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I want to get better at giving presentations
I had an amazing opportunity to speak to a group of students yesterday. The class was “online writing”, which is obviously a subject matter I know about.
I enjoyed giving the presentation, although afterwards, I felt as though I could have done better.
I can speak at length about online writing, because it’s something I know a lot about. However, I do not know how to be an orator. I don’t know how to manage a crowd or how to navigate a subject matter from beginning to end in the form of a unified story.
The timing of this experience is perfect, because I’ve recently committed to becoming a better speaker and learning how to better use inflection points when I speak.
I feel as though I am going to be flooded with speaking opportunities over the coming months and years. My career will require me to speak to more people, take more meetings, tell more stories, and more engaging conversations.
I need to get better.
So what’s my plan?
First, I am going to continue watching this video. This is one of the most helpful videos or lessons I’ve ever seen in the subject matter of speaking.
Second, I am going to practice.
Every episode of the podcast we record, I am going to be mindful of my voice, my pace, and my tone.
I will also say yes to every podcast request I am sent.
In addition, I will be more active in trying to get myself on other people’s podcasts.
Reps, reps, reps.
Third, I am going to slowly think about how to generate more speaking gigs.
There has to be a reason why speaking opportunities are coming my way. I’ve been offered three speaking gigs this month.
Could it be that being a public speaker is something that is added to my persona?
We’ll see.
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Ship30for30 - Ship 30 for 30 is a cohort-based course that has taught over 4,000 students the fundamentals of writing on the internet.
The Bootstrapper - the average millionaire has 7 - 12 streams of income. What's stopping you from generating passive income and multiple revenue streams of your own? Get access to frameworks, high level courses, networking and community.
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