The Alchemical Transformation of America, Part 3
COVID-19: The Great Work & Magnum Opus of the Elite
This is part three of the series The Alchemical Transformation of America; my continuation of a previous author’s work titled The Failed Alchemical Transformation of America. See part one here. See part two here.
A salesman who is bad at his job (most of them) will make you feel pressured and uncomfortable, while a good salesman is invisible (you never know he sold you.) Should you find yourself sitting across the table from a good salesman, perhaps in negotiations to make a large purchase of some kind, and he senses you are leaning towards a ‘no’ he will start to nod his head in agreement. Often you will find yourself then nodding in agreement, and before you know it you’ve signed ‘on the line that is dotted.’ There is a saying in sales, ‘motion creates emotion.’ If you can change someone’s physical motions, you can change their mood and their mind. This is, I think, one of the reasons 9/11 failed to alchemically transform America; it required no physical action on the part of the masses.
There were other failures too. The World Trade Center had long been a target of terrorism specific to that location, so while the event itself was shocking it wasn’t something Americans outside NYC expected to repeat itself in their hometowns. Then there was the matter of information control, which ~20 years ago was something the government had yet to fully master. Somewhat infamously, a BBC news anchor reported the collapse of Building 7 (Salomon Building) before it occurred and while it could still be seen standing behind her shoulder.
The video above has remained on YouTube uncensored for 15 years. Other videos and even feature length films questioning the official 9/11 ‘narrative’ were made and posted to YouTube, or even appeared in theaters. The flow of information was most certainly not under control post 9/11. The Alchemists learned a lot from these mistakes, and the next time they attempted to alchemically transform our country much less was left to chance.
Back in May of 2020, an article appeared on the web pointing out that “mask wearing, hand washing, social separation and lockdowns are age-old occult rituals.” You can read it in full here, and I’ve included some highlights below.1 It probably goes without saying that I connected with the author’s perspective, though his approach is a bit more Biblical than mine. From the Mystery Schools of ancient Greece, to the esoteric branches of world religions that form The Perennial Tradition, to the jr. occult elite of Skull and Bones, students who want occult knowledge must first undergo an initiation and prove themselves worthy. While the specifics of initiation may vary, common elements include isolation, surrender, sacrifice, and submission. The Skull and Bones initiation ritual is said to involve isolating the initiate in a coffin, symbolizing the ‘death’ of the man he’d been, later to emerge from the coffin reborn a ‘new man.’
Let’s start by examining the four distinct, but interrelated, occult rituals that make up this massive global occult ritual initiation ceremony:
Ritual Mask-Wearing
Ritual Hand-Washing
Ritual “Social Distancing”
Ritual Lockdowns
In the course of examining these four occult rituals, I’ll do my best to explain to you how each one is part of an elaborate stage play designed to symbolically initiate the people of this world into their new positions in a new global order…
And in raising themselves to the position of your new sovereign, and muzzling you like a dog in the process, they alchemically create a new you in a new role under new rulers. That’s the alchemical transformational change involved in the ritual… In making you wear the mask, the powers-that-be are initiating you into their new order. They’re demoting you from your position as a sovereign representative on earth to the Most High God, to your new position as a dependent slave to their system…
To the occultists, this forced occult ritual washing of the hands reverses Pilate’s public handwashing ritual, which, for the last 2,000 years, has put the onus for Christ’s death on the hands of the ritualists themselves, and absolved Christ (and the Romans) of all guilt…
Symbolically speaking, the ritual of “social distancing” — at the magical “six feet” apart – is the part of the initiation ritual that SEPARATES YOU from Christ.
There are basically four stages to an isolation ritual:
Stage 1: Isolation for purification (you’re cut off from the normal, and thrust into a “new normal” that’s completely different than your past life)
Stage 2: Surrender to the “new normal.” This often involves being given a token gift (think “stimulus check”) leading the initiate believe he’s being well-taken care of by his new overlords, so there’s no need to rebel against the new order one is being initiated into.
Stage 3: Sacrifice. No gift can be given without something being taken. In this case, your dignity…your sovereign independence…your voice…your individual power on this earth as a representative of the Word of the Most High God – all of these things, and more, are being taken from you in exchange for the cold “comfort” of a new way in a new world.
Stage 4: Submission. Think: Mandatory vaccines. Social tracing. The willing acceptance of new rules for a new order.
Once again, the idea is that the “new person” being initiated into the “new order” needs to be psychologically, if not physically, purged of the old way, before gradually being initiated into the new way.
