Senate Report: SARS-CoV-2 likely came from Wuhan Lab
Another "Conspiracy Theory" turns out to be factually correct
Image Caption: Map showing the locations of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Huanan Seafood Market.
On October 27, 2022, a Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) published an interim report titled “An Analysis of the Origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Its authors conclude that the origin of SARS-CoV-2 was more likely a “research related incident” in a lab, and not zoonotic.
For readers unfamiliar with the details of the Lab Leak vs. Natural Zoonotic debate on the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the 35-page document (including 225 citations) is well worth reading in full. For those familiar with the well-documented activities of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s BSL-4 lab (which opened in 2017), the report’s conclusion comes as no surprise.
As is often the case in official investigative reports of catastrophes that are represented to the public as unforeseen and still containing elements of mystery, the Senate report raises as many questions as it answers. Some notable omissions include:
1). Given that there is little to no evidence (serological or epidemiological) to support the natural zoonotic origin hypothesis, why did our government officials and mainstream media immediately and vehemently insist that this was the origin?
2). What is the significance of e-mails (obtained by FOIA requests) between Anthony Fauci, American infectious disease experts, and Jeremy Farrar (director of the Wellcome Trust) when news of SARS-CoV-2 first broke? Their correspondence reveals their concern that the virus originated in a lab. Why, after exchanging these private e-mails, did these officials then insist to the public that the virus was of natural zoonotic origin? Why did they have an interest in denying the indications that the virus leaked from a lab instead of investigating this probable scenario?
3). Likewise, why did the Lancet—one of the most prestigious medical journals in history—publish an open letter by Jeremy Farrar, Peter Daszak et al. on February 19, 2020, aggressively condemning the lab leak hypothesis as calumnious “conspiracy theory”? This question is all the more pressing when one considers that Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance is widely suspected of (and now being sued for) making key contributions to the gain of function research that was performed on bat coronaviruses in the Wuhan BSL-4 lab. Why didn’t the Lancet’s editor spot this obvious conflict of interest?
4). Why have public officials and the mainstream media consistently ignored the warnings of the Harvard Phd, Rutgers University Professor, Dr. Richard Ebright, who has been sounding the alarm about the danger of a leak from the Wuhan BSL-4 lab since it was poised to open in 2017? Dr. Ebright’s chronology shows a clear evidentiary trail leading to the Wuhan BSL-4 lab.
5). Given the initial assertion that SARS-CoV-2 was of natural zoonotic origin, why haven’t public officials all over the world and the World Economic Forum waged a sustained campaign to improve the inhumane and unsanitary conditions of China’s live animal markets? The WEF is always lecturing westerners about the need to implement more humane and sustainable agricultural and dietary practices. Why doesn’t that club of billionaires use their wealth and influence to clean up China’s live animal markets? Wouldn’t this be a great cause for Leonardo DiCaprio, whose 1998 film Titanic was the highest grossing in China for a decade?
Calling Leonardo DiCaprio! Leo, get off the supermodel, get on your plane, and get to China in order to prevent massive cruelty to animals and save mankind!
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My thoughts exactly
No mention of Event 201, Wuhan Military Games, Ralph Baric GOF work, CDC closing Ft Detrick in July due to safety violations at same time mystery pneumonia outbreaks in VA nursing homes, Barics material transfer agreement with Moderna for coronavirus vaccines in December 2019, Fauci 2017 prediction of an outbreak before the end of Trumps term, CIA’s Michael Callahan presence in Wuhan in December-January, Trump classifying HHS meetings on COVID preparations in January before US had its first case, etc.
You don’t conclude accidental release before investigating intentional release and WIV is not the only suspect. That reports a white wash-limited hangout.
It does provide good evidence of why its not natural origin and why it is lab origin, but thats only 1/2 the truth
Heinous crimes perpetrated on a global scale against common people: carried out by as well as aided and abetted by multiple government institutions, world leaders, inter-governmental organisations, corporate business leaders, NGO's, key politicians across the political spectrum, major media companies as well compliant journalists, scientists and medical professionals and scientific publications. I would want to cover that up too. Was it not all done with good intentions after all? That way we can continue to pretend that the Nazis and adherents are the last and only vestiges of sophisticated mass evil in the world.