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Hi beautiful friends,
I have been gone most of the summer, and I just got back to Nashville this week, which I am so excited about! This summer has been beautiful and activating and everything in between. I love traveling and meeting new people, but my introverted self also loves being home and in a routine. My body is craving that routine now.
A few weeks ago I took a major break from my phone. I deleted every social media and dating app. I paid attention to how I was feeling emotionally, and I felt actual withdrawals at first. Phones take up so much space, mentally and emotionally that is. They allow us to never be bored. Often times they enable us to not feel our feelings too. If we feel in any way uncomfortable, we can pick up our phone, scroll mindlessly or swipe on dating apps, and sort of leave our lives in a way. We aren’t present everything in front of us.
Y’all this shit was created to addict us! Tech companies literally call us users. Only drug dealers call us users! I found that I kept picking up my phone without realizing to check apps and then would remember that everything was deleted! Ha, it’s so addicting! After a few days though, I felt so much better! I felt lighter, less heavy, and depressed, and I was more present to my life.
So I had an idea… A few years ago I bought a book called How To Break Up With Your Phone. I never did all of the practices it said to do but even in doing just a few of them, I could tell a massive difference in my overall wellbeing.
For the month of September, I am going on a digital detox guided by this book and I would love to invite you to go through it with me!
It’s a book that takes a month to go through, and ideally, by the end, you will have begun a new relationship with your phone. The message of the book isn’t that we shouldn’t have phones or use them, but a great point the author, Catherine Price, makes is even when you break up with people, it is an option to have a healthy different type of relationship with them post-breakup. I have someone in my life that I dated and we were completely unconsciously co-dependent. After breaking up and doing our own inner work separately though, we found we were able to create a new, healthy relationship with each other. I want that for myself and my phone. I want that for you too.
Here is my plan for our September Digitial Detox together. I will start the day after Labor Day on September 6th, and I would absolutely love to have you join me. I have always done better with accountability and our phones are an addiction! This is open to anyone who is signed up for my $6/month Substack membership. We will meet a few times during the month to check-in. I will send you emails to share what it’s been like for me with journal prompts, and I would also love to hear how it’s going for you. I will also be offering some emotional release techniques for anyone that is interested in joining me!
What do you think? would you want to go on this journey with me?!
Technology and food have always been my main ways of numbing and not staying present, so I am so excited for the spaciousness this will create. What will I create, make, explore, or experience if I am not distracted by my phone? If I allow myself to get bored? What connection, laughter, and intimacy will I experience in person with my friends? I am excited and nervous!
Our first digital detox meeting will be on September 6th from 6-7 PM CST to discuss our goals, fears, and intentions for the month. I would be thrilled to go on this journey with you!
Get your own copy of How To Break Up With Your Phone for the detox.
Keep reading to see what’s coming up in the Love’s Invitation community.
1:1 Love Reflections Sessions are expanding!
I’m opening up my Love Reflection Sessions to be able to join ongoing (while spaces are available.) And it’s expanding!
We will have 10 weeks together now. This will include 8 1:1 sessions with 2 weeks for integration. You’ll have personal Voxer support with me throughout all 10 weeks too!
If you’ve been wanting to explore this with me, I’d love to chat with you more on a discovery call. I truly fall in love with each and every one of the beautiful souls I have the honor of working with and treasure the deep work we get to do together.
If you’re interested in working with me, learn more and apply for a discovery call.
A new Love’s Invitation conversation with Robert Mulhall
The latest Love’s Invitation podcast is out, and I want to hear what’s resonated with you. This is a beautiful conversation I had with my friend and brother, Robert Mulhall. We met at a training this past year, and I instantly felt his grounded presence. I think you will too, and I’m so excited to introduce him to y’all!
Here’s a sneak peek (above) of our beautiful talk where Robert shares his experience with non-dualism. I can’t wait for you to listen to our whole conversation and hear what you take away!
A few extra things I wanted to share with you this week:
→ Nothing Arrived by The Villagers
Let this song inspire you to create a little space this month for nothing.
→ Brain Health with Catherine Price: In this talk, Catherine Price shares about the connection between our phones, brain health, and overall well-being. This is why I’m so excited for this detox.
If you're joining the detox, find your own copy of Catherine's book to go through together.