- Steve Barwick (Emphasis Mine)
From the start of the covid era, motion was required: stay home, wear this, stand here, don’t go there, isolate from others. This motion indeed created much emotion, especially fear and a sense of dislocation that persist to some extent now more than two years later.
I’ve noticed that Europeans still call it Coronavirus vs. COVID-19. If there is one thing the Elite Alchemists hate it’s mockery, which is probably why the satirical site Babylon Bee is always getting cancelled. Early on it was clear to me that ‘Coronavirus’ would be an impediment to creating the kind of fear needed to alchemically transform us: Between sounding like a beer, and lending itself to silly nicknames like ‘the rona,’
it was just too easy to make a joke of it. Once humorous songs started coming out, the name had to go.
COVID-19 sounds so much more serious. Not only is it hard to make a funny rhyme with, the new name incorporated 9-1-1 as mentioned here in part one of this series. My personal take on the occult meaning of the name is Control/Divide. Either way, once ‘covid’ replaced Corona there was a lot less joking about it. It was also a harbinger of the unprecedented control of information that would become commonplace thereafter.
The expression “Revelation of the Method” describes a step in the alchemical transformation of society by an occult elite. It is thought that by making the masses aware of what is going to be happening to them, when it later does happen it will be considered consensual - at least on a karmic level.
- Slugdaddy, Revelation of the Method: Amazon's Upload
Unlike the somewhat sloppy predictive programming concerning the collapse of the WTC towers that appeared before 9/11, what was came out before and during covid appears engineered (not unlike the virus.) We’re told the original SARS virus appeared in 2002; kicking off a brave new world of genetic coronavirus research, ostensibly to prevent another outbreak, which continues to this day. Starting in the late 2000s several movies and TV series incorporating respiratory viruses and their ‘cures’ as antagonists appeared; including V for Vendetta, Contagion, Utopia, Songbird, and Children of Men.
I re-watched Children of Men last weekend, as it had been on my mind during preparation for this article. The film is set in England 2027, and could most easily be described as ‘What Happens After The Great Reset.’ An infertility crisis has destabilized society, with the last known baby born 18 years earlier in 2009. The Elite in the movie live as now, cloistered away from the masses in decadent luxury. There is a migrant crisis, which appears to have been a failed attempt at replacing the dwindling native population. The masses now live in a chaotic police state, where despair over the apparent end of humanity has clearly taken its toll. It turns out there is a noble savage migrant women who has become pregnant, and the protagonist Theo (played by Clive Owen) is tasked with smuggling her out of the country to safety with members of The Human Project, a group of scientists working to ‘solve’ infertility on the ship Tomorrow. Throughout Children of Men the cause of the infertility is said to be a mystery, at least to the characters. The viewer, however, is given plenty of clues to illuminate what really happened.
Theo and his former wife had a child who died after contracting a particularly bad flu virus during a pandemic in 2008. A year later the last human child was born. Theo’s father speculates that “genetic experiments” might be the cause of the infertility. Left unsaid is what happened between the flu pandemic and the end of babies, but we already know how governments respond to pandemics: mass vaccination. Perhaps most interesting is that the characters in the movie have never connected the dots; much like today where the masses can’t or won’t accept that made-up illnesses like SADS, or the sudden drop in fertility worldwide, are connected to the experimental genetic mass vaccination campaign.
There is something comforting to me about nurses; I find them much more pleasant in general than doctors. Throughout the world the Nurse is an icon representing care, help in a time of need, and a return to good health. Sadly, during the early days of the pandemic the image of the Nurse was exploited for occult purposes. At a time when the public was being told we needed to lockdown to relieve the strain on the healthcare system, videos of dancing nurses began to appear everywhere. Not just freestyle dancing, but coordinated dance routines that would have required some practice to get right. Weird how so few people questioned how the dancing nurses found the time, what with a ‘deadly’ pandemic raging and overcrowding the hospitals.
Our Alchemical Elite love a good ‘inside joke.’ It must be quite hilarious to them that no matter how often they show the masses exactly what the game is, the masses never catch on and realize the joke is on them. Consider the ‘traveling nurses’ phenomena, especially during the spring of 2020 in NYC, at the very beginning.
Nurses flew all over the country to help treat covid patients where needed. As frontline healthcare workers, these nurses were the most likely people to be infected with covid and to spread it to others, especially patients. (covid spreads best in hospitals and nursing homes) Additionally, relatively young and fit nurses were unlikely to get all that sick from the disease, and many may have been infected without realizing they’d caught the CV. Flying them from hospital to hospital where they treated covid patients was portrayed as heroic. In reality, as we watched and cheered the traveling nurses bravely flying “thousands of miles” to and fro, we were watching them seed the virus throughout the nation.
