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2020 was the year of the “pandemic” and 2021 was the year of DEATHVAX™ and 2022 is the year of boosters:
We are seeing significantly higher total deaths this year and there are 5 more months still left to report!
Expect the upcoming cold and flu season to literally wipe the Israeli VAIDS sufferers over the coming months.
Remember, Israel is Pfizer’s petri dish and as such is 2 or more boosters ahead of the rest of the world; therefore, Israel is now first to express the true bio-holocaust nature of the DEATHVAX™ program that every other highly injected nation is also careening toward.
Do NOT comply.
Call me paranoid, but the more time goes by, the more I'm wondering -- was it just coincidence that Israel was talked into the sacrificial lab-rat role? I can think of a few entities that would like to 'disappear' the Jewish state by any means possible.
But what I can't figure out is how they convinced our leaders to risk millions of us in this sadistic experiment. It's not like any of them forgot what "NEVER AGAIN" means -- there's no Israeli who didn't lose relatives either in Holocaust 1.0 or in some crazed Muslim massacre.
So what did the Body Snatchers do to them? Hypnosis? Blackmail?
It’s so frustrating to see this happening and feel so helpless. You warn others and so many don’t believe you or think you’re crazy.