a fact.

Nice try, though. But you don't win an argument by simply rewriting the words you don't like. That's the point.

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My OED is probably 30 years old.

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Then I call BS. You're lying. Because that definition for "migrant" was NOT in use in 1992 or even 2002.

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WTF? What reason would I have to lie? I'm actually trying to help you.

Anyway, I'm not going to snap a picture of the dictionary page and post the image for you. I've done my best.

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People lie for many reasons, some pathological in nature. I'm not your therapist, so I can't help you there. (Though I am puzzled as to why you join this substack if you can't even accurately call immigrants what they are.)

Point is, you & the other dude are just salty because I called you out for using the wrong terms & you still can't deal with it. Now grow up & get over it and move on.

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My God. Notice, Paul, that I took your dictionary quote on faith, that I didn't accuse you of lying? I don't know why you didn't extend me the same courtesy.

You really need to work on your social skills.

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Gentlemen, gentlemen when we are speaking of immigrants, non immigrants, aliens and illegals in relation to US immigration law these terms are defined by law, in the immigration act of 1952, not in dictionaries or encyclopedias which are common use definitions. There is no definition in our immigration law for the word ‘migrant’. None. The legal definition of ‘Alien’ are persons other than us Citizens and us nationals. Aliens bear no allegiance to the US. Persons present in the US, without being inspected and admitted are

‘Illegal aliens’. There are 2 categories of immigrants in US law, legal permanent immigrants and non immigrants, admitted for purposes other than permanent residency. There are no references to ‘migrants’ or ‘persons migrating’. ‘ Migrant’ has be taken up by the facist left to obscure what legal immigration means to the US and other Western countries. It’s created, it’s invented, it’s meant to confuse and contribute to the general chaos they seek. Binary, non, trans, other. Climate change. Equity, social justice, environmental justice, mandates. It’s all crap and invented to further chaos and hasten collapse of the West. I could be wrong!!

But maybe not.

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"Gentleman?" I'm being slandered! Lol.

Seriously, though, I didn't have a very powerful reaction to this latest podcast. I just noticed that other people did, for whatever reasons.

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Immigration gone too far? Wife is Canadian and over the years we visited via Toronto I noticed the explosion of immigration there. If you’re a native Canadian good luck competing for jobs. In my opinion.

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Don’t sell yourself short. It’s your certain conclusion based on your experience. And you are EXACTLY correct.

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Very good point!

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Having lived and worked in a third world country I can tell you Ann is entirely correct. The only problem it is to late we are already in a third worlld situation. The only light in the tunnel that I can see is a oncoming train Yikes!

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Biden’s handlers are imbeciles..

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This is a reminder that Adios America (a) is (like Demonic) at times blood-curdling in its description of horrific crimes, (b) contains the wonderful line “Arkrin Taecharatanaprasert, of the Back Bay Taecharatanapraserts,” and (c) in audio book form, has the hilarious excerpt of Ann reading all of the silly names.

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But-but-but Ann, if Democrats insist on aborting their future voters, don't they need to replace them?

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They’re multi taskers and after they destroy everything necessary they won’t need no stinking voters.

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BTW, Ann, it sounds like you need more aggressive limiting on your mic. You might want to talk to your engineer about it.

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Family members of offenders might be taking into account what happens to kiddie rapers in prison. I'm not saying that it's right, but it is human nature to think about stuff like that.

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Is there anyway to research local crime, meaning know if they are illegal immigrants? Is it public information? It should be. And the “mother” of the 10 year old- telemundo tried to interview her through a 2 inch opened door. Can she speak English? Is she an illegal immigrant? And one more thing. Lol. Ann, you never talk about Schwab/The Great Reset.. maybe I’ve missed it but I watch Bannon and globalists/oligarchs/DC swamp look to be working in synchrony and an open border is just another means to their end.

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Thank you for your follow up of this important matter.

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Jul 18, 2022
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I didn’t realize how many members of the Muslim community utilize poverty programs and public housing.

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In any discussion of the subject, it is extremely important to use the correct, proper and accurate terms. Too many people use the words "migrant" and "immigrant" interchangeably, under the mistaken belief that the two words mean the same thing. They do not. An "immigrant" is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country, with an "illegal immigrant" being one who violates the law to do so. A "migrant" by contrast refers to a worker who moves from one place to another to find work, often according to the seasons, with no intention of obtaining permanent residence. Clearly, the latter term is not applicable here, and so it should not be used.

This substitution of terms is a deliberate attempt by the media to obfuscate the issue but using softer, more euphemistic terms, in order to imply that illegal immigrants somehow have some sort of "right" to be here (as in, "a right to return," "this use to be their land," etc. and other pseudo-arguments.) It is nothing more than a ruse on the part of the Left wing media which should be recognised, resisted and avoided.

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Yes. That’s also why they use the terms like ‘progressive’ and ‘liberal’ when referring to themselves or their counterparts. Who really could object to rationally ‘progressive’ thought? Or rationally ‘ liberal ‘ thought. The implication is they are ‘enlightened, , sophisticated, opening the door for the ‘lesser’to view their bright new world.

They are facists.

They are not enlightened or genuinely interested in doing good.

They want you, no demand , not only that you sit down and shut up but sit down shut up and nod your head in approval. Otherwise you might end up in a DC jail.

If goebbels were to interview these trash for positions in the ‘swamp’ it wouldn’t be 10 seconds before leaping to his feet and shrieking ‘ WELCOME ABOARD COMRADES ’

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Jul 18, 2022
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You used the word "migrant," which is not the correct term when discussing immigration. Please go back and re-read my original comments if you didn't understand. (I even provided dictionary definitions for you just to make it easier.) Whether the people involved are Muslims, whether you want to call them "refugees" or whatever, is completely irrelevant to the discussion. Whether they are illegal or "refugees," they are still immigrants, not "migrants." It really is no more complicated than that.

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