I have discussed the covid information war in a previous article. Unlike 9/11, there would be no public discussion of covid allowed on any major media platform. As early as January 2020, the site Zero Hedge was banned from Twitter for daring to point out the suspicious location of the Wuhan lab in relation to the coronavirus outbreak. In the years that followed, record numbers of dissidents were ‘cancelled’ by media companies, information questioning the narrative was removed in record time, and the masses were repeatedly admonished not to do their own research. Just this week information included in a FOIA release showed conclusively how much the Biden government intervened to affect this censorship regime.
Beginning sometime in mid 2019, it appears a concerted effort was made to remove any people or information that might enlighten the masses as to the nature of the scamdemic they would soon find themselves immersed in. Most notably, the (untimely?) death of Cary Mullis, perhaps the one man best equipped to spoil the plan. Additionally, a paper putatively defending the position of Mullis and other HIV contrarians, with numerous parallels to covid, was retracted in October 2019 over 5 years after publication… I could go on, but you lived through it too.
Alchemists believe in a concept called The Great Work, or Magnum Opus. “This involves spiritual transformation, the shedding of impurities, the joining of opposites, and the refinement of materials. Exactly what the end result of this profound transformation is, varies from author to author; it could be, self-realization, communion with divinity, fulfillment of purpose, etc.”2 Ceremonial Magician Eliphas Levi, the original creator of the image of Baphomet, describes The Great Work in terms of will.
The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will.
- Eliphas Levi
Consider the image of Baphomet, described by Levi as “a symbolic representation of [the] magnetistic-magical concept of the Astral Light”3 (aka an image of God). We can surmise any Magnum Opus/Great Work springing from this Left Hand Path (LHP) interpretation of the world would contain the stuff of nightmares.
Some 28 months into the the Alchemists’ Great Work, we can observe the alchemical transformation covid has wrought. Much of it is indeed nightmarish.
The 15 Days to Slow the Spread lasted about 2 years, during which time Americans learned to speak a new language; including such gems as ‘the new normal,’ ‘mask up,’ ‘follow the science,’ etc.
Family members came to view each other not as beloved relations, but as potential vectors of disease.
Young children were forcibly muzzled, some for years on end.
Many small businesses were destroyed, and $5 Trillion in wealth was redistributed from the masses to the occult elite.
An astounding 97.1% of the U.S. population over 16 has taken at least one dose4 of the experimental genetic vaccines, despite record reported injuries and the now-obvious negative efficacy against infection, hospitalization, and now death.
Families have been divided by propaganda directed at the unvaccinated; causing hostility, divorce, anger, and resentment.
Truth is now treason.
It’s possible up to 2.9 Million Americans have become permanently disabled, and perhaps 1/2 as many have died, as a direct result of The Great Work.
Behold the majesty of the Alchemists’ transmutation, brought to you by people who view the Baphomet as an accurate depiction of God.
As Alex Jones is fond of saying, “the propaganda wouldn’t be necessary if the situation was hopeless.” We who have eyes to see need to continue speaking out - this series is one way for me to do so. Ultimately, in order to escape or reverse The Great Work of the Elite Alchemists, Americans need to reconnect with the divine spirit. Whether this takes the form of Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, or just nature is really irrelevant; what matters is connecting with it, and disconnecting from the false reality of the Magnum Opus of evil.
Absent a spiritual awakening, it is hard to imagine solutions that don’t involve the break-up of the United States. Perhaps, we have already entered the world of Children of Men. I suspect that by the end of 2022 much that remains hidden will have been revealed. What remains of our nation, we will have to wait and see.
In more material terms, the lockdown and isolation were necessary to get people to accept the mask (for the privilege of leaving their homes again.) The mask was necessary to get people to take the experimental shot (both for the visual reminder of danger that masks signaled, and for the privilege of taking the mask off.) At that point, having received the sacrament of vaccination, the newly initiated became the unwitting but eager accomplices of the Alchemists.
Catherine Beyer
Julian Strube
ABC News
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Dude, where's my Hatteras?
Slugdaddy, this 3 part series is incredible and should be required reading. The writing style is easy to understand and the entire piece is full of enough information for a reader to come to their own conclusion without feeling overwhelmed by unnecessary clutter. This one is going into my saved folder for future reference and reflection. Thanks for the work you put into this enlightening series!
WOW…just WOW! As I say when something hits me on a deep level…OUT OF THE BALLPARK! I will only say, we are fighting a spiritual war. I’ve known this for 2+ years. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” - Ephesians 6:12